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  1. Just thought I would give you guys an update. I got my flesh-light in the mail a few weeks ago. It came in a brightly colored box with pictures all over it. I can honestly say, this device sure feels “fleshy” It feels soo good! I plan to bring it to Lost Prairie with me. It’s perfect for camping. I don’t have to soil anymore socks. Some suggested improvements would be a juice button. To simulate the female orgasm. It would clamp down like a vice and shoot pink fragrance on my shaft during climax. UntamedDOG
  2. Shannon died base jumping, not skydiving. Apples and Oranges my friend. Ohh pleeeeze!
  3. It’s only their choice if they aren’t sharing the airspace with 14 other people. My biggest fear is getting taken out by a complete dipshit on final approach. UntamedDOG
  4. You have a lot to learn. I’m sorry you seem so bitter towards others that have what you truly desire. It is the instinct of every man to conquer and acquire the female as both a slave-lover and respectful-servant. You must learn to exude confidence, power and control over women. When approaching a nymphet for the first time, I don’t ask for their respect. I command respect through my actions and words. I treat women like children by talking down to them and treating them with no more courtesy than a common streetwalker. Women by nature are arrogant and put themselves on a pedestal in hopes that someone will knock them down a peg. That is precisely why GOD created man. To keep women from letting their own stupid egos blow up the planet. Philosophers call this “universal harmony” Women worship me because I enjoy being a selfish asshole. It makes me feel like a big man when they realize they will never have any say in our relationship. Their future is held firmly in my hands and that is what makes me irresistible. UntamedDOG
  5. I have never signed a waiver to skydive. Even Perris lets me jump without one. As the Conatser’s most trusted advisor, they just don’t find it necessary. The jokes on them. If I get hurt, I’m suing their ass! UntamedDOG
  6. It might help if you explained that it's not a real skydiver, just a toy.
  7. AvgJoe brianfry713 Elisha Feeblemind flygirl1 girlfalldown JankyBob kelpdiver McBeth monkycndo NWFlyer skybytch UntamedDOG vdschoor Weakmindedfool
  8. You misunderstand. They simply aren’t interested in you. That is why they are ignoring your advances. Find someone else to pursue. Finding a partner is like looking for a job. Both should be treated with an initial callous approach. Wait till you form a relationship before you waste hours of energy being pissed at them.
  9. Well it's about god damn time! Now all the 100 jump wonders can be cool too!!
  10. A lot of the "pro" skysurfers didn't actually die skysurfing. I wouldn't let that turn you off to the discipline. UntamedDOG
  11. The exact same phenomenon occurred recently with “United 93”. I usually check out movie reviews at www.rottentomatoes.com If they score 90% or higher, something is fishy and there seems to be a bias. If a movie scores 70-80% then it’s probably a really good movie on it’s own merit.
  12. What happened to that little muckraker? Artistcalledian hasn't posted since January. There are rumors circulating that he bought the farm. Is he still alive? UntamedDOG
  13. I still don't understand how it got stolen. Did someone break into your car?
  14. That sucks. It is sad to be reminded that there are dirt bag skydivers among us. Can’t say I’m surprised however. How exactly did your gear get stolen? You are being a lot more civil about this crime than I would be. I would be storming the dropzone opening up everyone’s bags and searching their cars. No mercy, I wouldn’t care if they thought I was a dick. I would then hire a cop to administer lie detector tests to everyone that works at the dropzone. Anyone who refused would answer to my scrutiny. It was probably the DZO that stole your equipment. UntamedDOG
  15. I’ve never had this problem. In fact, most dropzones are happy when I leave.