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sundevil777 last won the day on September 30 2022

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98 Good


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    Pilot ZPX
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    Cypres 2

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    Several in Ohio
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  1. This might do it.
  2. Why are the others dead? Was it that long ago?
  3. Thread bump: This is a good alternative to traditional ripstop repair tape, however this thread may lead me to conclude there is no problem with the traditional repair tape. I had heard some say traditional ripstop tape is best applied with heat (with a clothes iron) to seal the tape which is supposed to be put on both sides of the fabric to be repaired. The insignia tape has been on a canopy of mine for a few months, about 50 jumps or so on a few locations. It seems to be fantastic, there is no hint of the edges lifting or wear of the fabric itself. This stuff works great on jumpsuits, especially since it does not have the square weave pattern to set it apart visually. From the Seattle Fabrics website: Insignia Cloth Adhesive backed polyester fabric for numbers, letters, and graphic designs. No sewing is required. Printed grid pattern on adhesive paper makes this an easy job. The 54 inch wide roll from which this material is cut from opens it up to applications a narrow tape roll doesn't allow. What do you think?
  4. Some people might want to think it could be a major draw for a really big boogie...
  5. I've noticed areas of slinks and the top of risers looking "polished". At first I figured it was due to physical wear from long term contact with vibration from the slider flapping, but later realized it is from the grommets being hot due to line friction, and partial melting of the material. Now protection is provided with large link covers/slider stops similar to what you might see on a tandem rig. I use wide risers, do those using narrow risers not experience this so much because their slider comes farther down the riser before stopping, perhaps spreading out the transfer of the heat? Do my Dacron lines perhaps generate more heat than the newfangled types? It seems the Dacron lines themselves do not suffer.
  6. The old Parasport Z1 full face helmet fit my large head easily, it is too big for even the biggest Cookie G3. I can wear a size L G4 or G35, but the G3 is no good. So many people sell barely used helmets because what they thought would fit based on how another model feels...never count on that, except as a reminder there are a lot of barely used helmets for sale.
  7. You worship several things, correct, some would call it paganism. Diatribe? Pretty dramatic sounding. I understand opposing Trump. I don't understand how you think the process honors our constitution or lady liberty. You underestimate the threat to democracy/the constitution/liberty is enabled by how he is being opposed. What is your limiting principle? What is out of bounds?
  8. If I were in charge of preparations, repeated test jumps would be required to work out the protocols. Probably too heavy for one pilot in the US?
  9. Is it possible to make it more clear - the end justifies the means? I don't think so. How can you not see what you've become? Liberals used to protect the constitution, and the liberties it ensured. Now their religion is government, they worship it, see the constitution as an obstacle to effective governance, an impediment to doing what is needed to be done for the greater good, determined by... Do you recognize it is possible to support policies without supporting the politician? I don't think you all can have policy debates anymore, so much hate, intolerance, and bigotry has filled your world view.
  10. What kind of imbecile would pretend lady liberty still has her blindfold on? What kind of imbecile would think trying to subvert justice so blatantly would work?
  11. What kind? A lot of the kind of people you jump with. How do you withstand it? Please describe the pain.
  12. Disconnect the RSL before chopping the main to help prevent it snagging the reserve.
  13. There is a canopy manufacturer which is making me a main in 10 weeks, but only because they already have enough of the material. That same manufacturer claims PD is known for offering/bidding/paying premium prices to get fabric "diverted" to them instead of the original customer. Color choices, and not just the type of fabric should be confirmed for the schedule impact when ordering, even if it has to be speculative.
  14. I wouldn't want to count on it, or their ability to do it well.