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Everything posted by D22369

  1. hmmm, I am new to firefox - is ad blocker a part of it or another program? Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  2. did that, thing is that its happened on dz.com before, the chief high advert agent apparently doesnt screen things before placing them on the site Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  3. you need to fire the idiots in advert avg just blocked it, like in a certain horror movie - its baaack Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  4. So while browsing the bonfire and deciding which post to open suddenly AVG blows up with a message letting me know it just blocked an active threat mvh33n.com/dvg654e33y.php exploit blackhole exploit kit type 1889 after googling it to see if avg was just jumping at shadows I find that it is an actual threat. is it in the adverts at the top of the screen? is there a way I can block these? Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  5. http://articles.sfgate.com/2007-04-29/bay-area/17239903_1_tanker-truck-roadway-firefighters fuel cant melt or deform steel huh? Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  6. relax, relax, relax - you have a million things running through your mind, your stressing yourself out - more than likely if you can find a way to relax you will find the problems start disappearing. even on jumps that you or someone else terms a failure your brain is storing up information that you arnt even aware of and soon everything will start coming together. tunnel time would help with your body position as well as jumping with a coach/instructor who takes a camera so he can show you what you do right and wrong - and take the time to coach you on the ground to overcome the problems. plus... how good are your coaches? I have seen a few here and there that were junior zoomies and had no biz coaching anyone - make sure you dont have this type. turning while tracking, instability on exit, fall rate issues.. - all normal at first, some people have no issues, but quite a few do. unless you are a hazard to yourself and others keep going, quit doubting and start believing that you can do it - you can. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  7. spectres are great canopys, enjoy those soft openings
  8. Yikes. Tell you this: guns like that are the reason you didn't mess with the farmer's daughter. zactly... he could get both testicles with one pull Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  9. if a bullied kid fights back he's suspended or expelled*** if my son gets punched, spit on or slapped - for these I have given him permission to defend himself, if and when it happens I will deal with the fallout from the school and his mother. this criteria I set isnt applicable to every way he could be picked on but he is young and I definately dont want him drilling another kid just because he pushed him outta the way so I kept it simple. every kid needs to learn to stand up for themselves and I would rather have him expelled than to have to face years of torment. most bullies once knocked on their ass will go find someone easier to pick on, or the victim and the bully end up being friends. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  10. Darn it guys! I wanted to be "bad ass" Quote Does jumping without one really qualify a person as bad assed these days? do some people really think this? Its merely a choice that each person can make for themselves *(unless the rules require them where they are at) I haven't jumped with one since I was a student unless it was in a borrowed rig - but when I resume jumping again I will be placing one in my rig, its really not all that much $$ and who knows, it might just come in handy. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  11. Well I guess I'll just go ground launch off the roof of my condo to kill some time! *** video or it didn't happen!!! Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  12. Entering a NP simply means: I'm well aware what could happen to me while coming close to mother nature and its kids. I simply take into account that an animal, stronger than me, would attack me. wow, so your ok with being lunch? I prefer to be proactive - I was a boy scout, motto- be prepared SO, WHY THE FUCK TAKING A GUN WITH ME ? Waiting to kill that animal?*** nope, you just dont get it, out there you as a human are not the top of the food chain, in comparison with a grizzly or wolf your natural weapons are a bad joke and you will be killed and eaten at their discretion unless the playing field is leveled. So why not just staying in the car and watching the beauty of the nature? *** from the car? riiiight, oh yeah, you really see nature from a road or a groomed campground. I enjoy backcountry hiking - I get to see places you will never know exist where the sounds and smells of traffic are not present and unlike you I know that bear mace is a detterence, but the lethality of a firearm is nice to have available. I have been backcountry hiking/camping for 30 years - I always carry a firearm, and I am quite happy to say I haven't ever needed to use it to defend my life nor have I ever even fired it anytime other than at a firing range - where I go the animals are very cautious of humans - they will leave once they know you are there, in a national park however they are used to humans and no longer fear us - its sad that they should fear us for our safety and their own, but its safest that way. If *you (or JR)* do not want wild animal around you, just go ahead and kill them, all of them - your roads will be free, your camp grounds too ..... so what! *** what the fuck is this statement for? nobody advocated running around wasting animals in a hail of gunfire Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  13. at least it would be short They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  14. you would have to be tumbling for the riser to get ya on the bicep. the culprit is probably the harness. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  15. You forgot to add BOOBIES. Thought it was law to have boobies on all polls. *** I voted since someone mentioned boobies if someone posts them I will try to vote twice!!! Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  16. I think that jumping solo via static/aff/iad gives more of a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment to the person jumping than jumping tandem does, but tandem gives an awesome intro to skydiving - you dont have to do the work so you can just enjoy it. you never know which student will catch the jumping bug - the retention rate for students is low no matter what training method is used. Any advice on making the first jump a great experience for us and the instructors? *** dont get drunk the night before - being dehydrated and hung over will take some of the fun out of it. Eat a light breakfast - preferably something that tastes good coming back up - bannana's are good *(sorry, couldnt resist) for making it good for the instructor... just dont puke on him/her and they will be happy seriously - just enjoy it, evaluate the experience and no matter if you never want to do it again you will be able to point to the sky and say "I have been there" Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  17. You guys cut it out. Your one warning. *** I have no sense of humor this time of the morning these days... but that right there got me smiling! Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  18. It was awesome to be a part of it, *other than dining and dashing - cant believe I forgot to pay my bill - think I have oldtimers disease or sumpin , thank you for getting it, will pay you and doc back very soon! btw for our listening audience.... Dave mighta or mighta not dropped a tear during the proposal *(coulda been sweat) - that big lug! and Errin... talk about happy... wow! Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  19. If you are serious about no chilins, walk your talk. And limp for a day or three Shocked Yup, :) AND it can be a selling point its just .... sharp blade...balls, those two should never meet!!! that just gives me chills... Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  20. thats funny shit right there, we had the nutz out in force a few years ago here in Yakima about the DOT signs having the image of the virgin mary on the backside, amused me to no end to drive past their candlelight vigils "I glanced at it, and it looks like Jesus," Hardison said. "I thought, 'You can't spray Jesus with Roundup.'" *** if its a real sign from god then wouldnt it come back from the dead? Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  21. I always had a impression that when you call 911 the emergency was relayed to officers quite quickly - what I just saw blows that out of the water - following either a very drunk or stoned driver - or perhaps someone with a medical issue I phoned 911 after watching him use all the lanes on the road in town, nearly sideswipe a truck, and then lock up the brakes to avoid rear ending a motorcycle in the turn lane- he was driving with his head slumped on the windowsill. I give the 911 dispatcher the cars make, model, license number and direction of travel, she takes all of it down and tells me to not follow the car *( am going that way so I end up doing so) I travel 3 miles through town watching this bozo careen all over the road luckily not killing someone - waiting for a cop to show... nothing, nada, zip zilch etc..... now I know what your thinking... they were all busy with something else right? wrong. on s. 1st and nob hill blvd there was a motorcycle cop in the turn lane - right next to the bozo driver who managed to pull up to the cop - the cop never even looked around - I am pretty sure he had not been informed about the drunk driver as he slowly pulled away heading up 1st. this idiot made it all the way through yakima out onto the highway after being reported... he may have gotten away, I dont know, I had to take a different turn. gotta love government sponsored dial-a-prayer Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  22. looks like one of my packs Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  23. Too many to count! *** same boat as you, as the only s/l I - I was busier than a three peckered billygoat, quite a few days saw only one jump unless I could line up other sport rigs to swap and meet the plane - every landing was a white knuckled one - belt cinched as tight as possible trying to keep the shakes under control - damn I hated that. - one of the pilots got a big kick out of it though, he didnt do anything out of a normal flight or landing but the tremors and lack of blood in my face would crack him up every time - the other pilots were kind enough to never let on that they noticed. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  24. wow - that is an awesome offer, I am sure there is someone to take you up on it. years ago when I had just started working for the dz I had old gutter gear, many many jumps on it, it was the start of a boogie that we had - one load of students on friday night then a weekend of partying, jumping and debauchery - my main blew the center cell out on that jump - no replacement, I was so upset I cant even put it into words, a jumper from idaho came up to me and handed me his brand new rig - everything new in it saying he had just recieved a call from work and he wouldnt be able to stay for the boogie... I was speechless - even back then a complete rig wasnt cheap and I had never met this jumper before that day, I really wish I could remember his name but its been a few years. his only request was to leave it with the dzo and not tear it up and if something was damaged to have it fixed or replaced - and no I couldnt pay him for the use of the rig - but I got sneaky since he wouldnt let me pay him *(I put 30$ wrapped around the reserve repack card) - it was the least I could do I ended up with three rigs at one time a few years later and often loaned them out to jumpers who needed them, paying it foreward was the right thing to do. you rock! Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  25. I am really glad to live in a country that has freedom of expression, however this particular one in my opinion shouldn't be expressed by a citizen unless they truly wish to live somewhere else - and I am sure that there are enough patriots who would add to a fund to ship them to another country to live. I love my country, I served my country, but I am not blind to the messed up shit that has been done and still happens - when I see something that just isn't right that has been done by the USA I have no problem in voicing my opinion on the subject. there is probably at least one person who will take exception to what I just wrote, and since we have this freedom that is your right - enjoy it-use it- cause I sure will. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.