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Everything posted by KATO33

  1. Initially I didn't care for the landings on my safire but I was a new jumper on a new to me and different than what i trained on canopy. I'm now starting to get this canopy dialed in and the landings are getting much better. Blue Skies Black Death
  2. If there weren’t a need for BET there wouldn't be a BET. If African Americans weren't misrepresented and under represented in general media there would be a need for BET Blue Skies Black Death
  3. I don't know about all the rules and regulations but I learned on a throw out system last year. I suppose it depends on the dz and the gear they have available. Blue Skies Black Death
  4. I'm Not an instructor(will be one day hopefully) but I am Black Good luck in your search. Blue Skies Black Death
  5. KATO33

    Weekend Numbers

    1:2:1 First time witnessing someone I know get hurt Skydiving Be careful out there. Blue Skies Black Death
  6. KATO33

    What's good?

    My Wife finally has a JOB so she has more to do with her time then bug me with what I do with mine.
  7. This sounds like a very good Idea to me Blue Skies Black Death
  8. 3:8:1/2 Great weekend met Vallerina Cool Chick. 1/2 for first time witnessing a kiss pass but I wasn't involved Dang Blasted Full Face Helmet Blue Skies Black Death
  9. For me it's all about the Yin Yang of it. that extreme fear right before exit. In the beginning the fear was oh god I gonna FUBAR my self . Now its oh god I hope I don't FUBAR this dive To extreme elation of competing a perfect tippy toe landing or turning 10 points on a 4-way at about jump # 87 Blue Skies Black Death
  10. I think it all depends on the attitude of the jumpers at the DZ Hard core vs Teachers the teachers will take a newbie jumper and invite him/her to join them. The hardcore skydivers who want to make successful skydive turning a lot of points won't. Which is cool as well it gives the newbie a goal to shoot for. Blue Skies Black Death
  11. I'm A Skydiver because I jump from planes get on the ground and cant wait to do it again Blue Skies Black Death
  12. 2:6:1 Beer owed for 1St attempted 16 way It wasn't my fault it didn't build Blue Skies Black Death
  13. Ditto Blue Skies Black Death
  14. Com on out and play Blue Skies Black Death
  15. I Had The best weekend yet 0:14:3 Our 4-way team kicked major bootay in a mini competition Planned 3 round but after the first two Round 3 wasn't necessary 10 points the 1st round (Beer) 6 point the second round with turning pieces First high pull 9K (Beer) Now I Kinda know why Dogs do Crew And to top it all off I finally made it to 100 (Beer) See Attachment Blue Skies Black Death
  16. Ok Heres Mine This tell the real story Blue Skies Black Death
  17. KATO33


    Hey Val would this Brett be a freak with a blue and white Wings rig. Blue Skies Black Death
  18. Ok Ok I didn't read all the threads but I wanted to Chime in here. It seems to me that guys would have a harder time finding a suitable Skychick because there seems to be more male Skydivers than female. Personally I'm happily married to a whuffo Wife I just wish she had an obsessive hobby that consumed all her money and time on the weekend. then We could relate better. Whuffos just don't get it. Blue Skies Black Death
  19. KATO33

    sex vs skydiving

    It would definitely be sex. I've done just about all I'm gonna be able to do sexually. Skydiving on the other hand...I have plenty to try and learn. I just completed my first 4pt 4-way (beer). Smiling just thinking about all the cool stuff yet to come. Blue Skies Black Death
  20. I guess to each his own but this Sucks MHO Blue Skies Black Death
  21. revenge of the nerds. Blue Skies Black Death
  22. Congrats Dove RIP Seth Blue Skies Black Death
  23. Great insight SP. My take on the issue is this. I believe the AAD issue will become a non-issue in the future. I think the skydivers who jump without them probably never had them. And are resisting the change why should they probably have 1000s of skydives and haven't had the need for them. On the other hand most new students have them on the student rigs they are taught about turn them on and forget about them. In the future most ppl will be familiar with having them vs. not having them. Blue Skies Black Death
  24. KATO33


    Lummy I know exactly where you can get them. A guy at Our DZ had some made out of a pic someone took while he was under canopy. His buddy was some kind of computer printer whiz and he made up a bunch. He sells them for $8.00. Blue Skies Black Death
  25. I'm not sure no one has really mentioned it I'll ask the next time I'm out there. Be sure to let me know when you are coming to Kankakee I’ll try and make sure I'm there. Blue Skies Black Death