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Everything posted by Casurf1978

  1. The people were wrong, just like they were wrong with segregation and womens rights. The majority can be wrong and they often are. Read what a few of our founding father wrote about minority rights. "Bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will, to be rightful, must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal laws must protect, and to violate would be oppression." Thomas Jefferson: 1st Inaugural, 1801
  2. This whole marriage is the basis of stable society is a bunch of BS. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce in the states, how many husbands abuse their wives, this was very common and sad part is that its common today too. Look at married life back throughout history. Wives were chattel, they did not have any rights. The husbands could do what they wanted and get away with it. Did this form a stable society? Not to mention that many MANY husbands had misstresses and this was normal. What makes society stable is laws, not marriage. We need to get away from the whole 1950s idea of the Beaver Cleaver clan of married life = good society and well brought up kids.
  3. The whole notion of a "traditional" family is false. What was traditional in the 50s is not traditional today. The idea of a single parent household back then was crazy, yet look at how many kids are being raised by single parents now. Also look at how many household now have both parents working. The mere mention of a working wife was crazy till about the middle of the 20th century. How about traditional families in Victorian England. What was traditional then would be considered insane today. Arranged marriages were common too and viewed as the traditional way to start a family. How common are they now? Whats wrong with raising a kid in loving respectful household regardless if its a single parent, a husband and wife, two men or two women.
  4. Not always PJ, but in general poverty does breed violence and crime. Where would you rather take a stroll at 10pm on any given night, in Beverly Hills or Compton. There are also aholes in this World. Lay would rob is mom blind and murderers, well every socioeconomic class has them.
  5. It's a prison in Yemen. We have no right to say how they should treat their prisoners. If they want to hang them up by piano wire so be it. We told Mexico to f-off when we executed a Mexican citizen last year. The real question should be why werent they extradited to the US.
  6. Can you imagine the can of worms that would open up. IMO I think some people should be legally prohibited from having kids, but thats a whole other post.
  7. I remember seeing this on the History Channel but wasnt it a close competition between the Browning and the Lugar to see which one the army would adopt back in the early 1900s.
  8. Seriously what are the chances of a regular citizen stopping such an incident. Lets assume someone there was armed. How do you think they would've reacted w/o any formal training. Cops and military personal spend hours upon hours of traing to control their emotions and adrenaline in such cases and we expect the average Joe to react in the same manner. I'm not a gun hater or saying we should do away with the 2nd, but lets step back and place an average citizen in such a situation. Lets look at air marshals. These are people who spend countless hours training to shoot and be accurate in small confined places while all hell is breaking lose around them. Could you react in the same manner?
  9. I totally agree with you, but obesiety is turning into an epidemic here in the USA. We are the only country in the World that is eating itself to death. The majority of obese people are too freaking lazy to do something about it. A very small percentage of these people can attribute it to some illness or genetic factor.
  10. Rumor has it that Skyventure is putting one up in Universal City Walk here in LA. I'm intrested to see how that one will do. It seems it will mostly cater to the non-jumper crowd.
  11. Dude calm down. America has its "royalty", look at how we idolize celebs. How many magazines are dedicated to show the regular American how the ultra rich and famous live. Hell we even have a channel that's dedicated to them, E!.
  12. The others don't bother me, but this one damn. That means a spike in jump tickets. Before we know it $22 to 13K will be a dream, we willl be staring down $50+. That's my version of the coming apocalypse.
  13. Isn't it a bit hypocritical to chastise Google when America purchases huge amounts of goods from China. So Google should say f-it to a huge market but your average American Joe is OK with 'made in China' just because its cheaper. How about the hundreds of other American companies who conduct business with China. Why not boycott Walmart. They are one of the biggest buyers of Chinese goods. If you think doing business with China is a "display of absence of ethics and morality", then I would assume you dont purchase any goods made in China. Since purchasing any Chinese goods would in a way support a country that has a questionable record with human rights.
  14. Nope, totally wrong Bill. The only function of a jacked-up truck is compensation for other inadequacies. Women have plastic surgeons to turn to, men get jacked-up trucks.
  15. I call BS on this statement. In my experience and that of many of my friends, Profs welcomed ideas that challenged their views. Never did I come across a Prof who failed a paper of mine for disagreeing with their political, philosophical, or religious ideologies. Now a few did fail papers because the were written half ass the night before.
  16. Pretty much agree with you. For me rape is worse than murder. I would also include hate crimes too. What happened to James Byrd Jr is beyond murder, it's in a class of its own.
  17. A street racer killed a few people in Newport beach a few weeks ago. Hit a car at over 100mph, I'm sure the parents of the dead kids would agree with you that it's a lot of fun. A few years ago one of my friends was killed by a street racer on the 405 late at night. Little fucker clipped my friend's car and he rolled it. Bastard is still alive. Personally I would like to put a bullet in him. Raceing is fine and all, but not on public streets. You want to go 100+mph, go ahead, but dont endanger innocent people while doing it. You make some pretty intresting comparison to skydiving and base jumping, but come on. Those are pretty far fetched. I do like the comparison of swooping the main landing area when 80+ people are preparing to land. That pretty much sums up street raceing on public streets.
  18. You should also check to see if your DZ has FF skills camps. I see that you jump in so cali too. Elsinore has one coming up first weekend of Jan. You should check it out.
  19. Don't you an Walt believe that sometimes we need extremist. In the 1920s suffragist were jailed and labeled extremist because they protested a wartime president. Someone had to rise up and get into peoples faces.
  20. Oh come one. His last name and family influence got him all those things. My friend went to Brown with a Kennedy and the university basically let this kid get away with anything. He wasn't attending classes on a regular basis. Well the dean of Brown paid him a visit and encouraged him to start attending classes.
  21. Bottom line is Americans cant handle talking about sex in a civilized way. Hell look at the Jackson breast scandal. All hell broke lose when one of her tits came out of the dress, yet we are OK with violence on TV. I remember one incident on live TV here in LA when a man torched his car with a dog inside. It was shown on all the major channels. Sex, pleasure call it whatever you want, I just dont see whats the big deal about it. If two guys, or girls want to go at it, go right ahead. What right do I have to judge them. IMO the people who get all bent out of shape regarding sex are the ones who aren't getting any.
  22. In my experience this is one of the few countries where people feel the need to judge what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home. Americans have problems with sex and sexuality. If you want to have a three some with two girls, a guy and a girl, two guys, or a pair of hairy midgets go right ahead. I really could care less about someones sex life. It's just sex isn't it and if I'm not getting any I really dont wanna hear about it. I would say over the top PDA is a bit repulsive.
  23. I never said I was living in a fantasy world. But it is far easier to release a man from life imprisonment than bring back a dean one.
  24. Then you run the risk of executing an innocent person, but no one really cares about that. It's just one innocent man. Take for example the following: How would justice have been served if McMillain was executed?
  25. Is that justice? Sammy Gravano killed at least 19 people and hes free right now, Joseph Valachi is another one, how about Henry Hill, or Chuckie Grimaldi. All killers are worse than Williams, yet they they got off scott free. The rules were broken for these men. I respect your opinion on the DP, but think its BS that everyone here is ready to fry Williams yet we turn a blind eye to people like Gravano.