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Everything posted by D22369

  1. but if ya got divorced... would ya still be brother n sister? Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  2. Devil's advocate mode, as I'm unaware of the details on this issue, but don't people also pay for first aid/CPR certifications? How is this different? Blues, Dave *** your unlikely to be called away from work in the middle of a shift to rush across town. your also very unlikely to die in the act of giving cpr. if both are done correctly one still remains risky. I see what your saying, but the difference is subtle. still comes down to charging them for their time that they give freely. its just another way our greedy state is trying to squeeze more blood outta the stone. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  3. The whole "the sky is falling because we won't have volunteers" theory doesn't apply to fire departments, even volunteer ones. Most fire departments don't even have to recruit applicants because of the glut of wannabes looking to get hired or get experience or just play fire station. *** so your theory is that everyone is using the volunteer firefighting to either get experience to go on to a paying job or that they are living out a childhood dream? nahhh, I dont think so- I have known too many volunteers over the years who had very good paying jobs in other industries who volunteer'd in their fire districts simply to help keep their neighborhoods a bit safer. I can see that there will be some who are doing like you propose, however I doubt the numbers are very high. Yakima county is always starved for volunteers, we hear about it several times per year on the news/ radio - if they charge for the cert then I am sure the lack of volunteers will get even worse Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  4. ok, 150$ on the article, 200$ on the radio, either way its charging someone money to perform a service that could get them injured/killed and doesnt pay them a dime. how many people do you think will be volunteering once they have to pay to do so? Roy Ps: I was hoping to get people talking about specific bills and crazy shit the coolaid drinking lawmakers around the country/world were coming up with - not trying to get people arguing about specific people that they hate *(there's enough threads that do it already I think) They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  5. I swear, either the idiots running washington state are getting dumber or I am just noticing more and more how stupid some of their decisions are. PORT ANGELES, Wash. — Volunteer firefighters across the state would have to pay to serve their communities under a measure proposed in Olympia. The Peninsula Daily News reports that (http://bit.ly/sgheDl) a bill requested by the Department of Health would make emergency-service workers, both volunteer and career personnel, pay a fee for their state certification. Firefighter associations say that the proposal puts fire districts and departments in the position of having to cover the cost themselves or risk losing volunteers. They say the bill would affect smaller departments and districts that often rely solely on volunteers. Currently there is no fee for obtaining the certification. The state estimates the new fee could raise about $900,000 in the current biennium and $2 million for the 2013-2015 cycle. Port Angeles Fire Chief Dan McKeen says the bill also requires fire agencies to cover the cost of certifying vehicles, which may end up costing as much as personnel certifications. --- Information from: Peninsula Daily News, http://www.peninsuladailynews.com*** the $$ I heard them banty around on the radio was 200$ every couple years for the volunteers certification. these people work for free and provide a valuable service in smaller communities - to charge them for this is beyond stupid. so, my question since we have people from every state - what stupid shit has your state come up with lately that hasnt blanketed the national news? * hell, if your not from the US and your state/providence has something stupid its cooking up by all means toss it in, insanity isnt just for americans anymore Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  6. Criminals will always be able to get guns. *** this exactly what you will never be able to convince anti-gun peeps of... criminals dont care about laws, the laws only effect law abiding people. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  7. haha! way to go santa!!! heh, at least he likes one of the barrels Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  8. ooo, ty! I didnt know about that
  9. Last think I knew that it took the whole world to overcome Germany; TWICE! And any Afghanistan warrior can outdo an American tank at any time. Seems the Americans will withdraw w/ their tail tugged in. I bet you are overweight, live on Pringles, Coca-Cola, and Fox News! Don't have a clue, but support tax incentives for the 1%*** you just proved that your not psychic in any fashion as you missed on my weight, snack food, drink, news channel and on the tax incentive did I hit a nerve? so sorry cupcake, didnt mean to piss in your cheerios
  10. funny thing is that you can make a suicide machine with common alcohol that is painless and costs one hell of a lot less than this fucking drug. so lets rig the iv's with cheap black velvet and send the bastards to hell fuck the eu - we'll kill em all and let god sort them out the cheap way!~ Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  11. did you make it back? *** we pulled high - all but one of us did anyhow, and being mostly on the wind line we made it back to the dz easily. funniest part of the jump was Bill, he's a big guy and tracks like an anvil, he pulled lowest and I am pretty sure he tossed at 2k, he landed on the airport property so I suppose he didnt do too badly however he had to walk, so we had our beers open by the time he got there, he had his chest puffed out and greeted us with a big grin, fingers in our faces, and the words - "I smoked all you all!!!" which had us spitting beer laughing our asses off asking what jump he was on he was adamant that he opened and when he looked back we were all behind him.... then Dave figured out that Bill probably had a 180 off heading opening... omg, I even after all this time I am laughing again about this..
