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    Skydive Arizona
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  1. Multiple factors: Provided medical standby at a serious accident. That made me nervous, even though I wasn't involved. Then we tried to increase my life insurance. The insurance company added a large surcharge to my premiums because of my skydiving. Those, plus the 3 hour drive to the dropzone, my chaotic work schedule that only let me get there about once a month, the slow progression to increased skills with only once monthly visits (with only half days jumping because of afternoon winds), loss of my free weekends, cost of gas, hotel, and meals added to the jump costs was enough to make me decide it just wasn't worth it anymore. Imelda Marcos just wanted some cute shoes that didn't make her feet hurt. Why's that so hard to understand?
  2. One evening doing a D&C for a miscarriage, the OB/GYN put the patient's feet in the stirrups, then asked her to drop her knees to the sides. In her sedated state, the patient turned to me and said, "That's what got me here in the first place!" Judith Imelda Marcos just wanted some cute shoes that didn't make her feet hurt. Why's that so hard to understand?
  3. jahk

    Running music

    In grad school, it was Joe Satriani "The Extremist" every day. I probably owe him a thank you for helping me get through school. Judith Imelda Marcos just wanted some cute shoes that didn't make her feet hurt. Why's that so hard to understand?
  4. My most fun so far was during coach jumps (post AFF pre-A) when my coach would spot from the door of the skyvan, and on his signal, I ran as fast as I could from the middle of the plane right out the back. It wasn't too pretty, but it sure was fun! Judith ____________________________________________ Imelda Marcos just wanted some cute shoes that didn't make her feet hurt. Why's that so hard to understand?
  5. Does working all night and getting relieved at 7 am count? Judith-hoping for a nap before Turkey _______________________________________________ Imelda Marcos just wanted some cute shoes that didn't make her feet hurt. Why's that so hard to understand?
  6. Hm. Since the program goes online and gets the current weather, maybe he flew in when it was too cloudy for jumping, and there were no advisories. Judith ______________________________________________ Imelda Marcos just wanted some cute shoes that didn't make her feet hurt. Why's that so hard to understand?
  7. Hubby's been playing with MS Flight Simulator to practice flying the plane he's building. He's been flying to airports we're likely to go to, such as Scottsdale, Lodi (where his mom lives), and finally, at my urging, Eloy. This program will go online and get you the weather. It simulates ATC to give you clearance to fly through their airspace. It will vector you in for a landing. But it doesn't mention anything about skydiving operations at Eloy. This despite more people landing there out of a plane than in a plane. And at least one of my pilot co-workers telling me that anytime he flies anywhere near there, ATC informs him that he should be aware that there is skydiving going on at Eloy. Judith ________________________________________________ Imelda Marcos just wanted some cute shoes that didn't make her feet hurt. Why's that so hard to understand?
  8. Warrant Officer Ripley-Sigourney Weaver in Alien. Judith Imelda Marcos just wanted some cute shoes that didn't make her feet hurt. Why's that so hard to understand?
  9. One other thing they got wrong. In one of the ads, they claim "Nobody's figure looks good in a jumpsuit." Just plain wrong. Judith edited to correct typos __________________________________________________ Imelda Marcos just wanted some cute shoes that didn't make her feet hurt. Why's that so hard to understand?
  10. jahk


    Sort of along the same lines........ A couple of weeks ago I had wind get under my goggles and push them up onto my forehead. My worry was that with the goggles off, my glasses would be next, and while I could probably land OK, I couldn't legally (or safely) drive off the DZ without them. When I got home I dug out an old but still serviceable pair of eyeglasses and tossed them into my gearbag. Now, where did I leave that leash for my current glasses.......... Judith Imelda Marcos just wanted some cute shoes that didn't make her feet hurt. Why's that so hard to understand?
  11. Last I knew about it was 2002, when they had the physical landing pad, but it was not used. I did a ride-along, and they transferred someone to Presbyterian/St. Lukes. The options we had were to land at Meigs field, or at another hospital a mile north. Cook County's field was not offered to us. Judith Imelda Marcos just wanted some cute shoes that didn't make her feet hurt. Why's that so hard to understand?
  12. 2 possibilities I haven't read here yet. 1) Ambulance. I don't know of any hospitals close enough to Sears tower that they'd be flying that low, though. U of Chicago's helicopter is mostly maroon, and that might look black from the ground. Side note: Cook County hospital does not have a helicopter, and they don't have a landing pad. The bird you see in the beginning of ER clearly says "University of Chicago" on the side. 2) They just finished, or are just about to, lift heavy equipment onto the roof of a building. Judith _________________________________________________ Imelda Marcos just wanted some cute shoes that didn't make her feet hurt. Why's that so hard to understand?
  13. They also have flight attendents on board serving coffee and peanuts on the way to altitude. Judith Imelda Marcos just wanted some cute shoes that didn't make her feet hurt. Why's that so hard to understand?
  14. It even has a skydiving connection! http://jazauto.com/phil/MomSaidICould.wmv Judith _________________________________________________ Imelda Marcos just wanted some cute shoes that didn't make her feet hurt. Why's that so hard to understand?
  15. Hubby is building a plane. (Van's RV6-A) This evening he put the fuselage, in its jig, outside in our driveway in anticipation of putting the wings on. Now the winds are 17 mph with gusts to 32. Any guesses where the plane will be tomorrow? Judith ______________________________________________ Imelda Marcos just wanted some cute shoes that didn't make her feet hurt. Why's that so hard to understand?