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  1. 4 points
    Right, because 5 years in a row of one thing is random chance, 1 year in a row of another thing is absolute proof positive of… oh who cares. It’s not even worth the effort to make fun of you properly anymore because you do it so effectively yourself.
  2. 3 points
    I'm very, very confused why some people in the Braden camp push Elsinore so much. Why in the absolute holy hell would Ted B. Braden need to ask skydiving advice from ANYONE on the planet in 1971?
  3. 3 points
    New episode out now! DB Cooper Vanished with Chris Williamson https://thecoopervortex.podbean.com/e/db-cooper-vanished-chris-williamson/
  4. 2 points
    Yes I know you're right, but I guess I have to ask how many people on the planet can ramble about the Cooper case for 3 hours and stick mostly to the known facts? A dozen? Less? I think keeping the case alive in the public eye is critical. Getting into the case via misinformation is often times better than not getting into it at all. Smart people will adapt and recognize that the misinformation that originally got them into the case was incorrect and they'll start learning and getting into the correct minutiae of the case. Hell, it was misinformation-laden media that got most of us into the case with the Unsolved Mysteries or In Search Of episodes, etc. There are some really sharp people who have joined the case due to both of the dumb Rackstraw productions, the one in 2016 and the most recent Netflix show. Also, people can dislike Ulis all they want but the Facebook Group has been a great thing and has brought a lot of neat evidence to light. I'm also grateful to Ulis for doing the CooperCon thing. It's great to have event so we can "gather the tribe", as Bruce called it. I think Darren's podcast has the same effect. He gets between 10k to up to 20k listeners an episode. That's pretty awesome. Point is, keeping the case in the public eye is key to bringing new minds into the case and keeping the topic fresh in the public consciousness. It's too bad you aren't able to do Darren's show. You should start your own show as you've suggested. I can be your first guest, haha.
  5. 2 points
    You mean when your economy completely tanked under Trump your CO2 emissions went down and then when your economy started recovery under Biden those emissions started trending up a bit. This is absolutely shocking. Hard to imagine anybody with an IQ over 60 could have seen that coming.....
  6. 2 points
    I’d like to defend myself here. The point of my show isn’t to solve the case or to prove anyone right or wrong. The point is to present every theory and suspect possible, and let the listener decide who is right, who is wrong, who is onto something, and who is crazy. With that in mind, of course it’s going to a much different interview with the Reca crew than it would be for Marty or Dave. Some people want to be challenged in the interview, and others do not. I try to navigate that as best as I can. You’re well aware I’d love to have you on the show Flyjack, and I hope that you will come on soon. Everyone would love it, and I promise to play hardball with you. PS - Thanks for the 1.5x speed tip on the recent Grimerica podcast. Totally necessary.
  7. 2 points
    I think more specifically that their approach now is to eliminate checks on both state and federal branches of government that they control. It’s straight out of the dictator’s handbook if there ever was one. First take control of the courts, get them to rule in favor of your party, then take control of the voting. What I find most alarming is that this ruling could potentially allow the overturning of voter referendum approved systems that are already in place in some states. If that happens you can kiss any hope of ranked choice voting goodbye.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    i sent an email. other than that, it is all talk since the numbers are not searchable and not complete when they are. you're right, it's just an opinion and this is the place for it. have a great weekend.
  10. 1 point
    Most of the major players are big donators to BOTH sides. While the money buys a certain amount of influence, what it mostly buys is access.
  11. 1 point
    I've been following this discussion since the beginning. I don't agree with the idea of requiring qualifications to jump a wingloading and have said so. But I had a thought yesterday: How much difference would it make? That is, how many people who are getting hurt or killed would have met the qualifications and been 'legal' to jump the w/l they were? From what I've seen & read, the answer would be 'not many'. Most of the people I know who got hurt were fairly well qualified. They had the experience, the jumps and the skills to do what they were doing. They just screwed up. Some had the jumps and the advanced licenses, but didn't have the skills. Some of the 'new jumpers' who got hurt were under reasonably conservative canopies. They just thought they could do what the 'cool kids' were doing and flew themselves into the ground. This applies both to what I've personally experienced and what I've read on here. The one big exception to it was Sangi. And he had everyone on here telling him he was going to hurt himself for a fairly long time before he proved them right. The actual number of people who were on a canopy beyond their skill level when they got hurt is pretty small, as far as I can tell. Again, this is just my 'gut feeling', and doesn't really have any facts or statistics to back it up. I welcome correction from anyone who has better info.
