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    Skydive Spaceland
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  1. lol, i'm trying not to concentrate on it too bad. I've got a while before I leave, going to enjoy my last months of civilian life haha.
  2. I would love to have any infantry job. If I had to choose though I would prefer machinegunner or rifleman. Being a grunt is fine w/ me lol :)
  3. I'll also give him a good stare down!! lol
  4. San Diego hehe. Was planning on the Army, but I changed my mind ;)
  5. Hey everyone, I recently enlisted in the Marine Corps and will be leaving sometime around July. I have 17 jumps under my belt and I'll be getting my A soon, if the weather allows me to lol.. I'll be in bootcamp for about 13 weeks and then I'll be able to come home for some leave. I was wondering if I will lose my A license or if I'll have to go back and do some AFF classes b/c I would be gone without jumping for some time??? Appreciate it!!!
  6. That's depressing..... :'( I need to buy more lotto tickets.
  7. anyone have any idea how much it would cost total to own a medium sized dz ??
  8. Minus the greater chance for getting cancer than smoking cigarettes. Yep... no deaths or any type of cancer from smoking weed ! :) I think you mis-read my post. Weed has a greater chance than cigarettes. Can you provide one example of one person who has gotten cancer from smoking too much weed ?
  9. Minus the greater chance for getting cancer than smoking cigarettes. Yep... no deaths or any type of cancer from smoking weed ! :)
  10. Marijuana is a wonderful medicine that doesn't have much of the risks that these highly addictive pain pills have..... Wonder why it's still not legal on the federal level.
  11. I better get my A license before the world ends :(
  12. I have to two of these jumps to get my A. I'm kind of worried I won't have enough time or alititude to get stable though. I'm getting kinda nervous !