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Everything posted by KATO33

  1. Hey Justin I was just surfing through your Website to find out you've jumped at my home DZ Millennium in Kankakee. We just missed each other I was there the 24th and 26th of august (doing AFF-3 and 4) and you were there the 25th. I know and jumped with everyone you mentioned they are always willing to jump with low timers. They snatched me up as soon as I got my A. been doing 2,3,4,5,6, ways since only about 5 solos. My biggest attempt to date 13-way And I only have 74 jumps total. Hope you can make it back one day Just ask for Chris. Peace Blue Skies Black Death
  2. Prayers and Good vibes on the way. Praying it turns out well. Blue Skies Black Death
  3. Well if you don't want to drive 200 mil just start doing crack. You will get the same result no money no old friends no wife. A truly addictive sport Sometimes when I haven't jumped in a while I open up my gear bag just to smell it . Blue Skies Black Death
  4. Got me thinking of selling my D J Equipment That i've had since 1987 Damn BlueSky Crack. Blue Skies Black Death
  5. KATO33


    Cool pic Reminds me of a baby Gap commercial Blue Skies Black Death
  6. Back in 1 Piece by Aaliyah (sp ck) featuring DMX Blue Skies Black Death
  7. KATO33

    More on Packers

    I always Pack for myself because I kinda Enjoy the challenge of trying to get the perfect pack(Looks good, fits good And opens Sweeet!!) Blue Skies Black Death
  8. Is it me or does this girl have the makings of an Instructor She seems very aware of all parts of the dive. I always assumed "sky awareness" was a big key in being an Instructor or Coach. The only dive that I could recall that vividly would be My first tandem---(got it on video) Blue Skies Black Death
  9. "Through the darkest night always come a brighter day"---Tupac Blue Skies Black Death
  10. Glad you're ok and glad you shared Just remember Blue Skies Black Death
  11. For The Lazies http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/gallery/imageFolio.cgi?action=view&link=Photo_Submissions/Malfunctions&image=mike premie just testing long filename.JPG&img=&tt= Blue Skies Black Death
  12. Rest in peace John Blue Skies Black Death
  13. I'm just your run of the mill fun jumper myself but I do strive to get better at all things I do. The tunnel helps with that why NOT. Blue Skies Black Death
  14. KATO33

    Weekend Numbers

    0:4:1 Not a bad weekend considering how the weather really sux here in Chicago. First OOPS dive I mean Hoop Dive. Blue Skies Black Death
  15. KATO33

    Weekend Numbers

    In reply to: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Got a newbie question for y'all....next weekend I'm making my AFF 7 jump and hopefully, after that, my first solo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was my understanding after you are off student status and licensed is when the beer should start to flow. Blue Skies Black Death
  16. I will only Bungee if there is no dropzone near by and the cost is less than 20 bucks. Can't imagine paying more than what a Jump ticket is worth. Blue Skies Black Death
  17. Thanx Guys for the info much appreciated Blue Skies Black Death
  18. My main is a Safire 189 The pilot Chute I'm not sure of but will check. I do not Deploy from a track!! Did that when I first got the rig smacked me HARD!! I pro pack with the nose rolled and the line double Stowed. My opening are soft and on heading (9 out of 10 times) Blue Skies Black Death
  19. I guess I'm wondering what the average amount of altitude that's burned from throw out to fully opened canopy. My usual sequence Turn N Burn at 4500 Deploy between 3500 to 3000 There Square by 2100 to 2000. Is this normal?? It seems to me a lot of altitude for opening. Blue Skies Black Death
  20. KATO33

    Freefall sucks!

    My wife and I both did tandems she didn't care for the freefall either all the wind and snot coming out her nose and all. I on the other hand enjoyed it.I was very much hooked after that. Blue Skies Black Death
  21. Sending out the prayers and vibes for a speedy recovery. Blue Skies Black Death
  22. Hey I suggested we pool our money together and get one in an earlier post so I'll suggest it again. I got $5 on it
  23. Damn another junkie congrats. and like some one said jump as often as you can until you are off student status.
  24. 0:8:0 Had a couple of bad landings on Friday but got my brain off lock and went back to my student landing patterns. Most jumps in a while weather starting to get better in Chi-Town WOOHOOO!!
  25. I Agree it seems more ppl get hurt or killed under perfectly good canopies as opposed to freefall collisions. I don’t have the stats. to prove it but it just seems that way to me.