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    MarS Parachute AAD

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  2. I think that was the decent speed. Forward speed was around 50mph
  3. You can't die playing computer games. Where's the fun in that?
  4. Padraig you were exactly who I had in mind anyway. I didn't see you at the club yesterday to chat about it. Those dates you advertised don't suit. I'll talk to you when I see you again. Would it be okay if two of us shared the hour yeah?
  5. Myself and a similiar level jumper plan to get an hour of tunnel time to work on our bellyflying. Obviously it would be more beneficial to go to the tunnel with a coach but I'm just curious as to how much more beneficial it would be than getting coaching from the tunnel staff. We're on a tight enough budget so we're wondering how much of a difference overall it would make getting a coach at our level.
  6. Just got my A licence from this club via the AFF route. This is a fantastic parachute club. It is located about an hour from Dublin, very convenient. The instructors are very friendly and cannot do enough for you. The facilities are great as is the Porter. If you are trying to decide which club to go for head to the IPC. You won't regret it.
  7. There's an excellent free e-book that pretty much guarantees you to have a lucid dream within three days of following their instructions. I had one on the first night of trying and have had many since. Haven't had much time to do it lately but have been meaning to get back into it. Its a long book but the first section will do for beginner stuff.
  8. Take that £200 repeat money to the tunnel. That'll get you 15-20 minutes and sort you right out. I had to repeat level 4 twice before going to the tunnel. I found the biggest obstacle was knowing that if I blow it again it'll cost me X for a repeat. That put too much pressure on, meaning I couldn't relax. Don't listen to people saying its not for you. Its way too early to make that decision during an AFF course, which by its nature is a very intensive course. Head to the tunnel and learn how to relax.
  9. I bought PMS a few weeks ago and found it was absolutely brilliant. Didn't take a packing course. Just watched the DVD a few times. Practiced a lot and passed the packing test no problem. Its still as relevant now as when it was made.
  10. You're supposed to flare your reserve differently? Can you elaborate please?
  11. I was put in the same situation recently. The seller had been ripped off before so was reluctant to send the rig without getting paid, even to our rigger. In the end he showed me all the gear on Skype then listed it on ebay. I bought if from there so was covered by ebay and paypal's buyer protection. Its probably not ideal not having a rigger inspect it and a couple of things came up as a result (DOM of AAD and reserve were not accurate) but I was still happy in the end.
  12. Its a Swift plus II I think. Manufactured in 1992. As for jumping antiques, maybe someone else can answer that. All I know is my rigger told me I need a new reserve
  13. Okay local rules say I can't jump it any more. Its manufactured by para-flite. Anybody know what their rules are? Also what are the regulations in the US?