  12. one of our pilots was a great guy, but George would once in a while get into a mood - he was in one on a particular day when I was spotting, my 10 left followed by 10 more left ten seconds later was enough to get him yelling would you give me one goddamn change, how fucking hard is that? *(he was freaking out) however we did get our correction and we discussed his acting unprofessional in front of students once on the ground later in the day when he was feeling better. George once threw the entire plane load out at 6k rather than full altitude since someone would not quit stinking up the plane, the guy doing it obviously had something really wrong internally and it was unbelievable - the open door was not enough we were glad to get out. one pilot refused to fly anymore that day unless the person who was stinking up the plane was identified and banned from jumping till he took a crap. the funniest grumpy fucker ever was somewhere in 1999-2000 the dzo Bob Hannigan was flying our 206, we were doing a six person tracking dive - he was in a pissy mood and called for the door while we were over the horn rapids dam in west richland, our "holy shit we arnt anywhere near the dz" and our command of 90 right was met with "get the fuck out or land with the plane" Livendive here on dz.com stuck his head back in the plane and yelled "at least tell em to warm up the goddamn truck" - I am not sure of the exact distance however its at least 6 miles of nothing but sagebrush - his explanation for throwing us out so far from the dz was that if we could track worth a shit we wouldnt have had a problem. ahh good times - at least the pissy pilots are memorable
  13. OK, then we will just throw a student out first.Tongue*** figures someone would beat me to this answer, we are depraved people Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  14. The federal government requires that imported firearms have the importers name stamped on the barrel, since 1968 I believe. So that's the company that brought it into America, and it tells something about when it arrived in-country. *** thanks John!
  15. why it has a yakima wa stamp on it is what I would like to know- my home town. any idea how old it is? Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  16. our racing team had a backup bike, a bone stock gpz 550 - it also doubled as our "get drunk and do something stupid vehicle" aka - "hold my beer, watch this" it was not the fastest thing on the planet but that damn thing ran 12.2 seconds every run no matter the temp or humidity - we all broke our bikes from time to time and ended up on the backup bike - and we all trophied using it - it was like racing in slow motion... but it got the job done quite well. carb problems are a poor excuse keeping you from riding, most carbs are quite simple (vacuum slide carbs are a pain) the manuals can be found for most online with pictures and complete instructions go fix it man! FIX IT!!
  17. Abbotsford gets my vote (first aff jump) the view was awesome, the people were very welcoming to two nubs out for their first freefall
  18. I am a lapsed member of the American Legion, friday night a friend and I went to the AL here in Yakima and I was absolutely horrified at the conditions there. The carpet is torn virtually everywhere with small throw rugs placed on top of the tears. the glasses and plates appear to be merely rinsed off and placed back in service. The smell from the bathroom defies description - it was far worse than a trench latrine in july and the floor was sticky from human waste. I used to love to spend time with the older vets, their stories were always entertaining, I was always the kid to them since some of them doubled my age. Hell, I was going to renew my membership but there is no way I could stand it there now, the carpet I dont care so much about, with this economy they may not have the funds to replace, but the bathroom and dishes are unbelievable and beyond anything I could tolerate. I sent an email to the AL main office informing them of the conditions but who knows if they will even check it out... Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  19. your welcome, just remember, its "puff, puff, pass" *(repeat as necessary) although I dont smoke I have always supported legalizing it. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  20. holy shit...common sense... oh man, what about those poor misunderstood criminals!! did anyone think of them?!!! Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  21. sit and wait? Unemployment is received as a safety net for being a steady employee - it requires a certain amount of hours in the past year to obtain you will have to pay back your "free money" if you do not produce at least 3 documented job contacts per week when they ask for your list. You will lose your unemployment if your do not accept an offer of employment. its not a perfect system by any means, and may be different in other states, but here in washington quite a few idiots were trying the "sit on ass - collect money) without going out applying - I forget the numbers but it was quite a few who lost their remaining unemployment and had to pay back what they had received. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  22. daym... did they include a time by any chance? I got all dressed up and bags packed... and have been sitting around watching lady gaga and justin beiber video's *(to see what the torment in hell is really like) see ya's tomorrow
  23. broke my tib/fib, took a year almost to the day to get back in the air, think it was jump #11 Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  24. The Trathlon was designed to do it all. And do it all badly. *** sorry m8, I call bullshit on this, and I have called it on many many people over the years. I have jumped most of the sizes of triath that were offered, it was one of my first picks for tight demo's or casual crw - hell it was my canopy I came back on after fracturing my back since they are a very stable canopy and unless its outta trim or set up with the wrong size slider the openings were soft - in the many I have jumped I only came across one that consistently opened brisk to very hard - the owner finally sent it in and it came back fixed. I have heard it all, diathalons - donothingalons...etc things it wont do... 1) swoop... nuh uh, very short swoops, however they were entertaining anyhow even if they ended 1/2 to 2/3 of the way across the pond 2) land themselves... I have heard so many say what crap landing these canopy's give.... Serious?? guess I just got lucky with all the soft landings then - more likely these people merely need to learn to land a standard 7 cell. I was at kapowsin a number of years ago listening to several other jumpers bash triathlons and asked why they thought this, they all had heard it said by more experienced jumpers and were merely regurgitating the information - none had even a single jump on them. they do nothing exceptional, they do nothing horrible, they are merely a good beginning to mid level canopy choice for up and coming pilots. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.