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Everything posted by Ronald

  1. ---- Based on my experiences above and from observation of others I believe on low freefalls a 0.5 second delay is better than a 'throw and go'. I also make some small rigging changes, PM me if you want details. Being able to jump the same object back to back is useful, I'll be able to give more accurate feedback when I have identical canopies. Will ------ I agree with Will, but for a different reason. I feel the bridle snatch/stretch time is largely negligable when compared to the difference in time/altitude a canopy takes to open with low airspeed (eg. go and throw; but excluding statics/PCA) and with higher airspeed. My experience is that with higher airspeed, my canopy opens quicker, and pressurises quicker. The effect: more groundrush
  2. MEA is right, The highest vertical cliff is in Queen Maud land, Antartica. You can gett some impressions from an article in National Geographic Magazine (not sure which number, but about 3 to 4 years old issue). No way to get to the top but climb, unless you are the first person to get a heli to that area. I checked this data with the best dutch mountaineer. If somebody makes it up there and jumps is, take care about altitude as the jump is above solid white ice, so estimating how high / low you are would be though.... Ronald Overdijk
  3. Being in the former Eastern Bloc, Romania must be full of high (and very dirty) smoke stacks. Good luck with them Ronald Overdijk
  4. Ronald


    send me an e-mail at [email protected] or call me at =31-(0)6-12153096 Ronald Overdijk
  5. Uhmm, somewhere in Canada? It would be a real teaser if the pic would show the wall as well.... Ronald Overdijk
  6. A great DVD with the latest developments in freestyle (and skysurf and freefly) you can find below: 5th World Parachuting Championships Freestyle Skydiving/Skysurfing 2004 3rd World Parachuting Championships Freeflying 2004 For more details, please see: edited to remove advertising details
  7. If it happens again go ahead and jump. You will get the same charge anyhow, so you might as well get a jump in. Well, not true for every country. In Holland, in the first case you might get a ticket for illegal entry, and after jumping, you might get illegal aerial activity. 2 different violations, with 2 very different fines... Ronald Overdijk
  8. Ronald

    KL Tower Day

    Hi Jasmin, If you make it to Europe, feel free to pass our flat country (with some vertical exceptions). Take care, Ronald Overdijk
  9. Of course I know the guy. Just teasing him as he prefers 2 be anonymous. Ronald Overdijk
  10. Interesting. Some people say: "if it is not on video, it did not happen..." BTW, I would like to have it erased too. Ronald Overdijk
  11. Atmodude, Who the hell is this anonymous guy from Belgium??? Ronald Overdijk
  12. Yep, near Taj Mahal for sure. But, India is extremely crowded and you need a 100% sure escape, like a grossly overpaid taxi. For the really intrepid, you could try one of the minarets (40 meters plus) of the Jami Mashid in Delhi. Apart from the low altitude, surviving an angry islamic mob after landing would be the real challenge. Same might apply for the tower on the Nile Island, Cairo, 180 meters. (different story though). Ronald
  13. Nice one indeed! Congratulations. BTW, the real name is Tiankeng. Up 2 the next site! Ronald Overdijk
  14. Ronald

    Pace to jump?

    Mines. Beauty. Check out Chuiquicamata in Northern Chile, or, better even, the biggest man made hole in Kimberley, South Africa. However, the remarks above apply.... Ronald Overdijk
  15. I just jump to impress myself Ronald Overdijk
  16. Of course, almost any cliff you can walk/climb to. This is not to say a helicopter is good for emergency, but to say you need it to get there is not quite true. Ronald Overdijk
  17. 18 seconds! 300 meter to impact vertical below exit point or more meters with a slope/talus included? That would make a difference.... Ronald Overdijk
  18. Yep, he is recovering. He is dutch by the way. Pretty pointless to mention the pain factor. You can recover 100% but in the process faint of pain, just ask around.... Ronald Overdijk
  19. Ronald


    Just scroll the net about spans. There is a very large one in Willemstad. Ronald Overdijk
  20. Seems to me this is not a valid video in the discussion. Clearly, the PC is inflated, so we what we are seeing is a PC in tow (for whatever reason). We are not seeing any proof of quicker inflation of the PC in the stowed - hand held discusion. Just my 2 cents, Ronald Overdijk
  21. Come on guys, this bridge and the crane has been jumped SO MUCH. Ronald Overdijk
  22. Ronald

    Shooting BASE Video

    Those two cameras (particularly the 100) are notorius for doing that. You should be safe with just about any new Sony camera. And, any OLD Sony camera, like PC7 and PC10 is safe too. Ronald Overdijk
  23. Sorry, it was my egocentric state of mind. Metres of course Ronald Overdijk
  24. Yep, it was in the largest dutch newspaper: Samsung will build the highest building in the world in Dubai. Name: Burj Dubai Location: SZR Floors: 160+ Height: 800+ (maybe 950 or even 1000) Use: Residential, COmmercial, Hotel Construction Start: March 2004 Construction End: Late 2007 to 2008
  25. OK, I got the article from Paramag. No clue about when. At least after 1999 because the article refers to jumps in that year. but here it is: Julien Caquineau, bridge 36 meters (sorry, not 29). He used direct bag. I have seen the pictures and yes, landing was OK. Again, like I said above, he did not release the brakes as this generated too much forward speed he could not brake. He just ran. He also had done test jumps with a dummy. For the interested, the article is below in french: Ronald Overdijk Séquence folie 36 mètres : plus bas, tu meurs… Comme les sites de BASE jump sont rares dans sa région, Julien Caquineau a voulu essayer ce viaduc situé près de chez lui, en Vendée. Il a ainsi réussi un saut à 36 mètres. Ça ne dure pas très longtemps, c'est très bref, mais ça marche ! Déroulement en images et en quelques mots... Même si l’action peut être considérée comme complètement dingue, Julien ne s’est pas jeté dans le vide n'importe comment. Il a d'abord effectué des lancers de mannequin afin d'observer les séquences d'ouvertures de différentes voiles de BASE jump. Selon lui, toutes ne sont d'ailleurs pas compatibles avec cette faible hauteur... Le mannequin, du type utilisé par les maîtres nageurs en piscine, était lesté pour restituer les conditions exactes du saut. La méthode utilisée est le “direct-bag”, c’est-à-dire qu’un complice tient le P.O.D. en mains au moment du départ, une sorte de saut en automatique amélioré. Ce n’est qu’après avoir trouvé la bonne configuration, que Julien a suté ! Et voilà le résultat. Quelques semaines plus tard, dans les mêmes conditions, Julien profitait d’un échafaudage de 60 mètres installé sur le clocher d’une église en réparation… Et le 6 mars dernier, il faisait partie d’un groupe de 4 personnes à sauter de la Tour Effeil. Julien est peut-être le premier à y avoir sauté 2 fois, la première étant de nuit le 23 décembre 1999 (voir ParaMag n 141). Petite anecdote : avant de sauter de la Tour Effeil, les 4 compères avaient sauté d’une tour de la Défense et ils ont été arrêtés par la police. Leur saut de la Défense a été annoncé aux infos (Europe 1, Libération…), mais celui de la tour Effeil est passé complètement inaperçu. Photos Doriant Pichaud