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Everything posted by Casurf1978

  1. I agree with a lot of what you said. But the rules are not written in stone. We change them when they suit us. We make deals with murderers so they can rat out a bigger fish. No one is asking to let this man go free. He's far from a saint, but at least alive he can do some good. He'll never be able to repay society for the murder of those 4 people, but what if he can prevent one kid from following the same path he did.
  2. On jump#51 that little reflex got me a broken right arm. Out for two months. I've never reached for the ground since and I'm ready to PLF every landing. Hope your friend is doing ok Viking.
  3. Here's a timeline that will clear things up. It was Dec 4th 1992 that Bush one ordered troops in. I'm 27 and I even remember that speech. If Somalia was so important why didnt Bush act sooner? Maybe because it was an election year and he didnt want to start a war. I love it how the right puts full blame on Clinton for Somalia. The bottom line is Bush 1 was a lame duck and really didn't give a damn what would happen. I'm also sure the American public would've supported a full blown pronlonged war in Somalia from a President who took office less than a month after troops were put in.
  4. It was Bush 1 who sent in the troops and promised the American public not to make this a prolonged commitment. Wasn't this also done in the last month of his Presidency. Didn't he also say that the troops would be home in no time. Nice to see how Somalia is then handed to Clinton and then its his fault for the screw up and the poor planning. Kindof like giving your two week notice, starting a big project and then screwing it up so the next guy can clean it up. Hey what do you care, you're not responsible for it now. What did you expect of Clinton. Would you want him to launch a full blown war the first few months of his Presidency.
  5. I simply have to disagree. It's the dogs not the owners attacking and killing or injuring children & adults. It's the owner fault 110%. I have a dog that would be considered a fighting breed: Akita. One I make sure that the fence surrounding the yard is secure enough to hold a 110lb Akita. I never walk her w/o a leash. I make sure she gets at least a 45 min walk a day and weekends take her to the dog park to socialize with other dogs. She's also a therapy dog and would never ever think to leave her unsupervised with kids. The bottom line is people have these types of dogs and havent the slighest idea the responsiblity, commitment or discipline these dogs need. In this case the owner should be strung up.
  6. I have a cold right now. Aint gonna jump until I'm back at 100%. Busted ear drum is not worth the risk, plus they sky is not going anywhere.
  7. Yeah I know school can blow big time, but trust on this in the future you want options. A degree gives you these. It sounds to me like you're bored. Have you looked at maybe studying abroad for a semester or year. You think skydiving is fun try spending a year in Europe as a student. Hell take your rig along too.
  8. They are both despicable, but I went with capturing. Throughout history slavery was critical to many civilizations, w/o it they would not have flourished. It was almost a necessary evil for humans to survive and thrive. PS. I am in now way condoning slavery, just saying it was a necessary evil.
  9. From Yahoo. I'm sure they're going to put those profits to good use by building new refinaries and looking for alternative fuel sources.
  10. If this were somewhat true there would already be a black or brown hate whitey band out there playing 'kill all the white man' rap song. Do you know of any?
  11. I read his post and pretty much laughed. I'm amazed that 60 plus years later some people are still so damn ignorant to that period in World history. Millions of people died defeating the SOB Hitler and his croonies. The least we can do is pick up a history book and learn why so many sacrificed their lives.
  12. Both are really nice watches. I have a Baume & Mervier Capeland S. The one I always wanted is the Blancpain Air Command. I pretty tough on watches and need rugged ones.
  13. The first time I saw it it blew my mind away. I just wanted to lay down on the floor and stare up at the ceiling. What left me speechless is to think of how many popes have been elected in that chapel. Edited to add when fuck is acceptable. First chop as I'm pulling the silver I said "This better FUCKING work."
  14. Why not? It protects pediphiles, the KKK, Nazis etc...Spammers don't injure anyone, they are just annoying. Spam costs the average small business of 100 employees with email an average of $20,000 per year. The company I work for gets over 20K spam emails a month and it's increasing around 10% a month. It's a lot more than annoying its costing us a lot of money to filter out these emails.
  15. Do you have any specific court cases we could look at and discuss.
  16. DAM I guess it's true that everything is bigger in Texas. How they hell did you catch that thing?
  17. So striking down Plessy v Ferguson was wrong since the people did not want to support racial intergration back in the 1950s. I like it how when a judge has enough common sense to see that a wrong is being committed to any geoup or minority they automatically get labeled as a 'activist'. I'm sure Justice Warren would be the poster child for 'activist' justices and how they are pushing the evil left wing agenda if he were on the bench today.
  18. x2 Agreed. I looked at a lot of players and found the nano the best one for me. One thing though I would upgrade the headphones. They sell Shure E2s at the Apple store but you can find them online for half the price.
  19. The ACLU defended neo Nazis and the KKK. All three groups, Nazis, KKK and NAMBLA are despicable IMO, but free speech is a bitch. Would you rather let the government decide what is ok for us to hear and say.
  20. Yes agreed. Two shining examples of their moral superiority are Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Baker. They would never do anything that goes against conservative Christian family values.
  21. A few.. Look at what Eisenhower wrote about them. I'm sure thousands of our soldiers wouldve faced certain death had it not for these fighters smuggling them out to Spain. General Dwight D. Eisenhower wrote: "Throughout France the Resistance had been of inestimable value in the campaign. Without their great assistance the liberation of France would have consumed a much longer time and meant greater losses to ourselves."
  22. LOL. Yeah it would. Maybe a little celebrity boxing before one of the debates. Hey we could put it on pay per view and make a killing.
  23. I dunno, dude. Climbing a wall can be 4 days of total, abject terror. Getting through that takes a lot more than any skydive I've ever done. Is it the heights that scare you? But youre a Base jumper, shouldnt you be acclimated a little to it though. Me perosonally scared of heights. Guess that doesnt leave much room to become a Base jumper.
  24. I dont know about that. Look at Golda Meir and other prominent female leaders in World history. How about Elizabeth I. When she took the reigns of England it was dirt poor, by the time she died it was one of the richest countries in the World. IMHO I dont think many Americans are ready for a woman prez. Hell look at the problems we have when it comes to issues of sex and sexuality.
  25. I've only RCed once and in all honesty dont feel qualified to say which is more dangerous. Rockclimbing also scares the bejesus outof me. I dont know why. Probably the whole scared of heights issue. Yeah, sounds crazy huh.