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Everything posted by DTOXX

  1. Something tells me you have been a baiter for so long you are a Master. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  2. Sweet! ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  3. From what I have been able to piece together the main advertising agency for P&G in this era was Compton. Compton was bought out in 1982 by Saatchi & Saatchi. I am on the phone with their Los Angeles office as I type this. update: I just spoke to the New York office and the P&G rep. (Isabel) is on vacation until Monday. Hopefully this is one step closer. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  4. I have done several searches and have found sites that "archive" commercials. The problem is that most of these only go back so far. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  5. DTOXX


    Can't we all just share some pictures and get along? ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  6. No its not that kind of spot. I am attempting to find a commercial that aired December 12th, 1963 on the CBS network. The commercial aired during Pettycoat Junction, episode 6312 "Honeymoon Hotel", for the Proctor & Gambles product of Pampers. The spot featured my sister-in-law as the "Pampers baby" and we would like to show a copy of same during an upcoming family event. I have emailed CBS corporate (no response), the local affiliate (KOVR in Sacramento CA) and they do archive that far back and Proctor & Gamble. P&G did reply with "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but because our advertising is handled by outside agencies, we're unable to provide videotapes of our commercials or a listing of times they will air. I'm sharing your interest with the rest of the team." Does anyone have an idea on how I should proceed? I would like very much to provide this as a "commercial" in a "Heres your life" type video presentation at her next birthday. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  7. {{{{{{VIBES}}}}}} ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  8. DTOXX

    Go Players

    Most wrong. Grew up in the navy. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  9. My wife and I still sing "Flight of the Valkyries"as "Kill Da Wabbit" thanks to Elmer Fudd. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  10. Well first. You Idiot. APPLY for the job. (heres hoping you get it) Second: "How big do you think they are?". I am sure with the right amount of photos we can get a judging panel put together in no time. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  11. If that rule applies to the porn industry those will be some very happy visa officers. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  12. Its just sad that I know this but.. Movie: Win a date with Tad Hamilton Paris Hilton (in a very small bikini) parachutes into a swimming pool. Then walks out of the pool with half her ass hanging out and... what were we talking about again.. There is an out take of the same scene in the "bonus" section of the DVD. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  13. Its not even finished and there are already base jumpers on it. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  14. Is it OK to form a line in order to lust after the greenie with the awesome rack(tm)? ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  15. I damn near OD on the seasoning they put on everything. Its fine at first then it feels like I have some foul tasting retainer in my mouth. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  16. From memory: Easysearch redirection is caused by ISTBar. (I would need to look it up to be sure) Ad-Aware and CWShredder should be able to remove this IF you reboot the machine into SAFE MODE. Simply reboot the machine and press F8 (assuming Windows XP here). You will get the boot option menu. Even if this is not ISTbar (or a varient) you may want safe mood anyway so that all the crap is not running in memory while you are trying to kill it. I would be vary of using HiJackThis because you can kill off part or your real settings if you do not know what your are deleting. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  17. One set of drapes with rod and draw cord should do it. I see a base jump out of the same window he "borrowed" from. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  18. DTOXX


    I gave up on ICQ a while ago. I am using Windows Messenger however but thats mainly to check in with Sunshine. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  19. Pacific $202 a year for my 2001 Honda Shadow 750. This is roughly half of my Farmers quote. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  20. Men. If women had the same sex drive as us then we would still be living in caves and fire would not have been invented. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  21. So your saying they my riggers never ending Red Bull consumption and his "humor" in dry humping anything that moves is NOT related? ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  22. Damn what are you psychic or something. The is EXACTLY what I was thinking of. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  23. I am now 16 weeks into recovery and, not to piss you off, I have made pretty good progress. I am now fighting the urge to get back in the air and its getting more diffucult each weekend. I keep thinking I can make a decent landing and SHOULD be ok. I know I can NOT run a landing out yet but I SHOULD be ok right? Then I stop and think that walking for the rest of my life sounds like a pretty good thing to be able to do. I have some great friends both on and off the DZ who help me with comments like "Dude, the sky will still be there." and "Sit your ass back down stupid..." (true friends I know) Heres hoping you heal fast, have a job, and do not rush back too soon. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy
  24. Do you hear that everyone. Theres a tee shirt folding party at Lisa's place tonight. ------- D.T. Holder SIMstudy