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  1. ECVZZ


    If you're going to sling shit, make sure it's not so obvious to members besides me. When I get an email advising me of your sig line, that makes it a blatant personal attack. You were warned. Not my fault you were too fucking stupid to listen. And BTW, you were wrong. Figure out the difference between "caretaker" and "needy". And try marrying for something other than perceived wealth next time. That Jag didn't do you a whole lot of good did it. G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  2. Not fucking hardly. Working on an MICU (Mobile Intensive Care Unit) in my late teens, I've laughed till I couldn't breathe at several things that made my EMT-III (paramedic) throw up. All were fatalities and involved dismemberment (one traumatic decapitation) or severe trauma of one form or another. You laugh, or you cry. I chose to laugh; I cried enough. This was many years ago, and I would do the same now, and don't give a tinker's damn what anybody thinks. Unless you were there, your opinion doesn't count. Slipping and falling? Breaking an arm...a leg? Even compound doesn't qualify as feel bad material. Now a 10 month old with 2nd to 3rd degree burns from hot water in a bathtub, and skin slippage exceeding 50%...A 3 year old with his nose, upper lip, and half his cheek torn off by the family dog because he held "the ball" too close to his face? I felt bad. It's all relative, and very little of it matters. Perspective. G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  3. ECVZZ

    My mom

    So very sorry for your loss. I don't have words to make it easier; there aren't any. I'm familiar with your pain though, and my heart goes out to you and yours. G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  4. Thanks Mike, that's very decent of you. That's my hope also; to at least have the choice some day. The tough part though is at my age the odds are not in my favor. G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  5. I can't see the future to know if I'll ever be able to jump again, so it's not that I don't plan to. As for why I stopped; first it was the last two shoulder surgeries, then a C-spine injury that prompted my Ortho to throw a fit and tell me that I'm about one good pothole away from becoming an C5-6 Quad (his words) and "if I were you, I would be looking to schedule this surgery today, but since you can't, be very careful not to take any falls or have any accidents." If my shoulder is going to heal to the point where I can jump again, just from experience, it'll be at least a year. The neck; well, I still don't know when I'll be able to afford the surgery (mucho hardware needed), or if I'll ever be able to jump even if or when that heals. In short, everything except me is up in the air right now. If it wasn't for injuries, I'd still be jumping. G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  6. ECVZZ


    Want to get even more annoyed? I listen to my mp3 player while I'm driving via stereo bluetooth...on my hearing aids. Granted, I have to run full volume to be able to hear it reasonably well, but then again, I have to run a regular mp3 with Bose earbuds on "vaporize" to hear it at all. G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  7. This post is so dead nuts accurate that it bears repeating. The part in red should be posted permanently in LARGE letters across the top of this forum. You get a gold star for today Paul; nice job! G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  8. It does not challenge federal law, it ignores federal law. The state has spent plenty of money arguing their point with the feds, and it has changed nothing. It is still a federal crime; you are just less likely to (not a guarantee that you won't) be prosecuted for it under the Obama policy. Cite: Legal costs are almost impossible to calculate in the Golden State. "I suspect it's well above $10 million, and that doesn't even take into account the fee for the time it's taking me to defend these cases. The government doesn't have to pay for that, but it's certainly an expense," says Joe Elford, ASA staff attorney. "It's the beginning of the end, hopefully, and it will save the taxpayers millions if not tens of millions of dollars." He estimates that $500,000 is spent on the prosecution and incarceration of each individual facing charges. Link to full article at TIME U.S. :,8599,1888172,00.html OTOH, SB 888, according to more than a few legal analysts, stood a better than average chance of weathering legal challenges specifically due to attention to detail in it's drafting. Again; there was no political advantage or gain to entice JB to sign it. What's going to be comical is when the administration changes and we get a CLEO with a set of balls. I can already hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth when it's decided that California has had a free pass long enough (Obama's tenure), and the prosecutions will resume until the state complies with federal law. I believe the figure tossed about was "millions if not tens of millions of dollars." Oh, the horror! G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  9. Medical marijuana came from an initiative, not legislative action. It matters not why the state acts contrary to federal law. The law remains the law, and the fact that the state thumbs its collective nose at it puts it in violation. Of course it matters. The (a) reason why Brown is killing a bill that wouldn't pass constitutional muster doesn't compare to our medical pot laws is that the governor couldn't veto the pot bill. BTW, a freedomist would see both actions as protection of rights. People have the right to speech, and should have the right to smoke or drink whatever when it doesn't harm anyone else. Freedomist??? Lol... something new every day. You choose to ignore my point, and instead try to redirect. The fact remains, the state is in violation of Federal law as it relates to medical marijuana. Brown could've just as easily ignored the feds in the case of SB 888, but it wasn't nearly as important politically as is the issue of pot in your state. Politicians; especially career politicians like Jerry Brown tend to do what will get them re-elected, not necessarily what is right. One last time... FEDERAL law. Because the state voted on it and decided, "yeah, we want to legalize medical marijuana" does not nullify the federal law pertaining to it. G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  10. Short, to the point, and in my opinion; accurate. Carry on. G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  11. That's a reasonable position. After all, a prostitute is up front and honest about the fact that she is taking your money while fucking you in return. G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  12. Medical marijuana came from an initiative, not legislative action. It matters not why the state acts contrary to federal law. The law remains the law, and the fact that the state thumbs its collective nose at it puts it in violation. The Obama administration's decision to "look the other way" does not nullify the law, it simply calls attention to the impropriety of "selective enforcement" of the law... any law. Now, which federal law do I get a free pass on? G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  13. Liberals have no core values. They have only strategies and tactics for political expediency. He is a disgrace to California and America. I'm guessing you missed this part? In other words, he's not going to sign a bill the Supreme Court has pretty much already decided is unconstitutional. How, exactly, is that being a "disgrace to California and America"? Yeah, I see your point. The Feds sure stopped the state cold with the medical marijuana ruling, didn't they. Maybe just me, but I think this would've been the fight to pick. Then again, it's not as popular of a debate as Marijuana in California. Liberal is as Liberal does. G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  14. Now if we could only get a majority of males to work off those same criteria instead of the major qualification being "she has two tits and a pulse," eventually the gene pool would thin itself out, and we'd have fewer self centered, ignorant people of both sexes thinking that two tits and a pulse are alone worthy of abnormal amounts of attention and effort. Well that was a waste of self deprecating humour GROSS! Do you really need to go around deprecating all over the place?? Besides that, I figure I beat the snot out of you when it comes to having absolutely no redeeming qualities at all. I just don't compound the problem by chasing after women who also have no redeeming qualities. The deprecation's getting deep now, isn't it... G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  15. Now if we could only get a majority of males to work off those same criteria instead of the major qualification being "she has two tits and a pulse," eventually the gene pool would thin itself out, and we'd have fewer self centered, ignorant people of both sexes thinking that two tits and a pulse are alone worthy of abnormal amounts of attention and effort. G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."