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  1. Privacy! There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
  2. I think the scene would play out something like this: ME: "GOD! You are actually GOD! Well I'll be damned!?!?" GOD: "Yes you will be.....MOHAWHAHA!!!" There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
  3. The passengers will not be able to prevent it. No terrorist will ever again try to highjack a plane with knives. The terrorist will educate themselves as pilots. When the passengers realize what's happening they can't intervene because the cockpit door is armored and locked. There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
  4. well....the rain is pooring down here today...wait... I live in Norway and its the 31st of december....shouldn't it be snowing? Global warming...nah... note to self: The lawn needs to be cut... There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
  5. fudd

    SH hanging

    Well I saw the link and watched it. What scares me is the terrible quality. It's so bad that it's just like begging for conspiration theories about how the whole hanging is arranged, and he's not really dead... But hey, what ever happend to Elvis? There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
  6. This statement by AnnasSkies in another thread about Saddams execution spawned some reactions. Since it has (almost) nothing to do with the execution it deserves it's own thread. It takes the point of view to the extreme, but it should be noted that from our point of view here on the other side of the point it doesn't seem that crazy. Of course we know the US isn't a dictatorship, but it seems like alarmingly many citizens of the US doesn't care too much about participating in the democracy. That is a problem that is not unique to the US, but a trend for much of the western world. I also really hope the world doesn't come to a point where Europe sends troops to restore democracy in the US. The statement is about as serious as the US sending troops to invade France. What worries us "non-americans" is that the US line of foreign policies are beginning to be a threath to global stabililty and peace. The course of action taken and the "War on terror" is polarizing the world and setting peace processes back decades. When the war on Afghanistan begun, I wasn't thrilled, but it had the backing of the UN. It was a war with the right intentions, but for the wrong reasons. (Reason: the need to strike back because of 9/11. The intention: to restore/create democracy and human rights in Afghanistan.) Iraq was another animal. the US did not have the backing of the UN, but went along anyway and the ultimatium was "You are either with us or against us". So when i.e. Norway didn't want to back your invation, the US decleared us an enimy. That's really not a nice way to go around. Take a look of who supported the invation in the first place. Maybe it would have been right to hold on a little while before letting arrogance get in the way. The US economy is big, and what happens to it impacts the rest of the world. My suspicion is that the hidden agenda for the war in Iraq has a lot to do with keeping US dollars as the currency needed to buy oil and less to do with WMDs and Al-Quaida. If the nations of the world wouldn't need dollars to buy their oil, what would happend to the US economy? It might be a real danger that it would collapse. , While the growing anti americanism here in Europe makes us more and more think that the US would deserve it, the world wouldn't be better off, as it would impact the world economy and security to much. Balance would be shifted, and I really don't trust that Russia and China is the best nations to provide world peace yet. What the world need is a US that strives for peace, justice and tolerance. Not a US that declares "Axis of evil" and aggressivly goes to war on anyone who has another point of view. So when europeans want's to send troops to the US it's because we worry that corporate america is running things a little bit more than the democracy. Capitalism threathens democracy as the huge corporations get more and more politcal powers. There must be balance. It's really sad that the world has turned towards more polarization. People need to wake up and focus more on solutions. There is a lot of things I'm not to found of with US culture that are invading us. I could do without McDonalds, Coca Cola and tacky reality tv-shows. The irony is that while I dislike the big US corporations and the current style of government, all the people from the US that I meet are open. friendly, understanding and nice. And just to prove that the war in Iraq is totally wrong.: How many skydives a day does the war in Iraq cost? There a lot of C-130s over there that can be put to much better use There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
  7. 1. Get over her 2. Get new friends 3. Praise your god of choice that you don't have any children toghether. You can cutaway and get on with your life. A child don't have that option... There are real girls out there, just like there are psycos. The good women just need to stop dating the psyco men that's out there... Stop worry about chicks...take some weeks off and go jump your ass off....it helps....skydiving cures anything There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
  8. I bounced once. Dusted myself off and then thought: "Hey, my rig is still packed, I can go back to back!". Then I ran and just made the next load as the plane started taxing. Seems like my dream was about fear of packing, not falling Another one I had was lucid. I realized in freefall that it was a dream and thought: "cool, this will be fun". Sadly I found it to be a little to realistic, so I chickened out and dumped...then I woke up...missed out on some fun there There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
  9. 0/0/0 Blame it on the weather...crossing my fingers for next weekend.... Darn this global warming. Snow melted and it was raining...in late november... There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
  10. The lowest I've gone is 1500' which is the minimumexit altitude by the regulations here (if airspeed is above 60 knots). I will probably do it again sometime, but I'll only do it if I'm current and have a canopy I know well. For this one I had my cypres switched off. The reason was that we were flying and dropping another guy off for a demo in a nearby town. I'm not sure if if hoovering above and below 1500' for some time can confuse the cypres. This is the first time I have turned my cypres off, though the odds of a misfire is probably lower than a save in case of a nopull. I jump with a RSL equipped rig, so I have a little aid in case of a low cutaway I see myself as barely experienced enough to do a 1500' jump. It seems like the more jumps I get, the more inexperinced I feel. That's probably a good thing
  11. It's really just physics. You need a way of deaccerelating with a more or less stable force. To walk away from a deaccerlation I'll guess you need at least 150'-200' of breaking distance. A large deep foam pit seems like the most feasable way. Cardboard boxes is already used much by stuntmen, and could be a less comfy option. Just imagen how a 700' foot openening feels like. What about 500' or a 300'. It's the G-force that will kill you if you have a 30' opening. (assuming your gear wont break. When thinking about it. A 300 foot high circus net held up by high cranes is maybe the most practical way. Getting out of a 300' deep foam pit would take all day oh...and no long spots There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
  12. Isn't it obvious? Find a dropzone that's far enough away and move there . There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
  13. oh...the dropzone is hamar, but today the weather sucks :-(. It's raining and the snow is gone :-( No jumping today... There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
  14. Actually jumping isn't that cold at all....but packing outdoors can be a little freezing Then again....we are the vikings of norway There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
  15. Of course... I think I'm going to make an A3 poster of it with the subtitle: "...so what did you do this weekend?" to promote our little skydiving group.