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Everything posted by dbattman

  1. Is that a "Badfish Freefly" thong?
  2. I disagree. If my view ahead is obstructed and someone is stopped in the road ahead I may not have enough time to stop. Am I speeding? No. Am I following too close? No. Am I exercising due care? See # 1 and #2 above. How about one of those idiots who stand on their brakes in the exit lane next to the big sign that says "KEEP MOVING"? If I'm behind and I tap them, it is MY fault? Oh- and I would've plastered the cat as well.
  3. I'm not up to spepd on the whole CDL thing, but why did you get the extreme scrutiny? Why wasn't the person who caused the pileup charged for creating an obstruction? From what you've said, it sounds like you just didn't have enough stopping distance and your view ahead was obstructed by the rise in the road.
  4. Well Ken, I don't know what else to tell you. Managers don't always follow their guidelines and policies in business either. It just depends on you, then. Will you do what you are allowed and entitled to do or cower because some administrator with a hair in his butt might say something?
  5. This is a paper for a University course? Perfect! Don't change a thing.
  6. Good luck convincing administrators across the country of that little fact. A friend was suspended and threatened with expulsion because he would not stop discussing the bible in study hall with another student who was interested in learning and was asking questions. No luck is necessary. I'd hate to be your friend's school administrator. They are in a lot of trouble. From the Department of Education guidelines Other interesting sites: Good overview site of the whole thing Tinker v Des Moines, 1969 “students do not shed their constitutional rights when they enter the school house gate.” Engle V. Vitale Another landmark case
  7. Who wants to start a betting pool on who will be the first to BASE this sucker? http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=514&e=6&u=/ap/20031219/ap_on_re_us/attacks_freedom_tower
  8. The RIAA is partly correct here, IMHO. Sharing music files over the internet has resulted in lower revenues for the industry. And why has this happened? Consumers are no longer forced to buy 40 minutes of CRAP for one good cut. The other reason for the falling sales revenue is the refusal of the RIAA to adapt to and embrace new technology. Apple has sold over 25 million songs on it's online music store. For $15 a month, you can download all you want from emusic.com. Will you find Britney Spears here? No, but you will find lots of other great artists that have not been handcuffed by a recording contract. Would I pay $1 to download an Evenescence song I like or the only good Metallica track to be recorded in the last five years? Absolutley, but no one wants to take my money without the other $19 attached.
  9. Like all responsible skydivers, she carries a 'main' and a 'reserve'
  10. Prayer is not prohibited in public schools. Any group of students can get together and say prayers if they are so inclined.
  11. Yes! The beer gods have answered our sacrifice!
  12. Long story short: Keep it in a bag (out of sight, out of mind) Keep your mouth closed at the checkpoint until they say something to you about your rig. There's a very good chance that they will not ask any questions at all. No problem.
  13. what were you doing with a ten foot pole? HA! I'll give ya a hint- it involves sunglasses, a midget, and come chick I met on the internet.
  14. Oh geez. Here we go again. (Drops his 10 foot pole and leaves)
  15. I had a mid-90s (1995 or 96) Talon as my first rig. Great container, I was pretty happy with it. I also didn't care for the walrus teeth, but I know a few people that just had bigger teeth put in them to take care of issues with the main flap coming open. My container had a flap covering the BOC pouch that went from the back outside, over the BOC, and secured on the lower backpad. Not only was the pouch protected, but I only had about 1/2 inch of bridal exposed. Too bad it wasn't a bit smaller- I would have kept it longer.
  16. We have all met, jumped, talked, and drank with other skydivers and heard later on about their deaths. Today is the day that I knew was inevitable, but always hoped would never come. Today I found out that I have lost not just another skydiver, but one that I truly considered to be a friend. Dave Flannell was my FJC S/L instructor upon my return to this wonderful sport five years after my real first jump. He was an excellent instructor and mentor full of wisdom, knowledge, passion, and love for the sport we enjoy. Mid-America has always had a special place in my heart and every time I passed through the area I booked an extra weekend to play and have fun at an excellent dropzone. I don't know why I kept going in this sport, but getting started with someone like Dave probably had a big influence. I keep hoping this was just a mistake and the grapevine messed up the info, but I know that just is not true. I'll probably keep hoping until I pass through Taylorville again and see the empty corner that was his 'equipment locker' and drive out to the airport in the evening to sit and talk with Dave and Mindy, but Dave will not be there. Perhaps you met him at a dropzone somewhere or shared a beer and a warm fire at the WFFC tent- but even if you never met him do a jump or raise a glass for a great skydiver, rigger, instructor, and one hell of a guy.
  17. Can anyone from the community fill in any details?
  18. OK- now let's hear what the Brits among us feel about the latest incident. Stay or go?
  19. Nah- Just remember to 'duck and cover' and everything will be fine!
  20. It's like that for the first year or two. After a few hundred jumps you'll probably switch and realise that you stay in the sport because it has awesome people more than the adrenaline rush.
  21. Are you installing from a toaster? I've had one or two that do not like this and need to be installed from a standard CD drive. You could also try it on a different PC- or just take it back and exchange it. -David
  22. Where did you find that? I've seen cans at flea markets that have a hole in the bottom and the beer is drained out. Think it's any good?
  23. Hard work and training pay off!