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Everything posted by KATO33

  1. I voted for J-lo But mt true vot goes to Beyonce Blue Skies Black Death
  2. When I did my first tandem that close contact and somewhat embarrassing touching was in the waiver. I would have run around the DZ butt naked with video if that were necessary for a safe JUMP! Blue Skies Black Death
  3. Totally agree Although I paid for coach Jumps my self (part of the package and at the time I didn't know any better) I don't think I would do it again. I've learned more from hanging around and listening to the more experienced jumpers. Blue Skies Black Death
  4. Seems to me that if you don't see other jumpers then your airspace is clear(which s a good thing). Do I have this wrong? Blue Skies Black Death
  5. The manual for the pro Track states the best position is on the ankle. I would think the best place would some where close to the waist to get the most accurate and consistent reading. Any thoughts? Or explanations Blue Skies Black Death
  6. I agree with getting the instructors sigs. But if he's gonna get it anyway why not get it now so he will at least have the data from close to the beggining of his jumping career. I got a pro-track at about Jump#135 and it takes me forever to input all those missing jumps manually. Of course it doesn't help that I can type a lick. Blue Skies Black Death
  7. ***I bought my own stuff and started jumping it on jump # 35. Why? I knew I was going to be in the sport for a long, long time so I wanted my own gear. It, also, gave me more money to use towards jumping instead of paying rental fees. And, I'm kinda tiny, and student gear didn't fit the best. .[/ quote] Yeah what she said except for the being tiny part Blue Skies Black Death
  8. Because then they would get sued for trying to monopolize the Image Viewer Market. Blue Skies Black Death
  9. Is Perris moving or going out of business? Save your money and go when you really can enjoy it. That said my answer is no. Blue Skies Black Death
  10. Yeah I was thinking Butt ugly and we also get to see Vikings ugly Butt A double Yuck! Blue Skies Black Death
  11. I agree Allison Blue Skies Black Death
  12. DZ1 52 MILES DZ2 65 MILES DZ3 60 MILES DZ4 80 MILES Haven't been to DZ4 (sdc) but I'm planning on it one day. Blue Skies Black Death
  13. Definitely pack my own. I didn't when I was renting student gear I figured the pack job was in the rental. Will ocaisionaly give it to a packer if I'm tired or trying to make a quick turn around. about a 50 to 1 ratio. Blue Skies Black Death
  14. Yeah I screwed up and took up The romulan Language I Knew too much Star Trek would make one crazy. Oh well live Long and Prosper. Blue Skies Black Death
  15. Repent You'll Love it Class And Dignity Blue Skies Black Death
  16. KATO33

    Beaters (cars)

    ROTFLMAO At this!!!!!! Blue Skies Black Death
  17. Nice Blue Skies Black Death
  18. General ? for all is the purpose of the signature to verirify the jump was done or the task described was done. Blue Skies Black Death
  19. Truer Word never spoken. Welcome Blue Skies Black Death
  20. What if he thinks you Suck but won't say it because he doesn't want to hurt your feelings??? And to say you rock he would be lying to himself and You. Gotta keep it real. Blue Skies Black Death
  21. KATO33

    I want this

    Thanx Everyone most helpful Blue Skies Black Death
  22. Doin' it to Death James Brown Back in 1 piece.....Ailiyah with DMX Blue Skies Black Death
  23. KATO33

    I want this

    Anybody knows where i can get this necklace found the pic on my HD . Can't remember where I got it from. Blue Skies Black Death