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  1. You might find this interesting. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c2x0g8nkzmzo it wasn’t so much the apparently hard move to the left (Labour) by the public, and more of a split of the conservative vote. In fairness, the civil service run the country, and left and right in the UK are both centre parties compared to the US of A (I don’t know much about Canadian politics).
  2. You can have trigger locks on fuel pumps in the UK, but only if the fuelling is done by an attendant. Nearly all fuel stations are self service these days however.
  3. Pack it normally. I’ve pro packed and ‘psycho’ packed them. Pay very close attention to a flat stable deployment. I don’t have a lot of experience on Stilettos, but the only opening problem was an own goal, deploying on the hill on a hop’n’pop whilst not quite square to the relative wind. On my Safire2 or Sabre2 it wouldn’t have been a problem. On the Stiletto, it was an immediate and serious problem.
  4. Yes. click the black circle or star to the left of the thread title - that takes you to the first unread post.
  5. He can dissolve parliament at any time he chooses. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissolution_of_the_Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom
  6. Do you think that she should lie? To a Court?
  7. dgw


    I think that is right. I think a lot of historic wars (in Ireland) were about having a war to lose the least amount of resource, knowing that sooner or later a war was going to happen. No nukes, of course.
  8. I have no dog in this fight at all. If the bone is real however, I say pick all the meat off it and fully expose the bone. It seems to me that this issue could be tested by any competent rigger with access to similar harness-container / parachute combinations. I don’t think this website caries the weight it once did in informing people by skilled, knowledgable, and esteemed peers. I do think, however, that Aerodyne should answer this challenge for the purposes of both finding the issue (whatever it is) in the complainant’s video and, assuming the bone is clean, protecting their reputation.
  9. Yes. That is what I thought Coolbeans more or less had in mind. I noted your comment responding to me but I couldn’t reply earlier. My thoughts were that, for this sort of idea, more thread / stitches = less riser stretch over a bit longer time than in a normal deployment. That was it. The injury risk is not just acceleration related, but duration related.
  10. Here is a study on fall arrest harnesses / acceleration / impulse published by the UK Government’s Health and Safety Laboratory. I think it touches on your idea, and might help. https://www.hse.gov.uk/research/hsl_pdf/2003/hsl03-09.pdf
  11. You might want to have a look at some of the injury tolerance research. It might help with understanding the relevance of the opening deceleration and impulse to risk of injury. https://humanresearchroadmap.nasa.gov/evidence/reports/Occupant Protection.pdf Here’s an extract setting out some relationships between deceleration, impulse, and injury:
  12. I might have missed the point entirely here, but it seems to me that Mr Beans had an idea that ‘fall arrest’ type risers might ameliorate opening acceleration, not by stretching of the risers, but by failure of the thread in the stitching in the sewn parallel ‘accordion’ of webbing. So, I don’t think his idea needs metres of webbing, but it might need meters of thread. $0.02
  13. I expect that they would all just coalesce into one group of magnets in the pack job. That might hinder the slider opening correctly, and therefore hinder proper opening. My $0.02