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Everything posted by D22369

  1. Interesting to see one of the USUAL SUSPECTS here in SC voted yes. *** I sure hope those who clicked yes were merely stirring the pot so to speak, we dont live in the dark ages anymore and it really sucks that there are still those who really feel this way. It would be nice to see them step foreward and man up to thier "yes" vote with an explanation and see if the basis for it was "my imaginary friend in the sky says so" or if it comes down to the "bad man touched me here on the doll" reason. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  2. gotta love when they pull the family into the verbal assault ending was sweeeeet, priceless! Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  3. I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die. I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy. *** I shot the deputy - sheriff was outta range... Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  4. ya fuck one goat and yer a goat fucker forever poor damn goat, hopefully this shining example of humanity gets Bubba as a cell mate - it would be good for him to know how the goat felt. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  5. other than pleasuring myself with a very boring book with no pics I agree with you completely - he got off easy. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  6. all numbers are a rough approximation Raven IV 20 jumps Raven III 300 jumps Interceptor 225 100 jumps Aerial 170 300 jumps Triathalon 135 100 jumps Stiletto 135 500 jumps Stiletto 120 500 jumps Fx-99 20 jumps Fx-85 800 jumps Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  7. Ok so you have 90 jumps or so that you have managed to remain current... at that level or even the 140 you have total your still learning... being dragged by the wind is embarrassing but there is a lesson there if your open to it. I've read the SIMS a few times, have over 2 hours of tunnel time and have attended 1 canopy course and am scheduled for another with Brian Germaine. *** this tells me your serious about improving your skills - now all you need is more time/jumps. without flying with you I cant say for sure whether your being too hard on yourself and your perceived flaws, but by what your wrote and where you are in jumps I am thinking that you are beating yourself up over nothing. If you can manage to jump with very experienced jumpers then do so - you will learn more than you will with jumpers around your own level plus more than likely get better feedback on what did or did not work. if your not a hazard to yourself or others then give yourself time... the skills will come - and someday when your sitting on a ton of jumps you will be able to relate to the lowtimers who are struggling with real or perceived faults. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  8. ( I assume you're a Christian) went through a nasty phase, just like Islam is going through now. *** only difference is the century it is or has happened in, the carnage from religious zealots with nukes is truly scary, christians with nukes in the middle ages....brrr, you know the loss of life would have been horrendous .... however we no longer fear the christians as much as muslim fanatics - who have shown in recent times absolutely no regard for anyones life - they will even kill thier own if they believe they are not muslim enough, they will kill you, your family, everything you ever loved. religion itself is the greatest source of evil that this planet has ever seen or will probably ever see. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  9. Hah, I earned my redwings years ago, after that... chickens are nothin Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  10. "its a fried scab" *** oh boy... what a way to put it... if I was ever gonna try it you just completely killed any chance of me ever doing so, I will never be able to get passed that Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  11. There are already 20,000 gun laws in effect around the country, but if we can just get these 17 more, then everything will be just fine! *** and not one of those laws stops a criminal from getting their hands on a gun, they just restrict everyone else. I am sure someone will have to mention that the laws stop them from buying them from stores that sell guns, but they are very easy to get from other sources - these laws dont seem to stop criminals much... Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  12. why drag the rig? once the canopy is in the bag simply put the locking stows in place then move toward the rig stowing as you go, no need to drag an expensive piece of equipment. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  13. trust? they are all politicians, if their lips are moving they are lying, they have slightly different agenda's but they are the same breed of shitbags. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  14. I wonder how they would react to photshopped pictures of Hugo Chavez or Che wearing the swastika and Hitler-stache. *** It would produce screams of outrage lawsuits with claims of racism - its ok for them to do it, but not you whiteys Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  15. One of my friends in particular seems to thinking skydiving is a 'joke' and that he could 'fall' from a plane with ease. I merely laughed. *** just tell him "without training you sure could....once" then tell him to grow a set and sign up for the 1st jump course. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  16. uhhhh, I call bullshit, they are quite painfull Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  17. my son goes to a private school that allows parents to assist with the class whenever they wish to, he is in the 2nd grade. my observations from last friday: teaching is like herding cats. teachers should get sainted by the pope. children in a group lose IQ pts. children told to stop talking will inevitably start picking their nose/ tapping on their desk/kicking their neighbor/ or humming. during PE someones going to start crying. during soccer in PE at least one child will suddenly switch teams to be on his best friends team. - nobody will know this till he sends the ball through his own goal. ten seconds after a test starts someones going to be looking at somene elses paper. 