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Everything posted by KATO33

  1. I don't think you have to leave the city to be inventive I got my first bike when I was five I rode it until I was ten It was "Franken bike” by then. We made go carts out of old shopping cart wheels and curtain rods and wood. And no everybody didn't make the team and there were winners and losers get over it. Blue Skies Black Death
  2. Yeah Like Phree said right at the baggage check in counter Blue Skies Black Death
  3. KATO33

    Is it possible???

    Peace to all those involved in the "Aren't they all better off???" thread hopefully the concensus is we all agree to disagree and remain respecful of one another. I'm gonna say this and I don't want to start another 170 plus post thread. It's hard to understand the pain of another unless you expierience that pain yourself. I have more to say but like I said I don't want to start another endless thread ...So to all Peace Love and Happiness. PS I had a lot more Poop to say but the thread got Locked!! Blue Skies Black Death
  4. Hell JusticeIsn't that what we all want and are willing to fight for. Once again I must reiterate The only reason African Americans bring up the issue of slavery (and his big brother Racism) is because it still affects our lives today! Can anyone even remotely consider that to be possible? Blue Skies Black Death
  5. You're right I was never enslaved. ... but you have to understand that in a society where racism exist my rights are sometimes not being honored. In my argument I’ve tried to point out how the past still affects the present day African American. I feel no one is willing to accept or at least examine the possibilities. Some people argue as if racism doesn’t exist and I think we all know it does. You can’t legislate racism away. Racist people will always be racist people. But if XYZ corp. is owned and operated by a racist with racist policies you can hold them accountable for those policies and try to exact some changes to that corporation and their policies. Like Andyman said you have to have some way of quantifying the changes that are or are not happening. Blue Skies Black Death
  6. IF you read what I wrote you would see that it is a response to the notion that after slavery was over the blacks should be "shipped off" and settled outside the boundaries of the USA. Had my ancestors accepted being "shipped off" I would be somewhere outside the boundaries of the USA while YOU are here reaping the benefits of the blood sweat and tears of my ancestors. That why I say we. You say I disgrace my ancestors... I say I disgrace them when I don't Fight the Good fight for Freedom Justice and Equality. Blue Skies Black Death
  7. 0:0:0 Great Weather here in chicago but no baby sitter Dang I need some jumps. Blue Skies Black Death
  8. OK Bill what Law would you pass ??? that ensured that minorities were not being discriminated against or passed over? Maybe I'm wrong but I thought the whole point of affirmative action was to provide equal opportunity. Blue Skies Black Death
  9. That's exactly why we need affirmative action because there is a history of racism in America. When educated and skilled black goes on an interview he's turned away not because he doesn't posess the skill but because He's Black thus the need for affirmative action. Some one answer this question? Why is there such a high unemployment rate in the black community? I never heard of an unemployed slave Blue Skies Black Death
  10. KATO33


    Cool I wish I cooud have been there Bob & Lori were my instructors when they worked at Millennium Skydiving in Kankakee. Tell them Chris said Hello. Blue Skies Black Death
  11. I flew on southwest in Feb of this year. You can purchase additional insurance for your gear it cost me $13.00 US Covered up to $4000. Since I'm a newbie and I don't fly a VX94 IMHO my rig would have been to bulky as a carry on. Blue Skies Black Death
  12. The problem is this African Americans in this country are still catching hell from the Institution of Slavery. It's not something that happened a long time ago and everything is all warm and fuzzy now. White people in this country have had a 400-year head start in just about all facets of this society (economics, education, politics, etc.). So asking for reparations is African Americans way of saying we need to catch up. Keep in mind I don't think reparations are possible but I understand the motivation to pursue them. Blue Skies Black Death
  13. I never said that reparations should be awarded (well they should but IMHO it is logistically impossible).... I have a problem with the notion that African Americans are better off because our ancestors were slaves. The consequences of slavery on the present day African American psyche are extremely painful. I would rather be the ancestor of Africans who came to this land as a free people..not in bondage. Blue Skies Black Death
  14. I was only there 2 days so I didn't take many pics (too busy getting my jump on) but here they are The first two courtesy Mike "Smackass" Sanders Blue Skies Black Death
  15. After 400 years of BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS we should go quietly away. Fuck that...we contributed a tremendous amount to help making this country what it is today and we also should reap the benefits of that contribution. Blue Skies Black Death
  16. Acceptable to those who were the oppresors not the Enslaved. If it was so acceptable why didn't the British or the Dutch enslave each other?..... and leave the Africans out of this "acceptable" practice. Blue Skies Black Death
  17. Are you assuming that Africans were incapable of building boats and exploring the sea like the rest of the Human race? If so that’s a real narrow minded way of looking at the continent where civilization began. Blue Skies Black Death
  18. What do you mean "Aren't they all better off????" African Americans are better off because they were an enslaved poeple?? Please clarify before I comment. Blue Skies Black Death
  19. IMHO Skydivers wanna jump not watch other Skydivers. At least thats the way I feel about. If I land and as I'm walking back I happen to catch team extreme swooping the pond hooray for me but I'd rather be at the door thinking Damn if we pull this exit off this just might work Blue Skies Black Death
  20. Great read michelle. I've said this before you have the "air awareness" to become a great coach or instructor. You are always able to recall and vividly express the details of your skydive. which a lot of people can't do Myself included.
  21. Well as I understand it if you place a protrack on a helmet you won't get the most accurate reading. Since I already have a dytter I just want to accurately track my jump. So I'm trying to find the best place for this. Blue Skies Black Death
  22. Well I did say culture it was just more tangible to show the economics of it.
  23. The deal is and this is just MHO culture & Economics. A lot of my buddies seem interested in trying Skydiving until I tell them the price for one jump=179$ tandem or 259 AFF-1 or 1500 to 1800 for a full student program. This kinda puts a damper on the would be adventurous YBM Skydiver. But that’s just MHO. Blue Skies Black Death
  24. It's my birthday get busy Beer! For the first time my Wife bought me a gift (Pro-Track) with money she earned and not money I gave Her!!! OK OK Where's the most accurate place to place a pro track I think I read somewhere on the Right or left Hip Not the ankle as the manual suggests. I don’t need it for the audible I already have a Dytter (sp?) Than in advance