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Everything posted by wildcard451

  1. I was going to say quit being a pussy about it. But yours works too.
  2. Still does not change my opinion of his initial behavior.
  3. True. Splitting lanes in traffix however, seems to just be begging to be hit thiugh. So stupid all around I say.
  4. I did it on a Silhouette 210 @1.19 and flew it just fine. Doesnt mean id recommend it to a jumper now, and not on a smaller wing.
  5. Just for the record....you had NO recovery arc on that turn, or it started about 0.25 sec prior to impact, and you still had some oversteer in there... You appeared to be holding the fronts until just before impact, while still turning. It would be hard to tell without outside video. /not bashing on you man, just clarifying for others reading
  6. Fun little movie, have not seen it in a while.
  7. Which one? Uma Thurman or Alyssa Milano? I guess some clarification is needed ... After going ziplining one weekend in early September, I had a severe allergic reaction to poison ivy/sumac ... It was bad ... really, really bad - I had to go on Prednisone twice before I stopped reacting to it ... My face was the worse ... it cleared two weeks ago ... O Boo, I liked my two suggestions much better for you.
  8. Nice Sari. I can't believe more people here aren't sharing costumes. Weak.
  9. Truly some of the best tongue-in-cheek humor I have read in a while.
  10. I've seen pictures. It was epic. One for the ages.
  11. skydiver == that special kind of prick that you wanna smack...but will still jump with.
  12. Check this out Peter. http://www.clearblueyonder.com/docs/PhysologicalTng_06272005_web.pdf Should be able to get in for a chamber ride.
  13. I couldnt produce a logbook if you asked me to.
  14. Here's a helpful hint. Just go do it. Like others said, you're not getting graded on style. You're purposely leaving your stable belly and making sure you can get back. Flipping over is just a fun way to learn that. You'll be surprised how much cooler you feel once you realize you can, unlike a poor turtle, flip yourself back over off your back. Think about it less, and just go have fun, using the techniques your instructors show you.