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  1. 2 points
    It's hilarious considering your habit of demeaning anyone else who would bring Trump into a thread out of nowhere, yet here you are doing it again.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    Thats Nancy Pelosi. Angela Merkel intimidates him as well because she stood up to President Putin and is better educated than trump. Thats a silly sort of statement because my cat is smarter than trump. But I digress.
  6. 1 point
    I am sure there are a number of smart, well qualified people who would make a good president. They are probably smart enough not to want to be president. If Trump is elected, he will be gone after 4 more years. If Biden is elected, he will probably not last more than 4 years if that due to his age. Let's hope we have good choices in 2024.
  7. 1 point
    No one can work for Trump with out being a trumper and telling trumps.
  8. 1 point
    I can't tell you how much I'm disappointed in the two choices we have. The R nomination was not ever going to change. I was truly, honestly hoping that the Ds would choose someone that is not only capable of winning the election, but better than "marginally good enough" and has a #1 best trait of, "At least he's not Trump".
  9. 1 point
    It is, but so are most common colds, and they're not a very good comparison either. Sars wasn't stopped because we dealt with it any better, it was stopped becase it's far, far easier to stop. Generally speaking you only catch Sars through exposure to someone who is seriously ill. These people are easy to isolate and trace. You catch Covid-19 from exposure to anyone who has it. Globally Sars wasn't dealt with any better than the current pandemic, in fact several major public health failings were exposed. Like with anything else though, because we got away lightly it didn't seem particularly important to fix those failings. Like with skydiving or any other risky activity, a massive potential learning opportunity unfortunately becomes another step in the normalisation of deviance.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    I believe that there are DZs in these states operating : Arizona, Hawaii, California, Florida, Texas
  12. 1 point
    Several DZs are opening this weekend. Even more plan to open within two weeks. For sure people will get infected. It will happen. It's just a question of how long and who gets it first.
  13. 1 point
    I've had one slow-speed belly-mount reserve deployment. Jump #11. No pilot chute on reserve. Lake Elsinore, 1978. Classic Mae West! I did exactly what the the EPs called for which was pull the ripcord, toss or stow it (I was told to toss as a student), reach into the reserve and toss in the direction of the spin. Perfect deployment of reserve, which of course took enough pressure off Mae's bra to clear the line, so I had two perfectly good canopies above me. Which left me at the mercy of the wind. One case where two may be worse than one. haha! I landed in the muddy water stretched out virtually on my back due to the two canopies. Further into the water and it could have been a mess (yes, I had a flotation device), or out on the hard pack would have hurt like a ....
  14. 1 point
    I have two reserve rides. Both were belly mount without pilot chute. One after having a floating ripcord after a five second delay. The second after cutting away a high speed mal with DOUBLE SHOT Capewells. There was no way I was going to try to hand deploy into the mess over my head!
  15. 1 point
    Hi Peter, But, not before my time. I do have to say that I have never deployed a chest pack under an open canopy. Back in the 60's I would occasionally go up to Abottsford to jump. Bill Hardman was the DZ Mgr. They did some testing & concluded that 'throwing it into the spin' simply did not work. So they changed to a 'pull & punch' system. You merely pulled the gut pack ripcord & then punched the canopy with the same hand to get things moving. I have no idea on how many times this was used or the outcomes. Jerry Baumchen
  16. 1 point
    When I started to teach I thought I should go try the reserve toss deal. I took a T10 tied one toggle down to put me in a spin (well as good as possible with a T10). Grabbed the reserve and threw it down and into the spin. It ate me. I had reserve all over the place. After that we changed to teaching the student to cut away. I even tried the toss thing on another jump with the canopy in a paper grocery bag. Better but it still sucked.
  17. 1 point
    Thanks Mark. Believe it or not, the paraglider/paramotor crowd still use remarkably similar systems. YouTube videos have me thinking there is room for improvement in both training and technology. It looks like people are having trouble throwing into clean air. It seems like there are more main/reserve entanglements than there should be.
  18. 1 point
    Hi Mark, I have, twice. It hurts. Jerry Baumchen
  19. 1 point
    Partial malfunction: Hold the container flaps together with left hand, pull ripcord with right hand. Throw ripcord away. Peel back flaps. Take canopy and big wad of lines, throw down and in the direction of spin. For a really slow malfunction, might have to shake the reserve a couple time before it's interested in opening. I've done this. Total malfunction: Airborne tuck/fetal position. Pull ripcord. Assist canopy into wind if necessary. I've never done this.
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