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Everything posted by Snowwhite

  1. This is worth posting to, just to keep it on the front page. Thanks for the laughs everyone! [email protected]
  2. I haven't been able to get on for a while today. Says it's down for maint. and may be available in a few hours. I just figured one of you jokers sent me some inappropriate something that shut me down! [email protected]
  3. I heard that the first show of the season had the highest ratings of any show ever, because they were announcing their divorce. The last show of the season, the numbers dropped thru the floor. Hopefully, they are DONE! [email protected]
  4. I thought ya'll went back the next day and paid the farmer for the fence AND the chickens Not THAT time, the OTHER time ... I'm thinking it was the time with the farmers DAUGHTER, and from what I heard, he is PIssed! guess moneys not the answer this time! [email protected]
  5. My hubby had a REALLY bad year this year. He is on an immunosuppressant, because they originally were getting him ready for a double lung transplant. His lung doc told him to stay away from sick people, but if he got sick to PRAY IT WAS H1N1, because not as many people are dying of it as will die of the regular seasonal flu. F&*$ing Media! [email protected]
  6. CONGRATULATIONS! and welcome to the family that put "fun" in dysfunctional! [email protected]
  7. when the folks said "don't go into the burned up house" I went into immediately. When I left it, I had to jump off of a porch that was about 3 feet high. Back steps had been burned up. When I jumped off I didn't look, and landed on a board with a 16 penny nail sticking out of it. Right thru my foot, ball of my toe. GEEZ that hurt! [email protected]
  8. I am a big fan of the USO. I would like to help somehow, even tho I'm not sure if I can make it. Do you suppose I could buy a jump ticket, and it could be auctioned off for the USO as a donation? Anybody want to buy a chance at a jump ticket for a buck? [email protected]
  9. I'm a pretty basic person. I think I will feel rich when I can open the mail, and pay whatever bill is in it, and still have a 20$ in my pocket. I'm talking Cable, Utilities etc, not a butt load of credit card bills. [email protected]
  10. Hey Andy! Do I understand that proceeds from 'something or other' are going to the USO? [email protected]
  11. Look how she used the word "organized"! She is sooo sweet and generous! These are skydivers for crissake! Organized? My ass! [email protected]
  12. My son had a buddy that had this gargantuan truck that was BRIGHT OSHA orange. So my son and his buddy bought several dozen packages of Oreos, opened all of the oreos and stuck them to the truck. Big polka dotted bright orange truck sitting in the parking lot. Good joke. [email protected]
  13. If you are a chick, it is because you thought you could change him. If you are a guy, it's because she was hot. enough to have sex with until someone hotter came along or until he sobered up There, fixed it for you [email protected]
  14. We were foster parents to a young man who lived with us for 5 months. When he went back to live with his mom, she had just seperated from his step dad. The stupid stepdad committed suicide, arranged for the KID to find his body and the note. If I could do anything, I would change that whole scenario. Horrible pain for a 15 year old kid who didn't deserve any of that hell. The note explained nothing except how selfish the step dad was. Idiot. [email protected]
  15. At the Free Fall Convention, we borrowed the Rantoul PD's. It worked great. (Kept it off the street for 10 days too!) [email protected]
  16. Hmm, a little testy today are we? Can I borrow your microscope? I just might LIKE to see a pube! [email protected]
  17. {In my best Nazi accent" There are RULES! Vee must all follow ze rules! [email protected]
  18. Snowwhite


    Our local Lowes has a discount section at the back, I buy a lot of cheapies that way, and with a little time and healthy care, I get some great plants. Not every outdoor plant is suitable for indoor use, but some that work out ok are azaleas, some pines (think Bonsai) and orchids. Another really good suggestion is to check with your local funeral homes, NO JOKE! They throw away tons of plants on a daily basis. If you want other suggestions, tell me where you live, and I'll check the Ag list for your zone, and give you some more ideas. [email protected]
  19. So that gives some jerk the right to mess with something that isn't his? *shaking head* Skydivers are their own worse enemy. Last time I was at WFFC Quincy a bunch of drunks were setting off fireworks in the airplane parking area. During the planning of the last WFFC that was held in Quincy, I was required to meet with the Quincy Police every single Friday for a year. The subject of those meetings was skydiver responsiblilty. Long and short of it was, they don't understand us much, and they want very little to do with us. Problem is, when we do stupid things like the above mentioned, they are put in a position of HAVING to deal with us. Why can't we just learn from our past mistakes? We regulary destroy a good time, and then say "boy, do I miss the XYZ Boogie, what ever happened to it?" BTW. I missed a day a week of work, at my own expense to volunteer to drive 3.5 hours to these stupid meetings to vouch for friends who apparently didn't really give a damn. As usual it's the less than 10 percent who ruin it for the rest of us. [email protected]
  20. I can't access FB from my phone anymore, and I have given up trying to, but my picture with my pretty black eye is on my FB page now, incase anyone wants to see it! [email protected]
  21. It takes dozens or even hundreds of years for a tree to grow, and seconds to cut it down. Unfortunately, it takes hours to prune it properly. Hence the f^&*ing A$$hole approach. You are right to be pissed. Wish I had tomatoes, but I do have LOTS of shade.. [email protected]
  22. Proudly flying the stars and stripes at my house, thanks to you guys! [email protected]
  23. FINGERNAILS ON A CHALKBOARD! "I seen it" Gosh I want to slap people sometimes. The past tense of SEE is NOT 'SEEN'! [email protected]
  24. Our older dog, Julius, is having a hard time getting up and down, and is spending more time laying in one spot. Still sweet and loving. 13 years old. We know her time is very limited, and that FreeFall will have a hard time adjusting to his mom going away. We know what you are going thru, and wish good thoughts for you and for Millie. [email protected]
  25. Gosh this is really unexpected. All day long I was thinking about you, and wishing you {{{VIBES}}} so that nothing would go right, and here I open, and you are here! Can you BELIEVE THAT?! Well, you are on my list dear, so here are your vibes! [email protected]