20 seconds into the test someones going to need a potty break. when two children start arguing it will degenerate into my dad can beat up your dad. little girls are smarter than the little boys and not half as disruptive. farting loudly will cause the whole class to crack up and seems to give the child an honored status. teachers do not make as much money as they should. I had fun but I am here to tell ya, I was exausted at the end of the day. I now have a lot more respect for anyone who takes up the teaching profession - its total controlled chaos. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  18. Does everyone throw down and have a damn good time at the DZ when the day is finished? *** some do, some seem to have *(gasp) a life off the dz - SACRILEGE!!! lol dem rat bastards its fun to unwind and let the bs roll after a great day. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  19. I've spent more time with students and low-timers in the last quarter freakin' century than most This is not a good thing. :( *** I disagree, the last 11 years I have worked with students and low time jumpers a ton, personally I get a ton of satisfaction out of passing on what I know, and believe it or not its a ton of fun to see them overcoming something that has them freaking out over, (ie) hop n pop's. I dont always want to jump with lowtimers, some jumps I want to expand my skills with complicated jumps with more experienced skydivers, but I never shun the lowtimers, the invite is declined with a "busy on this jump, how bout the next load?" I am sure even though I am happy to jump with anyone you can probably find one or two out there that consider me an asshole when I had around 80 jumps I was invited on a 4 way with 3 very experienced jumpers, my old instructor made the invite, everyone introduced themselves, I asked how many jumps they had, our load had collective 14K jump total... talk about making me feel small.... lol, I started to hem and haw about doing a solo and I didnt want to screw their jump up, and they all told me to stop worrying-and we were gonna have fun no matter what. I funneled the launch (go figure) but we managed to get 3 pts, I knew they were capable of alot more points than that and wanted to slink off, but their constructive feedback after the jump *(with alot of ribbing thrown in) helped to mold my attitude about working with lowtimers once I got more experienced. Not every experienced jumper is an asshole, matter of fact most arent unless you approach them with a know it all attitude. I have enough jumps that most blur together now, but that one is still crystal clear and still makes me smile when I think about it. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  20. I will, however, defend thier right to do it. I won't. Fuck 'em. *** I agree, fuck them, its never correct to do the wrong thing. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  21. Anti-gun folks just don't get reality: Passing laws does not stop madmen. *** Exactly! all gun laws do is keep law abiding citizens from defending themselves from someone who doesnt give a shit about the law - admittedly the odds of needing to defend yourself from some waste of oxygen shoulda been aborted fucktard is relatively low, its nice to have the option to protect yourself and your family if needed rather than depending on 911 which we all know is government sponsored dial-a-prayer. how bout we change the law a tad bit, make anything other than a justified self defense shooting a manditory death sentence? make the penalty stiff enough and the crimes will slow to a trickle. - there will always be a few dumbasses who will give it a go, but many who may be tempted to pull a gun and shoot will think of the penalty and decide not to. fuck the bleeding heart twats, I dont give a shit about the criminals bad childhood or whether his father "touched him" no insanity defense allowed .... mad dogs (canines) are put down, and those poor bastards dont have morality, (which people supposably do) - but sometimes I seriously doubt 100+ years ago most people carried guns and for the most part people were polite and didnt start shit, imagine whipping out your gun back then and shooting someone, you would probably get several shots off before you had some incoming... nowdays peeps seem to want to be victims... I honestly dont understand the mentality... Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  22. If its packed by someone I dont know but my rigger does and tells me he would trust it then I probably would, if its someone he doesnt know and trust I would have it inspected and repacked by him. hell, even if my rigger trusted him I may have an I/R done, its my life, and I trust very few with it - a second glance may pick up on something missed. my rigger goes through a full inspection each repack, I have been there, seen it many times on my rig and others so I know how meticulous he is - not all riggers are created equal Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  23. HAHA, i like the part about deland and someone testing it on a pacemaker. *** you know it started with .... Hey!! hold my beer, watch this!! Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  24. Ya know the nova got all the bad rap. The design just previous to that was the Ariel. *** I had an ariel 170 for approximately 200 jumps, it flew and landed awesome, opened like a sledgehammer even though I explained its opening characteristics when I sold it I think I still owe a Kapowsin jumper an apology - he's prolly shorter now than he was. if they were not marketed was this a test model that I got? Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.