  12. 1 point
    I'm with you on the Reca business. It's openly and notoriously fraudulent IMO. I'm not a fan of the smugness and condescension that Jones has toward actual Cooper researchers either.
  13. 1 point
    Agreed that this case is extremely scary when thinking through the possibly outcomes when this doctrine is implemented. Would be very, very hard to return to a democracy after that.
  14. 1 point
    Braden is a better suspect than many of the others. There was a time when I thought Cooper may have been special forces, particularly because of his calm/confident demeanor and execution. But I have kind changed my mind over time. While Cooper did a solid overall job in terms of pulling this off, he made some mistakes that he got away with that would make me thing Braden/SFs might not have. One of the bigger mistakes, I believe while on the ground at SeaTac, after getting the money/chutes, there was some point where he allowed himself to be abandoned on the plan with no "collateral" or hedge against authorities. I think Tina could have left the plane with the pilots, the other two stewardesses were already off. That seems like a major blunder. SFs can make mistakes too, but this one just sort of pushes me to a non Braden type guy.
  15. 1 point
    Hi falls, IMO it is not a 'Looks like.' We very definitely have a 'people problem.' Jerry Baumchen
  16. 1 point
    Seconded. It would give some of us the opportunity to make a lengthy post calling out everything you said wrong or that we disagree with when you are recorded speaking about Cooper for 3 hours straight.
  17. 1 point
    Earth population 1950 2.5 billion Earth population 2020 7.7 billion Do you see a correlation to temperature. Looks like we have a people problem.
  18. 1 point
    TBH,, I am finding these podcast's increasingly frustrating.. the Reca/Peca Vern jones one was such a softball session... The Reca/Peca narrative is a disaster. It doesn't fit the evidence and relies on unreliable and unrealistic claims manufactured by Carl and Reca.. IMO it is a hoax.. and a distraction for the case. Vern rolled over on his back and Darren patted his belly.. these guys are rarely asked the tough questions.. For this episode, Lyle walked back his claims about the guy at Elsinore.. There is no connection to Cooper. Lyle embellished it for publicity then walked it back.. it is in the FBI files. He later claimed that the guy probably read about the case in the media.. classic CYA. Elsinore is a red herring. Corcoran jump boots,, where did that come from.. you guys talk about it as if it was a fact. It isn't. Tina said laceless and ankle high, not loafers,, loafers came from Himmelsbach's speculation in his book and the media. There were no loafers. Somehow laceless got morphed into loafers. Cooper was described as swarthy/olive/latin/dark/one quarter MEX/NATIVE, back then Latino/Hispanic terminology wasn't used yet, they even redid the sketch with primary witnesses to better depict this.. Cooper had these characteristics.. basic qualifications for any suspect. BTW, "olive" is a subset of swarthy and not a tan.. Anybody that discounts this characteristic for Cooper should pack it up and go to the Zodiac case. It is almost universally corroborated by witnesses. Gregory's description was almost entirely corroborated by other witnesses.. it wasn't an outlier.. Russet is brown, Tina also said brown suit. Latin(o) is virtually synonymous to one quarter MEX/NATIVE.. Gregory is very credible. People discounted him early on because he said he was last on the plane and closest to Cooper, 4 seats away.. he actually was the last to leave and closest to Cooper after Mitchell moved forward. He knew Cooper was suspicious and took a good look at him when he left.. Mitchell only noticed him because the stew was paying attention to him. Braden was not Cooper, there is no evidence for him to be Cooper. He was a badass, he looked like a badass, he had dimples thin hair and a very unique look.. He didn't match Cooper's description or profile,, Cooper was not a badass. Braden is a very unique character but that doesn't make him Cooper, it eliminates him. The current DNA sample from the tie is useless.. we need a new analysis with new tech if that is even possible now with the caveat that it is not even certain Cooper was the one wearing the tie for the 7 years prior to the hijacking. As time goes by you'd expect the case to become more fine tuned but it seems the opposite is happening.. the public narrative isn't advancing it is becoming polluted with misinformation and weak or ridiculous suspects with assumptions and conjecture presented as fact.. this discredits the Cooper case as people are inundated with more and more bad information.. The case is going backwards,, I would never do Darren's show with such softball questions, it doesn't help anyone.. it gives oxygen to bad thinking. The Cooper case public discourse is becoming a waste of time. Two steps forward five steps back, the Vortex boogie.. Advice,, these softball interviews are counter productive,, there are ways to ask the tough questions everybody wants asked without being offensive.
