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Everything posted by dbattman

  1. With the proper spices and facilities, you'd never know that the cuisine you are eating from my kitchen was crawling in the sewer that morning. YUM!
  2. dbattman

    I'm falling

    Well for pete's sake...... PULL DAMMIT PULL
  3. Properly raised, rats could become a low fat, high protein food staple. Heck, people are raising alligators, rattlesnakes, emus, and all other kinds of stuff- why not rats?
  4. I was thinking of something out of "Weird Science"myself, but Coneheads works pretty well here./
  5. That is too dang funny. If you're gonna tangle with grand theft auto, make it something fun!
  6. Yes! There it is in a nutshell! Everyone covers the basics and if you WANT more, you PAY for more. This goes from taxing based on what you HAVE to taxing based on what you WANT. In other words, no free rides and no penalties for being a mover, a shaker, and a super producer/performer. Ever hear of the 'national retail sales tax' replacing most federal taxes? I'd be interested to hear what billvon thinks of that. www.fairtax.org
  7. Sorry Quade, but I can't agree with that. Read all that again- particularly the part about people presumably able to pay a higher fee. If you want to make it fair, have everyone pay the same rate for a car or pay by miles driven every year. The other way is the 'you have more so we'll just take more' thing.
  8. What kind of shape is your friend in? It was my understanding from conversations with various people that the tandem weight limits were driven more by fitness than by equipment. A typical man much over 235 is probably not in very good shape- likewise for women over about 170. This probably varies so I would have him call the drpzone first. We had someone out for a tandem that musta been approaching seven feet and had quite a bit of meat. He jumped with the smallest TI we had. Too bad there was no video- we were wondering how he managed to do that dangling from the harness on a guys back. But as Lambert said, Vectors have a 500 lb limit. Just a thought.
  9. Damn- looks just fine to me. Has the hurricane arrived yet?
  10. Have him jump a camera suit. I know another huge fella who jumps with wings to do RW.
  11. Ya know, every once in a while I just gotta
  12. Twice- Once for solid cloud cover at altitude combined with low fuel (not enough time to go down below) and another for a 2k' ceiling combined with inexperience.
  13. I met this great Japanese woman at the hotel reception tonight and almost had her talked into going to Swoop to jump. Then I forgot to get her number! DOH!! Just shoot me! Please!
  14. I couldn't agree more. The big issue we need to settle is do I cutaway first with a pilot chute in tow?
  15. Skydivers must drink beer and eat chicken wings Get out there and hang with your buds.
  16. DUDE- Imagine the funky looking formations you could build with some dwarfs to fill in the gaps.
  17. Can I get a greenie to spin the dials and end this? It has taken on a life of it's own. Geez- it started out as a joke and look where it ended up.
  18. Look, Mark- no one has ever said that Cedartown is 'uncool' or has bad skydivers there. This thread started as a tongue in cheek 'poke fun at the advertising' (ala Point Break, or Dropzone, or any of the other movies where we pick at the misrepresentations). But what is coming out here I hear echoed at DZ after DZ after DZ. It's not the competition thing- no one is denying that Cary has built a successful operation and is a shrewd businessman. He markets well, markets aggressively, and looks to expand all the time. The root of the 'anti-cedartown' thing is that many skydivers I meet feel that ASC turns a lot of people off to the sport. Imagine driving four hours or more to the only skydiving operation in 'your area' where you find out that the prices change, or the plane that day costs more, or whatever (read the reviews). You go home feeling like you got put over a barrel and pumped. We don't sell used cars in this sport- we sell fun, comraderie, and an escape from your problems. If someone asks me about the sport and where they can jump I tell them where the closest operations are even if it is Rome, Thomaston, or (gasp) Cedartown. Then I encourage them to get on the phone, check out the vibe, and decide if this is the right place for them. I have never turned a potential off to a particular DZ, but I encourage them to do research and exercise 'due diligence' before plunking down the money. And Wildblue- what the hell IS that thing on your avatar!
  19. Sure, he's doing business. And quite a business it is. Besides- where else could you go to do a tandem skydive on September 11, 2001 and the few days immediately following.? Wow- the power that man must have to convince the FAA to lift the restrictions just for his operation.
  20. A woman was actually arrested for that by the cops and charged with 'obstructing justice.' I don't remember what the outcome was but it made all the wires and was not a quick 'charges dropped' story.
  21. dbattman

    Dropzone baby

    Dude- I'd COPYWRITE that bad boy! The phrases and kewl lettering, that is. How come you didn't misspell anything? :)
  22. Quick answers from a roadwarrior veteran. Only if you watch it getting scanned and lock the case afterwards, if you want to and PUT IT IN A FRIGGIN BAG!!!!!, no- keep your mouth shut.
  23. Striperella! "It's time to go down on crime!"