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  • Home DZ
    Ogden SkyDive Center
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  • First Choice Discipline
  • Second Choice Discipline
    BASE Jumping
  1. I bet if you just called some jewlers and asked them the question your asking silly skydivers you could get an answer that you can profit from.
  2. The sickest fucking RW suit to come, gotta charge the battery!
  3. That story is enough to give some people some PTSD.
  4. There are some people at my DZ that have around 100 jumps a months some months, I live in Utah. My sunday was great, 4 jumps, learned the horny gorilla exit or leg lock exit. Locked in a 6,000 ft very stable sit. and did my first sunset tracking dive!!
  5. When I was a senior in high school a guy in one of my classes told me that his dad own a drop zone and that he had been jumping since he was sixteen, this guy was very mature and i though he was so cool for getting to experience such a I got older I never once though about jumping out of a plane, I never though it was cool and I was fairly sure I would never do it. One I started my AFF I was Extremly envious of the other guys around the DZ who had the money to jump more often or buy a gear sooner. All that did was motivate me to work harder to get what I wanted in skydiving sooner. I did and I'm in a great position as far as my jumping situation is concerned. I guess what I am trying to say is nothing matters if you yourself aren't doing what you want with your life. If you desire something with all the passion you can stand....fucking go for it with all the energy you can create. Life is what you make of it and rich or poor you have the ultimate say in the path you take. Best Wishes
  6. Or worse yet. Salt lake care to explain? I have lived here for 9 years and never once locked the door to my house?
  7. wait so your GIRL is supposed to mold her penis while she's away? nice of you to buy her the kit though!
  8. I guess he didn't make it either. I'm sure I will head out there with them the next time they go. Doubt I'll jump though, just ground crew for now. Hopefully I can meet you out there some time. Take care. cody
  9. Tom, I didn't end up going but I had a party on the 6th and then woke up in a strange place with a hot naked girl next to me. by the time I got home it was to late to head to Twin. I'm sure you know my friends that were there Max, Skylar Jessy and those guys. the were probably in Max's Go Fast Durango. And they are all very smart skilled guys who will be teaching me when the time comes. I'll decide when that is and I don't think it will be soon. I want to get a few more under my belt.
  10. snowslider


    it's been said but look into the Master Cleanse. it's amazing how well feel. I only made it seven days but I'm thinking of trying it again.
  11. I'm not going to jump today, I think I might tomorrow though. I know I will go hang out at the bridge with eveyone tomorrow, not sure if I will jump or not. I'm not sure how cold the water is, I hope that I won't have to find out. And I have stood up all but two of my landings thus far. And I am very accurate with the landings.
  12. but I've never really tried to hit on a woman online before either, so I guess I am just thinking that I can be as corny as I want since it's not real. Thanks!!!
  13. I agree Jim, I read your story about your first BASE jump, I think mine would be alot more controlled and with a bunch of great guys that I have faith in and they know my skill level in regards to sports in general. I will do it sonner than later but I think for today, I don't have time...shit I want to blow it all off and go jump though. YOur the shit though Jim!!!