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Everything posted by skydiver30960

  1. I agree that "it was an 'emergency' landing!" won't be a valid defense. I equate it to declaring an emergency when you are pilot in command of an aircraft: the FAA makes it clear that if you declare an emergency that you will be afforded every resource necessary and available to mitigate that emergency. It is one of the things I think the FAA gets right, and it is summed up in three words spoken by ATC: "Say your intentions." Love it. BUT, it does not mean you won't be responsible for your actions. If the emergency was caused by a screw-up of your own, plan on seeing what the inside of the frying pan looks like. Same thing here: if skydivers have been warned and still make conscious decisions to get out of the aircraft in a situation that puts them out over that private property, they need to be prepared to face the consequences. Sure, there may be no other outs at that time, and landing in his field sure beats being treed or dead. But, walking away with a tresspassing ticket is better than being driven out in an ambulance or a hearse as well. How many of us would support a hypothetical "government action" that allowed random people we didn't know to walk all over OUR property without our permission? Do what you can to appease him, don't try to find ways to piss him off further. Elvisio " not worth the fight" Rodriguez
  2. Ok, you're just baiting me, aren't you? Nope. Nope. Let me take this. . . Nothing shut down a climax at the end of any movie like this one. I was just a child when I saw it and I was able to comprehend how strange/warped it was. Besides Ernest Borgstein's character gets it in this movie. Ehh... yeah, I'll give you that the story definitely writes itself into a corner. There's just no way to show going into a black hole that will match what we true sci-fi geeks imagine on our own. So they had to go for the trippy, 2001-esque ending. I just watched it again a couple months ago and I still think it was a badass movie. At the age I was when I saw it (8-ish) it had awesome spacecraft, badass robots, cool actors, human mind control, lasers, and a friggin ASTEROID rolling down a hallway, for cripes sake! Elvisio "to each their own, one man's trash, all that crap" Rodriguez
  3. Wait a minute... are we related? Elvisio "keep the wine at the other end of the table from THAT one" Rodriguez
  4. Yep. This was my thought. If you had the product in hand, KNEW what you had in hand, and still sent him the cash... Elvisio "I know, it IS a nasty world out there" Rodriguez
  5. Loved him in The Black Hole. Without a doubt one of my all-time favorite movies. Elvisio "and Slim Pickens was in it, too!" Rodriguez
  6. I stand humbly corrected, sir. Care to weigh in on the past occurrence of a 23,000 foot naked tandem? Elvisio "from the horse's mouth" Rodriguez
  7. ON TOPIC: I'll be interested in what happens if Katie does play the Scientology card in her divorce. The "religion" has a nasty habit of haranguing its nay-sayers in the courts until they are penniless and old. It may be that Katie would be better off to leave it out of the divorce just to save her the years of legal battering by Scientology down the road. OFF TOPIC: This made me laugh. Maybe that's why we keep our wallets in the same vicinity? Also, evolutionarily speaking, don't think about us standing tall, think about where the frank 'n' beans are on most quadrupeds (where we came from)... low and to the rear of the animal, a very protected position should a fight arise. Elvisio "edit to add sig line" Rodriguez
  8. I'm really surprised at the boast of the highest naked tandem. Although I can't prove it, of all the hijinx that came out of the Mullins camp at the WFFCs and the number of high altitude loads they flew to 22,000 each year, I find it hard to believe there was never a naked tandem made that way... Elvisio "terminal velocity + nakedness = button on a fur coat" Rodriguez
  9. Do you think regular squirrels sit around the tree bitching about the flying squirrels and their always asking for separate jump runs and crazy-long exit separations and taking up too much space in the tree trunk? Elvisio "absolutely nuts" Rodriguez
