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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2022 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    Wow. You are really out in left field. I didn't assume the conclusion; I provided it. You have been provided facts and your response is Twitter and YouTube opinions from those that align with your position. They are wrong. You are wrong. Try reading the depth of research rather than regurgitating the gospel of others who are wrong. It's like JohnRich and 100th Monkey had an illegitimate son.
  2. 4 points
    Literally you: Idiocracy: Brawndo Has What Plants Crave! - YouTube
  3. 2 points
    I have no problem living in a nanny country. Your right to kill yourself doing shit you are not ready for is to me way less important than: 1) the grief you cause an instructor (who is a whole different animal from the US-version) who has to reason with a bull headed jumper without being able to throw the rulebook at him 2) traumatising everyone who you force to watch you femur in 3) the bereavement of those you leave behind 4) the bad image you project onto the sport 5) and even the paperwork you cause the emergency responders. The Dutch rules limit your canopy choice and wingloading based on the canopy model, your total number of jumps, the number of jumps you made in the past twelve months. (https://skydivekompasroos.nl/en/). They are complained about by many, but I have never found them too restrictive. These days a Chief Instructor can allow a jumper to jump a canopy one size smaller than the rules mandate. If more leeway is wanted, you can apply to the national organisation (KNVvL) for a waiver. This obviously applies to normal progression. If, say, I was to start jumping tomorrow after the corona-break, the guide posted would put me on a first jump canopy (which I would seriously consider anyway). The rule however is that I have to make my first jump(s) in consultation with an instructor (been a while though since I read the exact procedure).
  4. 2 points
    He should be back by then.
  5. 2 points
    New episode out right now! DB Cooper is Misunderstood with Ryan Burns, aka olemisscub for this crowd. https://thecoopervortex.podbean.com/e/db-cooper-is-misunderstood-ryan-burns/ Enjoy!
  6. 2 points
    Please don't blame President Biden for crack pipes. Crack was a major problem long before Biden got elected Vice-President. Conspiracy theorists will tell you that the CIA introduced crack to Los Angles many decades ago as a means to oppress the black population. I struggled with the whole concept of supervised injection sites when I moved to a suburb of Vancouver, Canada more than 20 years ago. Then I drove a city bus through the dilapidated Downtown East Side for a few years. I started with a conservative attitude towards street drugs, but my attitude changed as I learned more about addiction. Many times I saw ambulances in front of the Portland Hotel. That experience convinced me that supervised injection sites are a good idea. Yes, many tight-assed, morally upright citizens see drug addiction as a moral weakness. But, a small percentage (maybe 5 or 10 percent) of addicts are so emotionally or physically damaged that they will never be able to hold a steady job. They self-medicate with alcohol or marijuana or hashish or heroin or crack or .... I should know because I was a drunk for 20 years. After X-number of years of consuming street drugs, their minds are fried and they can barely function. They can only function in a gov't subsidized neighborhood with flop houses, single-room-occupancy hotels, warming centers, soup kitchens, supervised injections sites, etc. Vancouver's DTES is less violent - than many major American cities - because homeless addicts do not have to compete for scarce food, lodging, etc. Brown nuns, Mennonites, Portland Hotel Society, Sikhs, Union Gospel Mission, United Church of Canada, etc. all provide charity to the down-on-their-luck, homeless. Supervised injection sites are a public health matter, similar to regular health checks for prostitutes. ... and plenty of addicts in Vancouver's DTES turn tricks to support their drug habits. Public health nurses offer their services to prostitutes to limit the spread of AIDS, crabs, goneria, HIV, hepatitus, herpes, lice, syphillus, etc. to the general public who only venture into the DTES for a "bit of fun" on the weekend. Bottom line, offering free crack pipes is a short-term solution to a long-term problem with mental health. Until the developed world provides mental health support - to the bulk of their populations, right-wing critics have no right to criticize those medical professionals who hand out clean needles or clean crack pipes.
  7. 1 point
    Red and Yellow, which is the exact same color scheme fed to Colbert's team, so it was likely just FBI misinformation.
  8. 1 point
    It was years and years ago. The same "evidence" was cited: Cooper got the exact title of the article right (which honestly just meant he knew how to use hyphens or had acess to a library) and the color of the parachute was wrong.
  9. 1 point
    I found this on Facebook, so it seems Slim is just parroting something he's seen in the conspiracy theory circles: They're just really grasping for straws, the RCT protocol and the 3 stages of clinical trials are pretty well defined, but they go crazy about an undefined test for "transmission" that would probably be very difficult to do ethically. (like challenge trials, which used to be done for really old vaccines, are considered quite unethical now) Plus a complete lack of understanding of the basics of probability...
