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Everything posted by jakee

  1. You are talking to the man who once advised against raising tax rates on the ultra rich because they might not be able to afford to eat out at nice restaurants anymore. So really, asking Jeff Bezos to settle for maybe having to choose between going to the moon and building a yacht so big it needs bridges to be demolished really is going too far. What are we, Marxists?
  2. Or maybe they just care about providing healthcare and helping the poor, like you... do? Don't? I don;t know anymore. Do we have to open the box and collapse the waveform to find out which position you're taking in any given 30 second block right now?
  3. Are you gonna tell that to the guy in the other thread who think taxes are just pointless envy? I don't think he wants to redistribute any money from wealthy people to poor people.
  4. What are you doing with your other hand? Anyway, if you think that’s not ever happening anyway, why the rush? The election is happening this year - so maybe you could prioritise?
  5. There’s a general assumption that normal people understand what taxes are for.
  6. So you’re not being sarcastic, you are genuinely peddling this bullshit? Pick a fucking lane.
  7. But you're not saying that it is, because you're not arguing the state of the economy, right? Yeah buddy, I'm sure someone out there believes you.
  8. So you agree that it's a problem that so many people incorrectly think that Trump would be better for the economy, and would consider voting for him despite his stated desire to overthrow democracy and the constitution. So what are you doing to try and persuade those people that they are wrong?
  9. So, a liar who doesn't really stand for anything. Yeah, that's what I said.
  10. This whole subject is highlights such a contradiction in the right wing world view. The case study of Brent (a true believer in trickle down economics and being nice to billionaires because they make all the jobs) and Musk (a billionaire who employs lots of people) is pretty weird. Musk: Builds Tesla into the most valuable company in the world with 140,000 US employees, which I'd imagine are skewed heavily towards highly paid tech jobs. Brent: Tesla is a joke and I can't wait for it to fail! Musk: Builds SpaceX into a $100Bn company with 15,000 US employees (again many well paid tech jobs) and resurrects the US from a country who could no longer reach the ISS on their own back to the undeniable global leader in space. Brent: Only a liberal moron would think SpaceX is what success looks like! Musk: Buys Twitter as a going concern, tanks its income streams, wipes 75% off its value, and fires 80% of its workforce (often illegally), making thousands of people unemployed and publically mocking any of them who dare complain. Brent: These are the greatest days that the world of Business has ever seen and Elon Musk is a god like genius! Almost like he's not really judging the merits...
  11. Utter bullshit, and trying to hide behind Google is just sad. You’re obviously talking bollocks, so just man up and admit it. Utter bullshit again. You may disagree with Biden’s policies but he’s not a piece of shit because of that. You’re demonstrating the absolute worst of America’s broken, divisive politics right now. Why is that who you want to be?
  12. Why? What point are you using that fact to support?
  13. Try blowing that dog whistle a bit harder next time, I don’t know if I quite got the point you were trying to make.
  14. So? What’s your point? ”People think it’s bad” ”It’s really not” ”Yeah but they think it is” … Ok. And? Where do you want to go with that thought?
  15. Not the saddest attempt at trolling I’ve ever seen - but gets bonus points since some people consider you as one of the guys who should know better.
  16. These are all very flowery and persuasive sentiments... But I notice you haven't elaborated on even one specific thing you think liberals are doing which is unconstitutional, hateful or bigoted. Almost as if there really aren't any.
  17. Some people can tell the difference between an oppressed population seeking self determination and an oppressive ruling class seeking to continue oppressing and subjugating. And some people are clueless.
  18. Though for the sake of balance Brent himself has been very clear that his wife is an independently successful woman making her own decisions, vehicular and otherwise (IIRC).
  19. I haven't, so I can only go by the stuff he chooses to tell us. If he doesn't really believe the racist, pro-confederacy stuff he posts that's his problem, not mine.
  20. That's what happens when reality is on my side and hypocrisy is on yours.
  21. Winsor has a habit of posting staggeringly racist things, and a habit of defending the Confederacy as the unjustly injured party. My assertion is a pretty straightforward 'if x then y' of Winsor's own words. By contrast, you have absolutely nothing to say about the topic as per usual and are simply posting an ad hom that serves no purpose than to be an ad hom, as you often do with several different people here. The needling is entirely yours and entirely pointless.
  22. Do you agree with Winsor's message?
  23. But it just kills you they couldn't stretch it out a bit longer.
  24. Absolutely, 100% yes it was. Honestly right, when you said this “oh wait, making a sex tape with an underage minor is perfectly legal?“ did you seriously think people would understand that you actually meant any of what you said above? Of course they wouldn’t. So, is it really so hard to just say what you mean?
  25. Then what in the actual fuck was your point?