  19. 1 point
    There is no hard data to support your statement concerning USPA. Of course, you are entitled to your opinion, and this is a good place to express it. What your statement seems to indicate to me is “a keyboard warrior, lots of talk but no action”. I really could not say if this is correct, but it appears to indicate such. Again, I suggest if this is something you truly believe would work, push it up to your Regional Director, try to get it implemented. I, personally, have several suggestions from members I am presenting to the USPA Board in February in Reno. That’s how things get done. I cannot recall any case where a rule was implemented or changed simply because of comments on DZ.com.
  20. 1 point
    Regardless of the specific misconduct, that article is well worth reading for its general commentary on "strategic ignorance". Applies very accurately to the people who continue to support Trump, and those who voted for Walker.
  21. 1 point
    Being an old Alberta/Texas boy. You should know more than anyone. You can't teach an old horse new tricks. Brent is not capable of changing. He's been rode hard and put away wet so many times by the GOP. He can't change. He returns to Parler, Truth Social, etc. Like a horse that found spilled oats in a spot a decade ago. Thinking that more oats will reappear. Its all he knows.
  22. 1 point
    Has anyone noticed how the trolls seem to take turns? One gets a "vacation" and another takes over. It's almost like they're the same person.
  23. 1 point
    "Republican", "hypocrite" and "fraud" seem to be synonyms these days.
  24. 1 point
    There is one case of a canopy that had a nasty disposition when not loaded on the heavy side for the performance of the day. The Nova. I had a Nova 135. At 220 pounds in street clothes, it had two speeds - fast, and f*ckn fast. It was blamed for several low altitude, light loading canopy collapses and at least one death if memory serves. When people called me out for jumping it, I would tell them that "I got a good one".
  25. 1 point
    What is it you think you achieve by pretending not to understand what trends are, besides making everyone think you're a guy who doesn't understand what trends are?
  26. 1 point
    Not sure. We're doing the same flight on the 27th. I've stated before that I'm in favor of single payer.
  27. 1 point
    Didn't courts recognize the Trump U fraud when T was fined $25M, and the Trump Foundation fraud when they were fined $2M and the Trump kids were ordered to undergo mandatory training to ensure they do not engage in similar misconduct in the future.
  28. 1 point
    The only way that I can imagine "under-loading" a canopy to be dangerous is if you combine that "under-loaded canopy" with gusty winds with strong updrafts and even stronger down-drafts. .... which makes us question why you were jumping in gusty winds??????????? When the air gets bumpy, POPS sit on the balcony and watch young pups get dragged through the cacti. Hah! Hah!
  29. 1 point
    I marvel at people who get worked up about adults with other lifestyles. I guess I spent too much time in art colonies/gay Meccas, but I'm a lot more concerned about True Believers of any stripe than I am drag queens. Religious fanatics have a long track record of killing those with whom they disagree; drag queens not so much. I very much prefer cultures where other people's preferences are a matter of indifference, so long as everyone is of the age of consent, no animals are harmed and so forth. Then again, I'm not going to hebbin, so my opinion doesn't count for much. BSBD, Winsor
  30. 1 point
    Choosing not to implement a wingloading BSR has nothing to do with a fear of being sued. Potential litigation has never even been part of the conversation concerning wingloadings.
  31. 1 point
    Hi guys, My name is Mike Pelkey. Brian Schubert and I are credited with being the first BASE jumpers. We made the first jump from the El Capitan on July 24, 1966, 12 years before Carl Boenish and company began BASE jumping. Just thought I would say hi and see if anyone remembers me from Basejumper.com.
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