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Everything posted by Snowwhite

  1. I spent ten years in public office. Our local newspaper has an ANNONYMOUS forum! Idiots would get on there, and complain about something and DEMAND that one of us elected people answer them RIGHT NOW about some complaint. They would ask questions and then write back about "why didn't we call them and tell them the answer, or ask them what they thought" about a particular item. Talk about Asshats! [email protected]
  2. You caught my point(s) exactly! And of course there was the (in)famous swoop (partially) through the hangar in Rantoul a few years back..I got to witness that carnage up close and personal. [email protected]
  3. You definitely have a point. I was just trying to figure out the 1000 foot part. 1000 foot exit? opening? 1000 foot high cave? Guess it didn't matter, I got a business call and missed it anyway. [email protected]
  4. a New Zealand "parachuter" makes a 1000 ft jump through a cave. Typical whuffo reporting. [email protected]
  5. Snowwhite

    Cat question

    Catsup. The answer to the cat question is always catsup. [email protected]
  6. If I were there with you, I would hoist one in your honor! [email protected]
  7. There are DZs in Wyoming? I thought there were only elk. Big game county Andy, they have MOOSE too! [email protected]
  8. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"! Just had to reiterate! Man I need that t-shirt! [email protected]
  9. Wow Lindsey! You are on your way to becoming a full blown skydiver! I is obvious that in your short time with the sport, you have become really fond, almost obsessed with it! I know that feeling! I can't imagine my life without skydiving and skydivers! Look at my profile, how many jumps do you see? Right! -0- I still love skydiving, and spend all of my time with skydivers and have spent every one of my vacation days for over a decade providing boogies for jumpers. There is no way in HELL I would hvae missed my hubbies first jump. I still watch his first tandem video regularly. His most recent 8 way pic is on my dresser. Don't worry about your wannabe, go to the dz, take AFF, meet cool people. If he wants to come, cool. If not you will meet waaaayyy too many cool people to worry about a poser. [email protected]
  10. The thing about stories like these that always amazes me is 2 years in a BATHROOM? 1000 pound man hasn't left his bed in 6 years? WHO IS FEEDING THESE FREAKS?! and a better question is WHY? My kids learned at the age of two, show up at the table when the dinner bell rings or GO HUNGRY! Eat the one pork chop that was cooked for you, and then Clean UP after yourself! [email protected]
  11. Yea! And it is my daughters 30th Birthday, AND she found her biological mother this week! I am so happy for her! It happened once in a blue moon! [email protected]
  12. I know he was at the WFFC in Rantoul, but don't remember what year (wasn't 2006). So I think he may have still been jumping as recently as 2005. He started a family about then, so perhaps playing on the road and having a family kept him too busy for jumping for a while. My favorite Diamond Rio song is "Sweet Summer" Man I remember that! [email protected]
  13. 17 years and a couple of months [email protected]
  14. Well, I'll tell you from personal experience that if you want a 727 to be there, you better start planning now. First thing you need is a great guy who knows a LOT about the waivers required. [email protected]
  15. Springer over PBS? Toss the tv! I wish I could send you a link to the AT on the web. I had a great time, and I still think about it LOTS! It was an eye opening experience, and wonderful. Hard work, and fabulous! (Gain weight before you go, you will lose it on the trail!) [email protected]
  16. I will chose almost any dog, over almost all people. I miss my ol buddies who have gone on to wait for me. You did the right thing, hard as it was. [email protected]
  17. More of the businesses at our Mall are closed than open. Not very Christmasy there from what I hear! One of my sisters has had to take a part time job working at a Radio Shack. I guess the shop lifters have out numbered the shoppers there. Lots of stupidity this year. [email protected]
  18. Good shoes and SOCKS big must! Spent about a month on the AT in 1972. Yea, long time ago, bet it hasn't changed much. Forget the carry suggestion, by the time you get to your second or third day, you will be looking for stuff to chuck out of your backpack! Most people on the trail are like most skydivers at the dz. If you need something, they will try to help you with it. I'm looking forward to your journal! and, I'm more than a little bit jealous. There was a two part series about the AT on public television about a month ago. Made me very homesick for it. [email protected]
  19. new dz just opened in Hannibal [email protected]
  20. thanks for the advice and help. As I said, I loved this machine, and built lots of good stuff on it. I was really frustrated that when I took care of it myself, it ran very well, but when I took it to a "qualified" technician, it never ran again. I'll look for a new feeddog, I had cleaned all the gook out from under it long ago, so that wasn't the issue. I am really looking forward to it being up and running again soon! Beth [email protected]
  21. Snowwhite


    Hi, My daughter is turning 30 on New Years Eve. Not too low, she found her birth mom and will be meeting her for the first time on Dec 28th [email protected]
  22. While we are talking sewing machines, I bought a Husqvarna in 1974 for about a grand. It was a wonderful machine, I made every wedding dress, every curtain, every one of Streakers suits for years. I had it cleaned and checked over a number of years back, and it SUCKS now! The little metal feeder under the presser foot remains in a stuck down position, like you would find it in if it were supposed to be sewing in reverse. Anybody have a suggestion how, or who to fix it? I loved this machine, but perhaps it is just too old to consider fixing. [email protected]
  23. We just had a similar conversation with Streakers doc in Iowa City. I don't have these numbers down perfectly but it went something like this. 1 in 100 people will get some degree of the flu 1 in 10,000 people will get vaccinated 1 in 100,000 who were vaccinated will get some complication. Then he went on to say that in 3rd world countries the children who do not get vaccinated are protected by the adults who did get vaccinated. Alot to think about. [email protected]
  24. When we visited with the Rhuematologists 2 weeks ago, they made it very clear that everyone who is around Streaker should be vaccinated. Streaker has no immune system right now, and if one of us gets sick, it could be horrible for him. I am usually a very healthy person, but I don't want to carry something to him, that he can't deal with. I will also get the seasonal vaccine when I see my doc next week, because only about 30,000 or so people die of seasonal flu every year, and that is too large of a number for me to justify at this point in time. [email protected]
  25. but only about 3 of them will ever take the time to edit/send the footage! I'm still waiting for WFFC 2006 video of the stitches in my head taken from at least 15 angles, with an addtional 10 still cameras also flashing away. What have I got? NOT ONE PIC! [email protected]