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Everything posted by dbattman

  1. Go stealth! An old T-shirt split up the back and across the shoulders holds nicely with a few pieces of duct tape on the inside. Take some of the sticky out on a rag first and it rips off easy. Just grab the front on jump run, shrug your shoulders around as you pull. Start at the bottome and work up. Do the same with a pair of gym shorts split up the seams. Denim shorts are much tougher- use cotton. Practice first on the ground with full gear.
  2. No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
  3. Too bad you guys are two hours away. We need to form the Eastside chapter.
  4. Two night loads are scheduled this Saturday, April 3rd at Skydive Monroe. There is a 30 minute shutdown in between but if we have enough jumpers and pack quickly there may be time for one or two hot loads. Call Lisa at 770-207-9164 to schedule. Don't forget your glow sticks and cell phone!
  5. I wanted a collapsible slider without the velcro, so to add new grommets and stich pull cords to the old slider was almost as much as a new slider. I found the bridal wear when I was packing the rig and had the bag turned inside out. It was almost worn through at this point. It was also an old F-111 collapsible pilot chute. I've had the rig for a full season already and put over 200 jumps on it. As far as the d-bag grommet I discussed that with my rigger. Some of the stiching was starting to go on the bag as well and my rigger is overloaded, but the price from Sunpath was reasonable so I just replaced it. I bought a whole gear set from a retiring jumper at a great price, so I'm definitely not complaining.
  6. I could make a hundred jokes, but I'm just not going there.
  7. So, all the replacement parts arrived a few weeks ago and I had my rigger put everything together. Would you like to take a look at the crap we replaced? We begin our tour of horrors with the dbag. The center grommet had been pulled inside the dbag from repeated slammers (presumably) as can bee seen in the 'dbag*'. It doesn't show up in the pics, but there is an edge on the outer portion of the grommet that is not sharp, but pronounced. This was causing the bridal to wear, eventually causing partial failure (bridal.jpg). The slider grommets were also shot since this rig did not have slinks. The is a definite snag points on the insides and the grommets had all kinds of dents and burs on them. The non-collapsable slider had been made collapsible by sewing on a piece of velcro. You would open, grab the velcro and wrap it around the center of the slider. It worked alright, but the hooks had worn out a section of the slider seam (not shown). The steering lines were also shot and had more fuzz than teenager. So- new dbag, sterling lines, pilot chute and slinks. And yeah, I kept jumping it even after the first part of the bridal snapped. To sum up: See Dick, See Dick jump shit, Don't be a Dick!
  8. dbattman

    ASC Rocks!

    Guys. How about we leave them alone this time? Rose was talking about the cool jumpers there, not the management.
  9. Nah- I'd tell him that there's beer in fridge. He'll pass out eventually.
  10. Is your aim that bad? Nah. Low tire on the right front makes it pull a bit. Gotta get that fixed.
  11. I tried that........but then she shit on me and I had to drive over her with a truck. That reminds me of a poem I heard. "I miss her sometimes" I ran into my ex-girlfriend the other day. Then I backed up and ran into her again. I MISS HER SOMETIMES!
  12. HA! Good one! But seriously, symbol based communication was an important development. Next in the chain was a cheap, easily mass-produced tablet which was paper. Paper allowed much more written material than previous surfaces like vellum, clay, stone, papyrus, etc. But, you still needed people to hand scribe each copy. Thus, I give you movable type as the A #1 in history (IMHO).
  13. You mean for breeders, right? mh . Us breeders are bumping the 50% mark already. LEt's give it about 10 years and see if there's a statistical difference, shall we?
  14. Seriously: The greatest invention in history was the printing press and movable type. Books and educational materials could be made cheap and knowledge found its way from the libraries of the nobility to the lower castes. Less serious: Those tiny rubber bands I used on my braces. Man, were those fun!
  15. dbattman

    PB & J

    Man, get a food processor and make your own. You'll never want to go back to the store stuff.
  16. I've only had to sit in the jury pool once back when I was doing PhD candidacy qualifying problems. I had already put off my service date when I was an MS so I had to go this time. So I sat in the jury pool room trying to concentrate on my stack of literature printouts and they put on the standard 'jury duty orientation' video. After going through the stuff about wearing your badges and such, they stress that you should avoid the media sources so you can be a good impartial juror. Almost immediately after the film one of the employees gets on the mic and lets everyone know that if you want a newspaper, the vendor from the Atlanta-Journal Constitution will be here for another fifteen minutes. "Why yes your honor, I've heard of the defendant. I read all about him in today's paper!" "Next!" But I wasn't called. Kind of a shame, really. That would have been an experience to spend a few days in the jurors box. I met a few guys on the bus back to the parking lot that were on the panel for an asbestos liability case. Now that would have sucked. That one would have dragged on for months. Anyone who hasn't seen '12 Angry Men' should watch it.
  17. Well, what's your preferred method? I propack everything, and we have another packer that does a great psycho job.
  18. Speaking of lineovers, what are the most likely causes? I could see excessive rolling of the tail pulling the lines around the sides, but anything else to watch out for?
  19. Chris: How about filling in your profile to give your complaint a little credibility? -David
  20. Buy a decent rolling pilot case. A 21" case holds a rig nicely and it is perfect for carry-on at the airport.
  21. Chris! You are DA MAN! We will be stylin in the Pimp Daddy Rocket! Let's sell observer slots to the EAA guys. They'll be lining up for a cat shot to 13K.
  22. This is one of those topics where people have their opinions and it is highly unlikely that debating the issue will change anything. However, I would ask that you consider the long-term or 'end game' of this topic. Those of you that are in favor of banning this type of research need to consider two things: 1- this type of research WILL be done and this technology WILL be developed 2- If you want to have any influence in controlling how the research is used, it must be kept here If laws are enacted in the Western world to ban stem cell and cloning research it will simply move elsewhere. just my $0.02
  23. Well, if you account for all the people rewinding their Tivo and going frame by frame to catch all the jiggle it was probably viewed several hundred million times. But, thanks for keeping us a-breast of the situation.
  24. dbattman


    A flat tax is a fine idea- no free rides, no penalties for higher performance. A better one, in my opinion, is a sales tax or 'consumption tax.' The basic jist is to pay a higher tax on purchases, say 28%, but no taxes on income. Every month you get a check in the mail for the taxes you would have paid on food and necessities. The end result is that the $100 TV would cost you $128 instead of the $150+ you need to earn today. This has been studied, economized, theorized, et. al six ways from Sunday. There is no real opposition to this idea. It just needs everyone getting behind it to make it happen. Yes, it will have a few holes and drawbacks (nothing will be perfect) but probably far less then the convoluted spaghetti tax code we have now. www.fairtax.org