  10. 1 point
    At best Gunther is trying to be a myth maker. Maybe he was just bored with his real life? He is more than intelligent enough to know what real investigation is like and what that involves, but he does nothing to help! Maybe he should have written about Columbus or Einstein instead ? He seems to be wallowing in personal indecision. Do people find his personal problems interesting ... the problems of a True Man ? It's laughable. Meanwhile the real Cooper is somewhere doing something or he is dead. So back to the original problem after yet one more - diversion.
  11. 1 point
    Almost inevitable that True (Adventure) Magazine is going to take on the Cooper hijacking, in some form. All they needed was a writer... Opportunism pure and simple.
  12. 1 point
    Years ago......Steve Fielding was organizing the night record attempts and we were trying to get a 16 man, it finally got together and I looked across at Bud Kruger and he waved his arms up and down which was the signal; to track away and dump, I turned around and tracked for a bit and looked down and thought "shit we're over the Ortegas" but it was ground rush, I had one hard pull, I was using a borrowed rig, and grabbed the Rip Cord with both hands and had a normal opening. I had maybe 5/10 seconds before landing and there were 3 or 4 others just a bit higher. Allen told me "Larry, don't you tell anyone how low we were"
  13. 1 point
    I remember that place well, I went there after the nationals one year. Leon would take off and have to jump[ over a small creek 3/4 of the way down the runway, I think his other job was manufacturing fish tanks.
  14. 1 point
    I was on Wilds' Bunch and then on Poultry Products for a short time.
  15. 1 point
    Joe Biden believes his son's brain cancer has ties to the toxic burn pits in Iraq. The joy you get from his sorrow says much more about you than it does about Biden.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    I have a tempo 170 in my rig right now. It's 20 plus years old. I had it pull tested before I went to rigging school and got my own ticket. I have 3 rides on this reserve. 2 cutaway malfunctions and a total nothing out in a wingsuit where I had to go straight to reserve. It flew great had very good flair. It's is also the smallest canopy I have ever flown. I landed standing up and on target all three times.
  18. 1 point
    Why would Gunther even publish suspicious UNPROVEN material on DB Cooper, of all things? Why take the risk? What precisely is he contributing and to whom? Nothing Gunther did or said lead to Cooper's apprehension or one new fact in the Cooper case. So what is his contribution - what is his motive? It's newsy and adds to his resume, I guess. I guess he's entitled. He could have chosen a book on any number of topics .......... like the Dead Sea Scrolls or Elvis Presley ... Dolphins You Would Like ? Surely he understood his book would be controversial, or did he care? Publishers cannot force unwilling authors to commit professional suicide - where is the payoff ? Or, maybe Gunther was publishing for the Metaverse, years ahead of his time. ? Like Herschel Walker Candidate for US Senator is ?
  19. 1 point
    That, of course, was before it was approved. The vaccine is the same. The COVID misinformation thing is getting old. This is your one warning. Cut it out.
  20. 1 point
    NO way Gunther would take the risk.. He wasn't your average struggling writer. He had a legit career for decades including Business Week and Time magazine, he wrote many books. The Cooper book didn't solve anything so what was he really accomplishing.. most readers thought it was a hoax or fiction. He didn't even claim it to be Cooper, though he believed it was. The book did nothing for his career and was outside his lane. But, when you think about it, Gunther replied to the letter in the Village Voice in 1972, spoke to and named others that were contacted and gave info to the FBI when contacted by Clara.. that is some foresight and time lag to create a hoax book in 1985.. not to mention the risk to his reputation if caught/charged. I just don't see Gunther committing a hoax here. IMO, he was contacted by Cooper/Clara. Now, were they hoaxing him,, possibly.. that is what we are trying to determine. IMO, the question is,, was he contacted by the real Cooper or hoaxers. Who would do a hoax like this,,, originally asking for money, disappearing for 10 years then not asking for money. It is bizarre even for hoaxers. IMO, initially somebody wanted money then 10 years later somebody wanted Cooper to be dead..
  21. 1 point
    If he does, it’d be with nukes probably, and then he loses. Kind of like Godwin’s law — once you call someone a Nazi, you’ve pretty much lost. Unless, of course, they actually are a Nazi. As are some Ukrainians, some Russians, some Germans, and some Americans (among plenty of others). But painting all of a group with a brush that belongs to one is intellectually dishonest and cowardly Wendy P.
  22. 1 point
    Ohhh....It's possible that rather than those letters being a hoax or a con, it was a prank. Someone who knew Gunther, from within the industry or magazine, punking him. That answers every question, including that weird paragraph that fluffs him and correctly reproduces the title of his 10-year-old article, among other things. Hmmmm. Ok, NOW I will leave the horse alone.
  23. 1 point
    Yes. The Pfizer COVID vaccine has been fully approved, and is now in the same category as (say) a flu vaccine. You honestly didn't know that? Perhaps try education first, unhinged rant second.
