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Everything posted by dbattman

  1. dbattman


    I don't follow bowling.
  2. Oh c'mon! For a regenerating dragon I'm sure you could find a few hundred pounds you forgot about.
  3. "Keep the pedal down! I'm getting out!" (said to a cessna pilot somewhere over Bolingsbroke, Ga)
  4. 1 tail = 4 tails + 3 heads 1 tail = 6 tails + 3 heads 2 tails= 4 tails + 4 heads 2 tails = 2 tails +5 heads 2 tails = 0 tails + 6 heads 2 heads = 4 heads 2 heads = 2 heads 2 heads = DEAD 8 strokes Or just call in a AC-130 napalm strike and be done with it. Edited cuz I can't add.
  5. I'm voting for neither the dems or repubs. I'm voting my conscience. For the rest of you, if you don't like either of the two major parties get out and vote anyway for whomever represents your beliefs the best. Only about half of the eligible population votes. If the other half got out and voted for their beliefs, we would see a major political revolution. The rhetoric of "throwing your vote away" is just that- rhetoric to keep you home and out of the game.
  6. A boneless chicken breast breaded with italian herbs pan fried until it is golden brown on the outside, but still moist inside. Then add some mushrooms sauteed in butter, herbs, and a little garlic. While the pan is still hot toss in some radicchio just long enough to take the edge off the bitterness. Place the whole thing on a bed of iceberg, chinese cabbage, and roma tomatoes. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and a balsamic vinegrette of my own creation. Pop the cork on a nice Shiraz from down under. Yum.
  7. You forgot an option. I'm just watching the commercials.
  8. There are multiple solutions. Don't know about the first, but second was 5-6 min and third was 2.5.
  9. This has been going around for over a year. Delta got slammed with a boycott after agreeing to help TSA test their new CAPPS II system. (www.boycottdelta.com). Now they are trying to do this through travel databases like SABRE. CENDANT is their new colloborator (www.dontspyonus.com). JetBlue was put on the firing line after they admitted that they turned over private info for over 1 million passengers to a government contractor to use to test one of these systems. You want airline security? Let the passengers carry pepper spray. Someone steps out of line, juice them and strap them into their chair. Just keep an ample supply of duck tape in the galley.
  10. Welcome to one of the most stressful decisions of your life. Is it too much, is the area right, will it appreciate godd, blah blah blah. WHEW! I'm SO glad I'm done with that. Here's what I found out during my first home purchase: GET A GOOD AGENT! YOU ARE CLUELESS! YOU DO NOT HAVE A CLUE WHAT YOU ARE DOING! SO MANY HOUSES! THEY ARE EVERYWHERE! BIG ONES, SMALL ONES, FAT ONES, RAISED RANCH, FULL BASEMENT, THREE BEDROOM, WALK OUT BASEMENT, FOUR SIDES BRICK, AAAAGGGH AAAGGGGH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh, I'm sorry, where was I? Oh yeah, GET A GOOD AGENT AAAAGGGHHH!
  11. Two words: Home School Public school was a joke when I finished in '91 and I doubt it get's better with age.
  12. Hey there! I grew up in Webster/Penfield. Perhaps we've met at Frontier or Ovid?
  13. Actually, I think we need to repeal the second law of thermodynamics. We can't bring our kids up in a world that is destined to end in chaos.
  14. What's your application?
  15. Give your local Blue Cross office a call. Be honest with them about your activities and if you are still wary ask for a written statement. I had a catastrophic policy when I was post-grad school and asked about coverage in tiny airplanes. I was told as long I wasn't running from the cops or in the plane dropping bombs they were fine.
  16. The reserve in question had lost the attachments on the right side of the canopy. The only thing left was A-D on the far right edge. Two lines were broken and several of the tapes were pulled out. Er- was it just A's and B's that were gone? Memory is a little fuzzy. Jim was a belly flyer and no I don't know his exit weight. The canopy was hanging up in the hangar in the DZ. Would I have filed this lawsuit? No, but I don't buy PA's position that they didn't have any knowledge about this weakness back in '99. My point all along is that they could have headed this off in '99 when they changed the manufacture. People have died in every type of car made as well, but you don't just change the manufacture to fix a flaw and keep quiet about it. It's become pretty clear that this has been beat to death. People have their position on the issue and it's unlikely that anything is going to be changed by this thread.