  10. I don't usually sport jewelry of any kind. My wedding ring is on a cord around my neck, and it took a lifetime commitment to get me to do THAT much. As a nurse, we typically HAVE to have some kind of timepiece. So, when I'm on duty I'll wear an el-cheapo Timex Ironman or something similar. I need something that is digital or has a second hand, but isn't so expensive that I won't think twice about chucking it into the trash if it gets somebody else's blood (or worse) on it. Elvisio "some things never get clean" Rodriguez
  11. "It'll be a small, brick-shaped package, tightly wrapped in plastic and duct tape that I'd like you to mule- I mean carry. Please don't open it. Also, keep your cool if the drug dogs start barking REALLY loudly when you walk by, it's just that they think you have MilkBones in your pocket!" Elvisio "politics of contraband" Rodriguez
  12. Same here. I always say that I relax by DOING not by NOT DOING. The down side is I do feel more tired after a vacation than before, even though I may have enjoyed every minute of it. I suppose we could draw conclusions about our "ever faster, ever farther" society and how we run ourselves ragged, even when we're supposed to be relaxing. Meh, I just like doing fun shit. Elvisio "Skydiving, SCUBA diving, Jeeping, crossfitting, it's all good" Rodriguez
  13. Beautiful work. Let me see, what did I do today? Uh... yeah: nothing even remotely that cool. Elvisio "wanted to groan at jimmytavino for the "that chair rocks" comment, but then realized I was just bummed I didn't get to say it first" Rodriguez
  14. How awesome that you had to pay them on the interest they paid you because they fucked up. Elvisio "we put up with it, why? Oh yeah, prison" Rodriguez
  15. So what, they can't breathe through their skin like skydivers do? Elvisio "" Rodriguez
  16. Some of the older stickers were starting to time out and needed to be replaced to avoid fatigue failures. Elvisio "too many 'skydive naked' stickers anyhow" Rodriguez
  17. I think I would spontaneously combust if I EVER popped my collar. Elvisio "wore bleached jeans in the 80s, but at least I missed the popped collar crap" Rodriguez
  18. What's your vote? Elvisio "not so familiar with the OTHER runway" Rodriguez
  19. Ok, THIS would be a compromise I could get behind. Or in front of. Or close up to and just below the level of. Elvisio "to use the 'boobies' button please motorboat your laptop screen" Rodriguez
  20. Absolutely not. Dizzy is it's own beast. Let it stay that way. Elvisio "nothing personal, just someone who suffers FB because he has to" Rodriguez
  21. I'd do it for even just one day... just so I could see the looks on the faces of the jackasses on my HOA! They've banned RVs and boats in the neighborhood, but they didn't say anything about a 747... Elvisio "and use the inflatable slide to slide into the pool" Rodriguez
  22. "Thank you for not judging me." Elvisio " and and on the morning after, " Rodriguez
  23. Best post I've read in this forum in a LONG time. Elvisio "kudos to you, sir" Rodriguez
  24. That's , Elvisio "off to the big-box store to try this out" Rodriguez
  25. I’m a paramedic and ICU nurse. I’m the one who tries to put Humpty Dumpty back together again after the fall. Here’s my take. If you don’t want make it mandatory to wear your seatbelt, then fine. BUT, here’s what the law SHOULD be: If pulled over without a seatbelt, you won’t get a ticket. But you WILL get arrested and immediately transported to the nearest hospital where you will be sedated, paralyzed, and intubated. Then we’ll randomly immobilize a couple limbs in external fixators (aka Erector Sets), maybe put you in a TLSO (a clamshell back brace). THEN, we’ll wake you up, but leave you paralyzed and intubated. THEN, we’ll let you suffer through a few days of chewing that plastic endotracheal tube, shitting your pants because you have no other choice, eating only through a tube shoved down your nose, getting bed sores, and suffering excruciating pain. After a few days of this, we’ll discontinue the paralytic, take you off the ventilator and remove the breathing tube, and ask you if you’d prefer to wear your seatbelt or suffer a lifetime of living like this. Elvisio “don't take it seriously” Rodriguez