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Everything posted by vanair

  1. 200, But that was back in the old Corp. 1975-79 OOOOOORRRAAAAAHHHHH
  2. Most in one day, 13, Packed 11 of them. Most in one day, my packs, 12.
  3. Dead too old?, don't know about that. Always thought that my funeral should be a burial at sea/water jump, stick me in an arch position. Toss me out, build a formation around me. At break Alt. just let me whistle in. Make it far enough out so no legal issues. And make sure the spot is far enough away from the pickup boat(s) so I don't sink one. Remember the Russian cow urban legend.
  4. Trauma? From VISITING a burn unit? Poor little snowflake
  5. Feds probably want to know why they are taking off from a runway that's marked closed. And doesn't look like they're wearing seat belts.
  6. It doesn't matter if your a minute man, as long as you can turn her into a 30 second woman.
  7. What went wrong on the canopy transfer?
  8. 1978. 100% injury rate to all of us that tried it. We USMC jump club members Jacksonville NC tried it several times. One time near the local DZ. All set, go, Ron went up with a Strato Cloud hooked to rear of car with about a 100' rope, started turning, no corrections, car slowed to a stop, he went up and over power lines next to road. He was OK, when we asked why he didn't correct the canopy he said he couldn't reach the toggles. We were like what are you talking about? Turns out he didn't do up his leg straps. We couldn't believe it, asking WTF. He said he thought he would just hang by his armpits. And this was a guy that had about 50 jumps. We more experienced jumpers never dreamed we would actually have to tell him do hook up his leg straps. Other people had broken ankles. Me 225lbs. in no wind couldn't run fast enough for lift off, fell and had the wind knocked out of me. One time I'm towing my buddy Dan behind my Vega, just the 2 of us. We come to power lines crossing the road, he's screaming at me to stop. I just slow down a little so that he's skimming the ground and we go right under them. Boy was he pissed, no tow rope release. Fast forward to about 10 years ago at the Ranch NY. I'm watching, a young jumper, West Point cadet is being towed, canopy turns and locks out, you know how a kite can turn and dive to the ground. That's what his did, no correction, I guess it happened too fast. At the last second he released but not soon enough for his canopy to even begin to plane out. Went in about 50' right in front of me and my wife. I thought he was dead, he hit so hard. He did live and eventually recovered. But I think it ended his military career, and all Parasailing at the Ranch. Dangerous stuff. Do it behind a boat.
  9. WOW! congrats. maybe I can still impress whuffos with my measly 3,000.
  10. Ahhh TR-3. 1971, me 14, brother 17 bought 12 yr old beat up TR-3. Rebuilt it, Funnnn car. Learned to drive stick with it. At one point starter went. Took about 2 weeks to get parts. My brother took me everywhere cause he needed me to help start it. One time at a traffic light he stalled it. Guy behind us was honking and yelling, started laughing his ass off when I got out with the hand crank and started the car. It had a hand crank like a jack handle that went thru a small opening in the grill. Now laughing driver said he hadn't seen that in 30 yrs. Sorry bro got rid of it. Even trade for a BSA single cylinder 441 Victor motorcycle, but thats another ankle breaking starting story.
  11. what happened to the outdoor one at great adventure? Mt creek? NJ saw it in action in the early 90s being demoed but wasn't taking customers.
  12. Back in the 80s after working at woodstock Ct. DZ one Sunday. Paul Nelson and I ended up at a sorta dive bar. Very dead, we walk up to the bar and there is a lady sitting there with her arms crossed and her head on them resting on the bar. I tap her on the shoulder and ask "are you OK?" She straightens up, looks me up and down and says very drunk "Do you wanna fuck me?' I was kinda speechless not believing what I just heard. I sorta stammered that we were just wondering if she was OK. She looks past me at Paul looks him up and down and says "How about your buddy? does he wanna fuck me?" Bartender could we get 2 light drafts and whatever shes drinking. Turns out she caught her boyfriend in bed with another woman that day and just wanted to get drunk and get even. 30 minutes later I'm(Paul passed) in the back in her car helping her out. Bonus she was really good looking. Her pickup line worked for me. Never did write to Penthouse though.
  13. I think it's cause in the case of off DZ landings there are no ground personnel to assist in collapsing canopies or pickups to drive in front of the canopies when being dragged faster than ground personnel can run.