  17. I remember hearing this on the news. Well, there is no entrance exam for being a crook.
  18. I've come across two extremes in this sport. The first extreme are students and tandems that scrape a shin, don't pick up their legs when told, or they totally brain-lock and forget the groundschool resulting in colllisions with power lines or trees or flying right into the prop. After this happens, they want money. Pilot error, stupid moves, whatever- no real grounds for a lawsuit. The other extreme is the one that is coming out here. These are jumpers that are willing to issue a 'blanket statement' of total absolution to everything skydiving related. This is just as dangerous to the sport. Let me see if I understand this (correct me if I am wrong). Prior to early 1999 PA used tape with a single bartack. OK- this was probably fine. After this point they changed to alternate attachment methods for the lines including double stiching and different tapes. Why? Because they found it was weak in the long run. As a response to this, they updated their manufacturing methods to keep up with the sport. They could have easily issued a non-mandatory bulletin or just an email to the rigging community saying, in essence, "We at PA are striving to improve our products to meet the changing needs of the sport. Although our Raven -M is a fine product with hundreds of documented saves, we feel it can be improved even more by adding a second bartack etc etc etc. Or, if you are a total cheapskate and don't want to pay your rigger for an hour to do the stitching, send it back to us postage paid and we'll work it into our production schedule when we have time oh, say, around spring 2002." How about the Crossfire? "We at Icarus have gotten rave reviews for our Crossfire canopy and feel it is a wonderful product. After digesting feedback from swoopers and extreme skydivers all over the world, we feel the performance of the Crossfire under extremem loadings and radical maneuvers can be improved by adjusting the canopy as follows: " But no, someone had to die before they said anything. As I said initialy, this is not a monetary lawsuit. PA could have headed this off but chose not to. Well, it's time for a Cabernet. Later.
  19. Perhaps, Free. I do recall two ravens blowing apart prior to Rubio burning in. We had this same discussion several weeks ago over dinner and five reserve failures were pointed out.
  20. Judy: Four people are dead because of the -Ms construction issue covered under the service bulletin. Not just one isolated incident, not just one malfunction under a radical situation going headdown loaded at 2.0. Rubio was failure four, with a fifth failure that same weekend. He was within design specs, belly to earth during a controlled reserve deployment. 12 bartack attachements were pulled out of the reserve. An additional two lines were broken leaving only 4 of the 20 attachment points on the right side of the reserve. It took five failures for PA to issue a service bulletin admitting that the attachment method needs to be reinforced. Let's check out another one- the Crossfire. Someone had to die before Icarus said 'Ya know, perhaps that canopy collapse issue that's being talked about is real after all. We'd better fix that nose problem.' Rubio is not out for money. He knows damn well that there is no money to get in this sport. So why the lawsuit? Perhaps to pull this issue out into the open and convince manufacturers to be a little more dilligent? Read the SB- estimates one hour of work by a master rigger to reinforce the attachments. Could this issue not have been talked about in the rigging world under the radar after the first or even second failure? Canopies could have been fixed as they were brough in for repack, preventing this in the first place. Agree with the lawsuit or not, there is more here than just some clown screwing up and sticking his hand out. Bring it on- I'm getting a bonus for every nasty PM.
  21. dbattman


    I have to ask: Just what are you getting for $1100, and where are you getting it done?
  22. Sorry to hear that so many people are down this season. Give this a try- it always makes me laugh. b-b-b-b-b-blue christmas
  23. People will sign whatever you hand them on the street. Some college student did that for his honors thesis and had all these students sign petitions that, in essence, called the universtiy administration a bunch of incompetent losers (among other things).
  24. 'Here's my number, call me if there are any problems." Bye!