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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/2022 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    You mean Trump's inauguration committee that caused the non-profit as well as Trump's company to pay $750,000 for the misuse of non-profit funds? Strangely enough Brent is silent on that one too.
  2. 2 points
    I’m not sure I understand why. But then 10 years ago this was the place. Personally, I completely agree with the earlier analysis of a forum format being better for actual discussion. And I’ll admit I don’t see the benefits of completely unmoderated discussion, but then I’m on the polite side, and don’t find a venue where being the biggest asshole means you win (or get heard the most) to be attractive Wendy P.
  3. 2 points
    Well, obviously he is preparing to run as the GOP presidential candidate in 2024.
  4. 2 points
    Hi Jerry, An embryo can be frozen for a very long time, then used to create a living baby. The current record is 27 years, with the baby being born in Oct 2020. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-55164607 Can't do that with a baby. OTOH, as far as vaccines go, a pregnant woman won't make other women around her pregnant. I'm not sure if I agree with vax mandates or not (none exist at the moment). I AM in favor of not allowing unvaxxed people in certain places, to do certain activities and putting them at the 'back of the line' for medical care.
  5. 2 points
    LMAO and there it is: SpaceX Paid $250,000 to a Flight Attendant Who Accused Elon Musk of Sexual Misconduct (businessinsider.com) Certainly only an allegation at this time, but the timing of him saying "you're going to hear bad things about me and they're definitely just hit pieces" immediately before this news dropped is absolutely protesting too much...
  6. 1 point
    I'll defer to you on the whole complex issue of health information privacy! But a person (or company?) must be able to do something about information they come across, rather than just being forced to be quiet due to some medical privacy rules. "Hey I know this commercial pilot, I've seen his pill bottles for stuff that isn't allowed on active flight status." or "I saw this tandem instructor smoking pot before jumping today -- can we ground him for the rest of the day?" That's probably all I can contribute to the questions in this thread.
  7. 1 point
    Absolutely. The sad, simple, fact of the matter is that some kids will always need to be held by an ear lobe when speaking in public.
  8. 1 point
    The last group that had a legitimate complaint about being invaded by aliens was the native population. No other group has ever lost anything to immigration in North America.
  9. 1 point
    He broke the first rule of GOP Coke & Sex Club: You never talk about GOP Coke & Sex Club.
  10. 1 point
    ... run by someone who may not have had the experience, but who stepped up to try to contribute. Oh, and they filed their taxes and made public their operating costs -- unlike the inauguration committee from the last administration.
  11. 1 point
    ?? She had planned to resign for at least a year before she did, since she was planning to focus on book writing and TV. How is that indicative of her guilt of . . . anything? I mean, I've resigned from several jobs. When I left Qualcomm I left a very high paying job for a job that paid 2/3 as much. What was I doing wrong? Ah yes! The "it's not racism, they are doing it to themselves" argument. While various predominantly black communities do have problems, racism was the genesis of many of them - and continues to be a factor that divides the races.
  12. 1 point
    You are arguing with the definition of replacement theory? Go right ahead; I won't stop you. However, trying to wordsmith it until it's meaningless won't change the fact that it does, in fact, exist - and that the killer was very much on board with it. And all you have to do is add to that " . . and they want to destroy our way of life" and you have replacement theory in a nutshell.
  13. 1 point
    Closest one to me is Browns Ferry Nuclear power plant in Decatur, a 2 hour drive away. There is another one, unfinished for decades, near Scottsboro. They are extremely expensive to build for sure. But maintained and operated properly, it's a great source of clean energy. Even then, Browns Ferry dodged a potential catastrophe on April 27, 2011 when an EF5 tornado passed by within a mile of the plant. It did cut through the major power pylons that deliver power to Huntsville, so the entire city was in the dark for a week.
  14. 1 point
    Hi Robert, Those 'mandates' are not absolute. Here in Oregon there are some exceptions for children having to be vax'd to go to school; religion for one, comes to mind. Or, one can merely do home-schooling to get around them. Jerry Baumchen
  15. 1 point
    I certainly see why Putin and trump got along so well. A sailor on the Russian flagship Moskova was killed when it sank. His family was informed that their son would not receive death benefits. Because it was not in Ukrainian waters when it accidentally sank. I'm sure trump would chuckle at that one.
  16. 1 point
    "Are those Space Pants that you are wearing? 'cause your ass is out of this world."
  17. 1 point
    Hi Bill, The human in me is against nuclear power due to the near costs & the very long-term waste storage costs. The engineer in me says we should continue doing good research. Jerry Baumchen
  18. 1 point
    He said essentially the same thing in an article published before Russia invaded. Basically called the pro war commentators and political analysts idiots who didn't have a clue what they were talking about. You could see the female panellist here trying desperately to divert him from his message. I wouldn't be drinking tea or going near any windows in high rise buildings if I was him. Perhaps it was a way of letting Putin off the hook a little if he backs down. Claiming he was misinformed by his "experts". Followed by the ritual purging of a few bigwigs.
  19. 1 point
    Trust me. This is not "the" problem, just one of the problems.
  20. 1 point
    I do. Besides being happy with our strengthened NATO alliance and how he's handling the war in Ukraine I am totally thrilled that he is occupying the Oval Office and not Trump. Even if I were to concede he's made some domestic policy errors just knowing that it's mere incompetence not rank criminality as the root cause makes me happy.
  21. 1 point
    The majority of folks I see standing in line to get lottery tickets...shouldn't.
  22. 1 point
    Hi Peter, Back in the 70's, RWS could not keep up with the production demands. So, they entered into an agreement with Guardian Parachute ( subsidiary of FXC Corp ) to build rigs for them. Three employees of Guardian stayed late at nite & built bogus rigs; these rigs were never entered into the production documents. They then sold the rigs out of their cars at various dz's in SoCal. When Guardian found out, all three were fired immediately. This was told to me back in 1978 by Chuck Embury, one of the three. Jerry Baumchen
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