  14. Not mine but John K. TI at the ranch had a tandem guy, wanted the "scare me shitless" ride. The funny part was not planned. At pull time John yells pull, student goes to pull but also grabs the harness, pulling for all he's worth and not getting any where. John realizes, thinks quick and yells in his ear "Shit it's not working, were gonna DIE" Student FREAKS out, John lets it happen till he really has to pull, then pulls left handle. Funny as hell. Student got what he wanted.
  15. Oh, one more I forgot about. about 22 years ago I was at a work friends house. he was an exec, nice house, nice neighborhood. his neighbor dropped in. I was introduced, my friend said the neighbor was an airline pilot. I said cool, that I was working on my CFI. He said "whats that?" I just said you know my instructor rating, and let it drop. After that I started thinking he was either in the witness protection program or the mob.
  16. The only poser i ever called out was years ago, a guy in a bar saying he's a pilot, we started talking and I realized he didn't know anything, when I called him on it he apologized and said he was trying to impress me cause he was trying to pick me up. Didn't work. Another time at my brothers house his 50ish neighbor brought her new BF over for after thanksgiving dinner visit, he started telling incredulous( i love that word) BS flying stories. My brother and I were polite and didn't say anything. But we felt like saying "Did you not hear the part about us being pilots?" it was really kinda sad, but so funny. She knew, and we never say him again.
  17. I stand by my statements, I wasn't a dick. I merely stated my opinion I didn't ask him to take it off or anything. That would have been a dick. Yes it is a free country, all I did was politely state my opinion. Never lost my cool or raised my voice just stated how I felt. As I was trained 30 yrs ago it's not quite the same as wearing a Yankees shirt. That's why there are alot of My Son, Brother, Daughter, Dad etc is a Marine, t shirts and bumper stickers. If I had passed him on the street I wouldn't have said a word, but we were already interacting. And no Superman t shirt wearers don't bother me. But I do get excited when I see a woman in a Wonder Woman costume. But those were my old GO-GO bar days.
  18. A few years ago made a tandem at the Ranch NY. Oct warm fall day at sunset, long spot towards the mountain. Peak leaves, PERFECT! I had a lady that said this is beautiful etc etc, and quiet. I said you think this is quiet, here. I went into deep brakes. She said this is so beautiful that I have to sing, I thought Oh Gawd here we go, thinking of someone in the shower, But I said hey it's your jump, sing. She sang the opening to the sound of music "when the hills are alive" When I was a kid that was one of my favorite movies. She was a professional opera singer. I couldn't believe it, I got teared up. One of my most memorable jumps. I should have been paying her. Surprises aren't always bad.
  19. Whats the plane doing on the roof? seriously you'll be fine, it's the people that don't ask us or themselves these questions that worry us.
  20. First jump Aug 23 1973, SL L.S.P.C N.J., 2 months after my 16th birthday. Never went a year without jumping but alot of years only making a few. most active in the last 13 yrs. 4300 jumps. My inspiration is a guy I met about 12 yrs ago. We 5 funway were at the loading area, I asked the old guy if he wanted to join us, had his own contemporary gear etc, Just belly 6 way round 360 + repeat in possible. He joined us, flew like a Sunday driver but had fun etc. Didn't talk to him much but afterwards I asked how old he was. He straightened up and with pride said I'm 84. God Bless em. I hope I can at least say I have 60 years of skydiving. I'll be 76 if I can make it. Will be 54 June 7 and starting to feel it. Arthritis in fingers, don't know how many active years I have left.
  21. 5 years ago my wife and I went to Paris, not bad, had fun. But 2 different experiences, together all is great, my wife, pretty good looking always had everything whether with me or alone. Me alone I was invisible to the point that I wouldn't go anywhere without her. A few years later here in the USA I was talking to a French guy about how I couldn't even get some one in the street to give me directions to Starbucks(everywhere there) He was incredulous saying "why would you think they would help you?"
  22. Stolen valor act was a law, got repealed due to conflict with 1st amendment. Now a new one is being passed but not for wearing a uniform but for fraud. So if the person is using it even to get a free beer it is considered fraud and they can be arrested for it. a couple of years ago I was briefing a group of tandem students, one of them had a USMC t shirt on, as I did. He didn't look the part so I asked when he was in? He said he wasn't but that he supports the Marines. I wasn't a dick about it but I said don't wear the shirt unless you are or were one, or are a wife or girlfriend or have some connection to someone who is in. That people make assumptions. Although not a uniform I make the assumption that the person wearing it, is or was in. Maybe I'm a dinosaur but I like my cave.