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  1. Remster


    "The Q analyzers" This, in itself, is hilarious.
  2. Do you have a source for that story?
  3. A much smarter, and more knowledgeable person than me (nerdgirl for those who remember her from here) posted on FB that, according to what she could find in the US code, there is no definition of what a coup is.
  4. You obviously spent a lot of time looking at the designs. All I am saying is what my personal experience has been with wearing multiple brands rigs. We can talk about ring placement, geometry and such for days, what matters is actual comfort IMO.
  5. Hey Buddy! Nice to see old folks pop up on here once in a while...
  6. That's why online, and paper shopping only goes so far. I based my comments on actual fit. My 6'4" teammate agrees too...
  7. I jump a Curv now, I have owned and jumped most other brands in the many years I've been around. I've always paid for my gear: never been sponsored. Vector, Jav, Wings, Mirage, even Reflex and others... The Curv is, by far, the most comfortable rig I've put on. By far. From new, to well used several years old now. Every other owner I know says the same thing. I'm 6'2 by the way, so I'm not sure I'd say Curvs arent good for taller folks.
  8. I agree. Regardless of what someone thinks the right thing to do is, Dan's communication has been stellar.
  9. Being concerned is one thing, but the bigger risk when skydiving will be spread from asymtomatic people, not their stuff.
  10. Correct. Eloy, Perris, Snore.. All the "desert" dz's have plenty of dust devils, typically from April to September. And most often when it's dry and not as windy. And if you've only seen 1 canopy collapse, you need to get out more. They happen. The video looks more like a gust or general turbulence... Tho who know..
  11. There really is not enough dirt been slung from the Perrisites or the Snorians! Come on! Lets have it! ;-)
  12. Remster


    I've been using John Hopkins (which I trust and does not have the political muzzel the CDC has) for continuous updates. Also Worldmeters, though the data may be less accurate, but has been close to JHU so close enough for me.
  13. Is that what you were told? Interesting ;-)