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Everything posted by wildcard451

  1. The only thing I find strange is the change from fetus to baby. While 20 wks is getting close to the point that we can still save the life of the preemie, it is not there yet. However, that was going to be their child, and often the correct medical terms can seem quite callous to the family. The mourning process for the loss of a child is different for everyone. It is often quite traumatic and rightfully so.
  2. Perhaps if they treated their passengers with intelligence and respect, outlining that it's just to ensure everybody is paying attention during those important phases of flight, rather than regurgitating obvious untruths about electronic interference and using fear as the attention-getter, the result just might be increased cooperation and customer contentment. Win/win? What a concept... You really think any of these self-entitled little fucks in the world are going to stop playing angry birds or reading their precious kindles or updating facespace to listen to the safety briefing unless you make them? I have been in an exam room talking to a patient and she got annoyed with me when I asked her to stop looking at facebook and answer my questions.... So no, I don;t think you'll get a win win.
  3. The really GOOD freefall photographers don't need gyro stabilized anything. Next time you watch a jerky video remember what Brunos videos look like. No, I know, and I honestly wasn't trying to take anything away from Bruno. I'll probably be picking his brain as to a few of those shots anyway. Some of those compressed shots really did look like a second aircraft shots (well, technically I guess bruno IS a second aircraft ). I always like to take and look at the works of others, especially innovative shots, and try to think to myself "how in the world did they do that?" both as a mental exercise and adding something to my own repertoire. Overall excellent vid Bruno. As far as resources, I was meaning the Team themselves when they described their training regimen. I'd be fucking awesome with that much free time/money too. - at least, that's what I tell myself when I dream.
  4. amazing shots, vision, and editing. I love the DoF on some of the filming, so I am assuming some HDSLR video work. Then again, some of the shots looked like gyro-stabilized shots from another aircraft, so I dunno. Sick work either way. /jealous as hell of their resources.
  5. True...You probably won't see any benefit unless you're a creative professional that demands blistering performance... Creative amateur that wants blistering performance.
  6. you can slap a large memory card in it and set it on a pic every 5 sec. Plug it in and then time lapse it into a video.
  7. Yup. It was a strange feeling actually reading a manual. Even bought a "for dummies" book on the switchover for the shit of it. I can't say I love it any more than my PC right now, as I have just taken it out of the box, and this is my first post on it. I can't wait to get Lightroom and Photochop up and running on it though. Should be blistering.
  8. I got the trackpad - but also a Wacom editing tablet. I pick it up in the morning, so we will see how I do with editing on it, and it the photo side of things really is that much better.
  9. That joke is more tiresome than new kids asking about gear. With a D license and 9 years in, you are a leader in this sport whether you are an active coach/instructor or not. If you have nothing constructive to add, then zip it up!! Ya got me. Unfortunately this website in its current iteration has long outlived any useful advice, so we may as well make a joke of it.
  10. You let her keep her clothes on?
  11. https://encrypted-tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRPqc76D9uaiNotOAYJxHmGXcddfHO3V4B3W7LP_4R1ANURrQJWew
  12. I get the chance to come into work to help the sick feel better. Then I get to drive 3 hours to give my GF her presents. Should be fun.
  13. ever? Let's see if you can do better. Bring on the worst music video you can.
  14. Asshole! I'm not throwing my name in just yet. I thought I was going this past March and got sick at the wrong time. Now I haven't jumped since Sept 2010 We'll see how it goes this time. I wanna be on that jump. I wanna see that currency training. Hand him a rig and let's go for a true goat fuck rodeo.
  15. Most jumpers BY FAR prefer reading an accident report where the jumper just plain screwed up... not an equipment failure. Of course they do. Because it happened to "that guy" and not "me", and "I" would never be stupid enough to make that mistake.
  16. Asshole! I'm not throwing my name in just yet. I thought I was going this past March and got sick at the wrong time. Now I haven't jumped since Sept 2010 We'll see how it goes this time. I wanna be on that jump.
  17. ...and bought a Mac. Time to change my license over on Lightroom3, and buy Photoshop while it is still on sale. Let's hope I don't regret this decision.
  18. same - xmas eve and day. But I have no kids, so I get new years eve and day off.