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Everything posted by wildcard451

  1. Sooo, just how in the fuck are they supposed to hold the World Championships there for CP? I get how they can change the rules for their own event, but unless all of a sudden the IPC changes the rules to accommodate them, they can't host CP WOrld events anymore. Did Nick just make Dubai irrelevant to the CP world?
  2. If that is your attitude towards a legitimate question, then i ask you to please refrain from posting. Let me know how that goes for you.
  3. Easier to quote than rewrite. /then again, Im just a no name monkey.
  4. Call sherry and remind her again. When I did that a few years ago I had it on my step in 3 days. 7 years later the suit is still going strong. Julio - way to man up - you guys look like you do great work.
  5. I find that super complicated handshakes and rituals before exit often make up for the lack of piercings. Only when combined with matching gear, obviously. Hence why 4way jumpers are cool. Well, some of us are anyway. I used to make fun of belly fliers for dirt diving......until I caught myself dirt diving my swoop. Oops.
  6. Yep, you go airborne, over the car in front of you, usually. What was that movie that Emilio Estevez and Mick Jagger did where Emilio was a F1 racer and Mick "beamed" him out of his car just before it got obliterated on an overhead bridge from such a wheel-to-wheel contact? This real accident just proved what can happen. Freejack. Favorite old school scifi movie.
  7. What was unconvincing about it? If you have to ask, you're doing it wrong.
  8. Hell, I've been jumping 9 years and still never had a new container or reserve. I bought a new main once, ended up selling it after 80 jumps and ate $500 on it. First 200 jumps was on a 1995 NL Infinity, Raven reserve, PD Silhouette 210, and a Cyp1 with 4 years left. - $1900 in 2003. Buy used.
  9. Skydive Orange actually helped develop the current AFF course, just saying. shhhhhhhh. Both DZ's are awesome. Can;t wait to see WP in it's new iteration in Dinwiddie. I hope they have a nice long swoop lane for me.
  10. Start naming names or quit whining anonymously online.
  11. Charlie - I will be out this weekend for the PD course. If you have questions I will be happy to chat with you about canopy flight. Are you taking the course? PM me if you wanna talk more.
  12. Sure. These days I have no problems giving away any/all of my altis on Full alti/hop and pops. I won't give away my mudflap one , only cause I can't get it off easily. I also prefer to have the digital for precise swooping setups, but am comfortable without it.
  13. www.bhphotovideo.com Always on the mother fucker when it comes to customer service and efficiency.
  14. These are excellent. I would actually suggest you contact Blue SKies Mag to see if they would be interested in putting something in print. They are always looking for alternative content. Great perspective from a new flyer. Entertaining as hell too.
  15. 30 day trial period. You don;t like it, return it.
  16. Besides, you'd be the poser in a Boxter
  17. ONLY because you DONT know how to fly it. Well. Not true. 1) His canopy chose was fucking stupid He wasn;t talking performance. He was talking feeling. When I've gone back to a katana from my velo, it still performs well, however, it definitely FEELS like a sluggish, less responsive wing. I definitely know how to fly both. By no means is he flying either wing close to performance limits. Definitely no to the KA, and yes to a lighter loaded Safire. I could do the opposite to you: I could strap some weights on you, and give you a VC79. You are gonna land and say "Damn, that was fast as shit." It didn't "feel" fast because you might have no idea how to fly it, it felt fast because it felt fast. Sangi has made some dumb choices, but to rail him on a subjective opinion between two decidedly different wings is a bit of a reach.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTJMtZWx29s Love it.
  19. What is your major malfunction? If you have nothing to say you still feel as if you should say something? Don't you have anything better to do in life than to be an overall annoyance? Saved for amusement.