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Everything posted by D22369

  1. I dont think either one would anger me more than the other - I would be pissed in either case. a relationship is based on trust, once the trust is broken the relationship is over - there can be no justification. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  2. carefull.... CRW is addictive gets even better when ya get to grab nylon grats on your 100th!! Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  3. that looks like fun! he has some repairing to do on those skiis
  4. sooo, since he failed to kill others does he still get his 72 virgins? too bad more dont end like this, perp dead, other casualties 0. hope the two who were hurt recover with nothing more than bad memories. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  5. I really hate to disagree with a canopy pilot that is much better than me on my best day but after doing many crw jumps with x-braced I know the glide on my fx to be as flat as a braked but to be faster at the same glide angle, having a body your going to dock on to use as point of reference really teaches you what your achieving with whatever input your using. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  6. D22369

    The Troop

    awesome thank you for posting this. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  7. Icarus fx-85, rear risers. gets me a very surprising distance for the size of the canopy. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  8. An experienced jumper would know the risks, I doubt a passenger on his 1st would grasp the additional danger. mediocre minded? Add me to this list, I will accept that label gladly in addition to canopy nazi. this was done to amuse the TI only, I have worked with TI's who have grown bored with hauling meat - they tend to do stupid things to liven up their job. this was stupid and irresponsible Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  9. My pet peeve is DZs that nail a landing pattern to manifest wall, but instructors set a bad example by landing in whatever %$#@! direction they feel like! *** +1 - amen!! I love dz's that are hardasses about landing directions, and actually punish transgressors (few and far between) - hell... a dz manager almost killed me and himself flying against the traffic once when I was down in california, the dzo's response was "he does that all the time".... stupid is as stupid does and since he was a good ol boy it was all good... Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  10. honestly I would never chop a canopy that I am very familiar with for a reserve that I have flown only a handful of times. there is no guarantee that the reserve will work your best bet in your hypothetical situation is to realize at a high enough altitude that the dz is not an option and choose an alternate landing area some dz's have photos from altitude and everyone should make themselves familiar with the outs. as for if I was injured - either canopy wouldnt be pleasant on landing if a shoulder was dislocated but I would still keep my functional main Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  11. The work I provided included more than just the jump itself, I made sure to include friends and family on the ground footage, I have yet to see a TI doing this. I wish every tandem could have outside and handcam video to really provide a well rounded memory that could be shared with all their friends. once you see what you can get when both are combined leaves either stand alone option lacking, but if one has to be chosen then in my opinion the outside gives the greater overall experience to share with friends and family. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  12. I have flown a lot of video, one of the best I ever put together was when the TI had a handcam, the footage we put together from my primary outside perspective-the 2nd outside cameraman and the hand cam was insanely cool, during opening shock he was able to keep the student in frame, plus he gave her the toggles then filmed her hooting and hollering "I'm flying!!" LOL - the handcam gave a perspective that otherwise would have been lost this was for a very young lady dying of cancer, skydiving was on the top of her list of things to do before cancer took her. I personally delivered the video and they insisted I have a drink and watch it with them... the entire family's reaction was one of excitement and awe - the laughter as she was screaming "I'm flying" still makes me smile. like you said, added to outside video it adds so much, as a stand alone its too little Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  13. I guess. This could be some passive aggressive way that the old timers are trying to tell some kid he's not very good. *** hmmm, this could be it, however the staff need to man up and just put their foot down rather than giving this stupid piece of crap order/advice - if he is that overconfident and or incompetent - as this "kid" may not even notice... its not the dzo's and staffs job to be liked - its their job to teach others to be safe and give them the skills to be able to jump and go home in one piece, sometimes you have to single someone out and just give them both barrels with something like "hey, at your skill level and ability this is no good, you are putting yourself and others at risk and we have to change this" only thing on the dz I ever took serious was safety, I took a young man very similar to this and handed him a rental rig after watching his "mad skills" and told him to put his in the trunk of his car. he was quite upset but was quickly informed that he would not be allowed to jump his small rocket and that he would not be charged a rental fee for the rig he would use at this dropzone. he went to our competitor dropzone and shattered himself a few weeks later. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  14. Maybe they can spend their extra free time reading the bills they pass. *** it would be nice... but apparently its not in their job description, and they are far too important and busy to bother with such trivial activities. Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  15. most expensive item a person will prolly ever buy with the hopes of never using Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  16. I know that many of us like to go on about Islamic extremists*** I dont know about you, but personally I get so tired of people using what a few psychotic stone age freaks do *(statistically speaking) to generalize what an entire religion is about. not all are out to get us. not all want to take over the world. not all debase women. The koran is no more evil than the bible, both have been used *(and still both are used for evil) - both should be used for toilet paper. I dont hate anyone for what they are or believe. I hate some for what they do, and the terrorists use methods that are so evil and cowardly that it boggles the mind to think that they believe that their cowardly attacks will buy them entry into nirvana... talk about rev jim jones gullible... those commiting the atrocities need to quit wasting our oxygen and just die - no, I am not the turn the other cheek type and I will never apologize for that fact. while I am on my freaking soapbox here, I will add other things I hate *(you wanted to know...admit it) 1) apologists... those idiots that want me to feel bad for what my ancestors did. - think slavery, I didnt own any slaves and my foster brother and best friend is black... so on this I cannot be termed a racist * oh, I am sure someone could throw that at me, and is likely to do so but it wont fly 2) people who dont understand what illegal means - I have many mexican friends - not hispanic... where the fuck is hispania anyhow? my friends dont particularly like illegals either, they give those that made the effort to immigrate legally a bad rep. 3) anyone who flies their flag over the American flag on our soil... who the fuck are they? if they love their homeland so much that they would go against their new homeland then why are they here - rhetorical question people. $$$ 4) morons who deny the holocaust existed. 5) politicians who lie....**** holy shit I hate all politicians!!! 6) Australians... just the men though, that freaking accent...damn - do you think they know how that affects American women? fuckers... *(Aussie women though...."woooohooo" gotta love them
  17. at 300 to 500 feet the odds of getting a good reserve are lower than I would like, I would hope that upon coming to I would recognize this and pull my reserve without cutting away - my ep's have been practiced prior to every exit for quite a few years and muscle memory might get me to cut away first a canopy transfer would offer the best hope in this situation - and if it failed would at the least give you more nylon and hopefully slow your descent to a survivable speed. a spinning mal should be quite a bit slower than terminal - but unless your incredibly lucky with the impact site its still more than likely going to be fatal Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  18. Does any one actually give a shite what the pope says? *** He has a lot of rabid followers people who cannot think for themselves, instead must believe in a fairytale to get them through life. so... if he is right, and I guess we could assume he really believes in the kingdom of god and thinks he is going there.... why the fuck does he ride in a bulletproof car? I mean his soul...the important part of him is protected!!! only difference between a cult and a religion is the numbers of followers. just my .02, ymmv Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  19. found this with google.com hope its helpfull http://www.niagaraairparts.com/ Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  20. congrats on your A! when I started I was doing what you did, few jumps spaced out according to my money situation and not really learning new skills, but I was getting my jump fix
  21. my first impression is that you have jumped to a conclusion, like others have said he may have had a legit reason to not have another body up there. I had a student of mine on his first two way, a non current AFFI asked to join us, I am sure he thought I was a cocky arrogant jerk when I told him no I want to keep it to a two way, I didnt want the extra body up there to distract my student or to cause problems due to his being less than current. now if they told ya you couldnt jump with them cuz you didnt have tits...thats being a jackass Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  22. like Krissanne said, learn to pack fast, if you can finish a rig in 5 minutes and your at a busy dz or a boogie you can make some really good money if your knees and hands can take it. Roy edit to add, almost all my student training and first gear came from the money I made packing They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  23. had a student who seemed to have a good canopy, but was really sluggish on the left turns with really fast right turns, once he got around 2k the canopy didnt look quite right, so I reminded him that if it wasnt square that he would need to perform his emergency procedures - ching - away he went, he had a lineover and was trying hard to fix the problem and wasnt paying attention to his altitude. if the instructor can see a problem and the student isnt moving to cut away I think they should jog thier memory Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.
  24. Reading this thread makes me sad, all the places that I never saw, and the ones I did that are gone - all the memories compiled would take a lifetime to record. *also sad because I didnt see this thread till it got pulled back up. but to add: Skydive brownstown, or skydive yakima in brownstown *(dont recall) - owned by Dennis Williams and Leonard Kunz till Dennis went in chasing a student in trouble - 94' or 95' Then Leonard opened skydive yakima and moved to zillah on a really nice private strip - made my first jump there, Leonard closed down some years ago, is still onery as hell and in better shape than most 30 year olds in spite of his advanced age. from time to time we talk about renting a cessna and pulling the door
  25. I have supported that for YEARS. I think EVERYONE should have to serve their country... I don't care who the hell your family is. *** I supported this idea for many years till I realized our leaders dont care about the lives of the soldiers and will put them in harms way for little to no gain. I served my country, but will admit I am scared of my son joining the service. I watched a family bury thier only son, I dont want to be that father Roy They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.