  24. 1 point
    Having shot itself in the foot with Brexit, it seems the UK believes the cure is to shoot itself in the head..
  25. 1 point
    First you’re simply wrong because he has done this before. Second, what you’ve said above is unbelievably disgusting even for you. Prosecuting an unjustified war of choice isn’t playing nice. Besieging and carpet bombing towns and cities isn’t playing nice. Abducting, murdering and torturing hundreds and thousands of people in the territory you’ve captured isn’t playing nice. Forcibly emigrating children into Russia and forcibly conscripting men into the army to fight against their homeland isn’t playing nice. For someone who claims to be anti war you sure do spend a lot of time justifying some fucking evil things. Well, that’s it. Like your monkey friend you’re just too horrible be worth talking to.
  26. 1 point
    Has not been attempted lol I was just curious but I do appreciate everyones advice probably wont be doing it though
  27. 1 point
    I'm all for making it easier to get a job or rent an apartment but this doesn't seem to be the big convict release people are saying it is. According to the White House, no one is currently in federal prison solely for “simple possession” of the drug, but the pardon could help thousands overcome obstacles to renting a home or finding a job.
  28. 1 point
    Here it is a few years later... .... The old "Hammond Airport" Admin. bldg. our office is now the CAP bldg. the Airport now after "KATRINA" has Grown... FBO's, the "Border Patrol and Homeland Security!!" and a "TOWER!!!!!" (Manned by the US ARMY located on Field!!.....) .... Sometimes at sunset ... on calm evening.... ovr the wisp of the wind you can hear the sound of a Cessna 172 at 7500 feet cut it's engine then the sound of skydivers in freefall and the opening of their chute withe tem hootin' and hollerin'!!! The Spirit lives....... skybill
  29. 1 point
    It was a long winter and someone had the brainstorm to make a jump in January.Would have been 1977. The only plane we could come up with was a Cherokee six. We all discussed the concept that if it was colder than minus 30 we would call it off. We lined up snowmobiles in case of a off field landing and a couple of 4x4 trucks. After alot of BS Saturday comes around and its minus 35. But after all the headaches of organizing everything we decided to go. Whats an extra five degrees? The dz is about forty miles from the takeoff airport because the regular runway is snowed in for the winter. Somebody's friend is up in the co-pilots seat for his first airplane ride ever. About a half way there he gets airsick so pukes out the door. Subsequent to getting back to the airport we had to put the airplane in a heated hanger to thaw and clean off little bits of carrots and peas which had frozen down the side of the plane. So at those temperatures there is no playing around about clothes. I had on about everything I owned and every square inch of flesh was covered. I'm trying to spot the load out of a partially open aft port door, about 7500'. But my goggles keep fogging up. Finally we decide that our goggles would all clear up in freefall and after a quick four way we would try to all land in a group together. So out I go and after a bit I can sort of see out of a corner of my goggles. Never saw another jumper the whole jump and after opening realized It would take everything I had to get to a vehicle as the whole intended landing area was snowed in. All the vehicles were next to the highway a 1/2 mile further downwind. So downwind I go urging the paracommander to go as fast as it could. Gradually loosing all feeling in my hands and feet. My goggles are alternating becoming clearer and fogging up again. I did a quick turn into the wind, land and my canopy starts pulling me under the power lines right next to the highway. I run like hell through the knee deep snow to collapse the canopy. Then zoom ,zoom two cars go by on the highway about forty feet away. While I try to wrap the canopy up. Everybody came out of the affair OK but it took almost fifty minutes to retrieve the last guy. We all decided never to waste our time doing anything like that again and no one would admit to coming up with the idea in the first place.
  30. 1 point
    A few years ago, I was at a boogie, we were doing a 36 way formation load, I was in the lead plane, a sky-van. My exit position was on the starboard corner of the ramp/tailgate. My position in the formation was just outside the base. On ready, set, go, the guy next to me launches sideways, instead of backwards, slamming me into the side of the plane. I brushed that off and flew to my slot. Little did I know the impact had popped the pin on my main. Fine fitting rig that it was, there was no indication anything was wrong. I flew the entire dive with an open main container. We broke at five grand, I tracked away and had a normal deployment, though the container felt a bit mushy when I pulled. There was a guy with a camera helmet docked on my leg. The L.O. asked him if he had seen who had the open container, since the dedicated video guys had all seen it, but didn't know who it was. The guy on my leg said no, but he would check his video. As Gomer Pyle would say, surprise, surprise, surprise. Don't worry about nuthin' cause nothin's gonna be okay.
  31. 1 point
    I've heard several people say that. I remember watching a British CRW team train at Perris years ago. They would fly in and land a 4-stack with the team leader calling the flair from the top slot. Every single time they would come in: [smack] [smack] [smack] [perfect landing]. Got to be that everyone would stop to watch whenever they were coming in.
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