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Everything posted by Casurf1978

  1. Give the little guy a break. He looks pretty lonely.
  2. RAND did a study of this last year.
  3. Please. American lifestyle is sexually driven. The only ones who freak out about it are the ones that aren't getting laid. Look at magazines like SI's Swim Suit Edition. What do you think they are trying to sell? Hell Victoria's Secret marketing campaign is slightly geared towards men. Pick up an issue of FIM magazine, don't freak out if you see one of the female models wearing a skimpy outfit.
  4. Might as well question her $3 million dollar fund which will help children in Malawi and her partnership with Jeffrey Sachs to improve orphan healthcare. Did you also know she plans on setting up an orphanage that will feed over 1,000 children a day.
  5. You have to catch The Ali G show on HBO if you have cable. Try to find the episode where Ali G goes to the UN and interviews Butros-Butros Gali. Here's some more info on him.
  6. Ooooh, I tied you! oh wait, my tandems don't count do they I'm at 4 racers right now, and probably ordering my 5th soon! Just curious why so many rigs? Hell, I'm having a hard enough time putting together a second rig. I cant even think about getting a third let alone five. Oh and for me. G4 and Talon.
  7. Your post brings up an interesting point. Do you think this could have any influence on our midterm elections? If so, did Kim do this on purpose with November a few weeks away? The guy is not an idiot and from what I've read many diplomats who have met him say he is pretty shrewd, a bit on the short side though.
  8. You forgot to mention the crap they feed them and all the diseases that farm raised fish have.
  9. I've noticed that too. The best thing you could do is go to a personal trainer. Most people think of the shoulders as just the deltoids and the 3 heads that make it up, but you have a whole other group of muscles working along with them. Don't just go to the gym and wing it. A personal trainer will know exactly what muscles are being used and what exercises will help you out.
  10. Hope this helps. The guy did not break any laws and even though he acted like a prick the second he showed his diplomatic passport they should have verified it, let the guy buy his ticket and get the hell out of this country. I'm sure many of our diplomats have acted out too. Wonder how we would feel if one our own was treated like this.
  11. The right wing would've crucified Clinton if he went after OBL and AQ back in the 90s. You guys probably would've said why is he going into Afghanistan a third world nation that cant harm us.
  12. I cant access the article, looks like it was taken down. But doesn't Canadian mean he is a citizen of Canada and should be protected under the laws of that country and not deported to a country where he will be tortured. I'm a citizen of the USA but born abroad. Let's say for a second I'm in Mexico and get accused of being a terrorist. Where should I be deported to? The country I was born in or the country I'm a citizen of.
  13. Such a peaceful religion... Guess they don't have "turn the other cheek" in their holy book. What amazes me is that some Muslims pay more attention to the Pope than most Catholics. IMHO the world would be a much better place w/o religion. I'm sick of religious extremist and all the hatred they bring.
  14. Next thing you know they'll blame Clinton for Iraq since he gutted the military and people like you and Billvon for lack of patriotism and not supporting the troops.
  15. Casurf1978

    Ray Nagin

    There was a huge lack of leadership on every level from the federal to local.
  16. I've never had faith in chiropractors, bad experience with one several years ago. Go get checked up by a doctor. There might be some injuries only and MD can diagnosis, plus they might give you some good meds.
  17. Don't blame Hollywood. It's a business and they provide services and products the public wants. Look at all the weekly magazines that track actors and what they are up to. If you want to point the finger at someone point it at the people who pay 10 plus dollars to go see a crappy movie and spend $3.50 a week buying USWeekly or People magazine. Hell look at the top grossing movie this last weekend. It's not Hollywood that's weird it us who thrive on knowing what celebs are up to, what they are wearing, who they are seeing and all that BS.
  18. Have you read the following article by the same author. Careful though, some people might call it BS since it appears in RS. FYI Bamford won an award for this one.
  19. So you would be ok with possibly raising a human being that might need your care and support the rest of his or her life. What happens to that individual when you or your spouse pass away. That would be my major concern. What if I pass away, who will take care of this person in my absence. I'm 28 and heaven forbid my parents pass away, but I'm financially independent. Now imagine a 28yo who cant and who suffers a major birth defect.
  20. I know we have different political views and I'm really glad to hear that they are taking excellent care of you. All the best to a quick and speedy recovery.
  21. Same thing happened with me and a friend, although he had a horseshoe. One second FF, next second he wasnt there. Cut away and landed fine. I'm hellof new in this sport, but wont FF with anyone who has velcro on the rig or the rig doesnt look FF safe.
  22. Yeah I agree, quick march to justice when the evidence is present. There is synthetic testosterone present. Please explain how that is naturally produced. There will always be human error, I agree, but how many tests do you need. First one proved positive for elevated levels. Second test confirmed the first test and showed the presence of synthetic testosterone. What more proof do you need. This is an extremely accurate test based on carbon isotopes. It just doesn't spit out random results. The proof is there, people are just blind to it and wont accept the fact that he's a doper. Check this article out and look at the excuses his defense team is using. Drinking beer and whisky the night before, come on.
  23. I agree, but still two false positives. What are the odds against that. I would also rule out tampering with the samples, that would be so obvious. He should be a man and fess up. It's also a bit too late for a blood sample. IMO he's a liar and a doper.
  24. He's a doper plain and simple. Levels just dont spike overnight, granted super athletes in his class might have higher ratios than you or I but those ratios are consistent. He should just fess up. Secondly how do you explain the synthetic testosterone in the urine sample. He was doping and messed up the the doping cycle.
  25. I was just commenting on the fact that Gibson is a very powerful man in LA and can see why a cop would give preferential treatment to him. I'm not saying there was a cover up. Personally, I think this whole Gibson DUI thing is being blown out of proportion. The guy is an alcoholic with serious problems and made a few stupid comments while drunk. People are crucifying the poor man. I feel sorry for the guy. He has all that anyone could want, but still isn't happy and has to deal with alcoholism.