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Everything posted by KATO33

  1. You're kidding right Low 60s that shorts weather for some in Chi-town Blue Skies Black Death
  2. Married I'm the only one who jumps but she has done two tandems. She hates that I want to jump so much but it is kinda her fault. My first jump she bought for my birthday so she sorta put the crack pipe to my lips. Blue Skies Black Death
  3. KATO33

    Tit-ee bar(NSFW)

    Since you asked. Blue Skies Black Death
  4. Thanx Loudiamond In really appreciate the info and worksheets you provided that was exactly what I was looking for. Blue Skies Black Death
  5. Can someone give me a link or explain to me the formula for calculating a Spot. I vaugley remember Some thing about Calculating the windspeed at 3 or 4 different altitudes. I know this is something I should have learned in AFF but it wasn't stressed and I sorta trusted the JMs and Instructors to know. Blue Skies Black Death
  6. Is the suunto hard to calibrate before each jump.? Blue Skies Black Death
  7. http://www.suuntowatches.com/altimax.htm I think this is it. Blue Skies Black Death
  8. Posting Without reading all the Respones. Hey it took me 15 jumps to finish an 8 level aff course but I finished and it was so gratifying. Blue Skies Black Death
  9. KATO33

    Tit-ee bar(NSFW)

    Everything You eat Has Flava!!!!! Blue Skies Black Death
  10. Congrats Big Tyme Blue Skies Black Death
  11. KATO33

    Favorite film?

    Scarface The usual suspects The Five Heartbeats Set it Off The Matrix Star Trek II the Wrath of Khan Malcolm X Armagedon Good Fellas Friday Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon All in no particular Order. Blue Skies Black Death
  12. I had 35 popped it's cherry in lake wales. This weather sucks in Chi-town Blue Skies Black Death
  13. Cry me a river You did the crime now do the time. You do realize it was you doing the speeding right?. Low turns= a bad thing Speeding with a bunch of prior tickets and no bail money also = a bad thing. Blue Skies Black Death
  14. So what the formula and math Newbie wanting to know Blue Skies Black Death
  15. 12 what is that geek or not? Blue Skies Black Death
  16. KATO33

    Your Heritage?

    American of African Ancestry Blue Skies Black Death
  17. Ditto!!!! Blue Skies Black Death
  18. KATO33


    Will any DZ.comers be at Hinkley (near Chicago) this weekend? Thinking about coming out this week. Plus I need directions from Chicago. Blue Skies Black Death
  19. My first solo i think I just got out and looked at the plane for as long as i could kinda cool falling back to earth. rolled over did some turns and tracking. Just enjoy the no pressure long Skydive Congrats!!!!!!!! Blue Skies Black Death
  20. I don't remember the exact speed but its over the speed of sound. Balloon jump from 102,000 ft Blue Skies Black Death
  21. DITTO!!!! Blue Skies Black Death
  22. Real Men Don't use Auto darkening. Keep it gully!!! Blue Skies Black Death
  23. KATO33

    Beer Question

    Along the same lines I was told until you were licensed. Blue Skies Black Death
  24. Okay I just read this whole Thread and thanks. I was ROTFLMAOWTIME reading some of the experiences. WhOOO Hoooo and Thanx again. Blue Skies Black Death