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Everything posted by DTOXX

  1. Before the line gets too long. Hey Rosa, I like girls too. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  2. Two words. Bonsai Kitten ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  3. Oh yeah, I see my boss about once every three weeks. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  4. Would "drool down the side of it" be considered an option to "spit on it"? ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  5. Sending out the get well soon Vibes now. Hope your feeling well soon but do take it slow. Waiting 3 months to jump is much better than limping for the rest of your life. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  6. From a movie (of which I forget the name) "Cure Virginity" ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  7. Check out this wedding cake. http://www.ladycakes.com/attach/178228-Picture%20198.jpg ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  8. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  9. ohhhhhh Your going to hear from Ivan. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  10. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  11. You could use an Iframe tag to place an inline page. This inline page would use the background as a watermark (so it does not scroll) and would be sized as the same. You could scroll the Iframe give unlimited room for product expansion. (well within reason I suppose). ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  12. Its Tuesday, that means Kung Fu. I am 8 weeks out of knee surgery so I can do a very light workout. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  13. DTOXX

    interesting ad

    I can't get past the image of 240 small squares of TP landing all around the Dropzone. Hell we could TP the entire countryside with only 60 seconds worth of work. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  14. Not to mention that most DSL connections are dynamically addresses though DHCP on the providers side. This will make it more difficult to host sites. As others have said above, 192K will get buried in a heartbeat and will cause lag on everyone involved. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  15. You are soooooo screwed Ed. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  16. Nice shoes, wanna @$%^ ? ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  17. Damn Taylor beat me to the virginity joke. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  18. LOL You will get use to it I guess. Growing up here I am just attune to the pace, the crowds and the prices. I visit other places for business and vacation and am constantly amazed how SLOW the pace is. Its like people have nothing to do. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  19. Thanks guys. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  20. Does anyone know that forum software HH is running here? Thanks all. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  21. There are many. I like Panicware's Pop-up Stopper. (http://www.panicware.com) There is a free version that works great. I also recommend Ad-Aware from Lavasoft. (http://www.lavasoftusa.com/) This is another free application that includes regular reference file updates. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  22. Admittedly I looked at the first picture and thought "ahhh so...". The second pic made me stop and just stare at the screen. I am just awe struck. Thanks mate.
  23. Jumping in Taft is weird in the middle of the summer. Usually I want the jump to last longer for the joy of it. In the summer is because its too damn hot on the ground. One day phone rang at the dropzone and the guy on the other end asked what the weather was like and that he planned to make a tandem jump with a buddy. I replied as honestly as I could, "Its 80 degrees and the sky is clear". It was 8am! ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  24. Oddly enough I looked at the pictures and did not think anything about it. "Golden", nice one. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  25. DTOXX

    need IT help

    Yes and no. By changing the registry options many of these hijacking butthead mother 3%$#^#@$^ (sorry) have made it possible for the user NOT to change the home page. Some of these are CoolWebSearch (aka CoolWwwSearch, YouFindAll, White-Pages.ws). These alter the functionallity of the browser by redirecting everything to a page stored on your hard drive. If you delete the file then your browser goes nowhere. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy