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  1. Group of European CReW / CF jumpers did now European record, 25-way diamond little time ago. More about Euro CF Challenge 2016 event from
  2. There are some info about big way CRW/CF formations. If you know more info, please let me know. National records and the biggest CF/CRW formations Argentina 15-way wedge 1997 (multinalt), 10-plane 1990 Australia 21-plane 1984 (World Record) Austria 9-plane (year?) Belarus 12-plane 2001 Belgia 18-way diamond 1998 (multinat?) Brasil 31-way diamond 2001 (multinat), 9-plane 1985 Canada 31-way diamond 2012 (unofficial), 25-way diamond 2012 (official) Czech Republic 8-plane 2000 China 26-way diamond 2011 (multinat), 10-way vertical 1987 Danmark 8-plane 1983 East-German (DDR) 7-plane (date?) Egypt 36-way diamond 2010 England (G.B) 24-plane 1986 (the biggest vertical) Estonia 9-way diamond 2001 (multinat), 3-plane 2010(?) Germany 53-way diamond 1996 (multinat, World Record), 20-way jewel 1993 Finland 17-way diamond 1999 (Nordic Record) France 45-way jewel 1995 (World Record) Holland (The Ned) 27-way diamond 2003 Hungary 11-stack 1981-1982? India 10-plane 1991 (?) Italy 17-plane 1989 Indonesia 17-plane 1996 Japan 6-plane (year?) Latvia 6-stack (year?) Liethua 6-plane 1990 Malesia 13-plane 1990 (16-plane?) New Zealand 11-plane (year?) Norge 11-plane 1991 Portugal 9-plane 1990 Poland 13-kite 2011 Qatar 16-diamond 2013 Romany 10-plane 2007 Russia 25-way diamond 2013 Spain 36-way diamond (multinat), 10-plane (year?) Sweden 12-plane 1996 Switzerland 17-way diamond 1994 South Africa 18-plane 1988 Thailand 10-plane 1986 Turkey 14-plane 1990 United Arab Emirates 26-way diamond 2012 (multinat) USA 100-way diamond 2007 (multinat, World Record) You will find more about the CRW history from]
  3. We did 8-way stack (not plane) by using 5 Lightnings (4x160's, 143) at the top and 3 Storms at the bottom of the formation. No broblem at all.
  4. 1977 General Scotty Carbone and Steve Haley made the first naked plane formation during the summer.
  5. CFPasi

    Skydive Hame

    A growing skydiving club.
  6. Nothing big... Next IPC meeting will deceded coming events. Now there is only one bid for World Champpionships.
  7. All is possible in Finnish summer ps - I wasn't there ps 2 - what is the biggest naked CRW formation? I know only 4-way
  8. Hope to get more info about that 18-plane! That's new for me. PM is also on the way.
  9. So...sorry - Australia is little diffentent than South Africa. Was it this one? "Bush Pilots Airlines was sponsoring a record attempt during the opening ceremonies of Cairns airport, Australia. The jumpers set a new world record, a 21-plane, in March. Jumper number 22 was also in but not for long enough. In total, there were 25 jumpers in the air." - 1984 And earlier in same year, jumpers make some big way plane formations, like 15- and 17-way.
  10. In 83 or 84 .... or was it in 1988? "Jumpers from South Africa made a 18-plane in Phalaborwa. They used a DC-3 from the Air Force and held the record formation for 22 seconds. Jumpers used Cruislite and Xenon (made in SA) mains. Earlier South African records included 12-, 14-, and 16-planes. The new record was jumped in October."
  11. Cool! I almoust forget this one... and belive that it was part of the "lost" CRW history. More questions from PM. About CRW history, I had collect it a while and there link to small part of CRW history
  12. The World Championships was in 1992. I was there also. "The 4th World Championships in CRW were held in Anyang, China, September 15-25. There were more than 200 000 spectators in the opening ceremonies and every day more than 10 000 spectators were watching the competition jumps. YAN-5, a Chinese copy of the Russian AN-2 was the jump plane. France won rotation and sequential, the USA won 8-speed event. Finnish rotation team members, Anita Nurminen, Maija Makela and Maija Haanpaa (alt) made history in China. They and sequential jumper Pat Sobrero from the USA were the first female competitors in world championships ever. Sobrero was also the first female medalist winning silver with her team." - more about CRW history from
  13. More info - but still, place, date and name of the first jumper are missing.
  14. How many jumps Hubert Julian did in his career? Who Hubert Julian? His first jump was in September 3rd, 1922. I am looking his total jump # and source for that info. Can anyone help?
  15. Somewhere from internet. I don't remember address (pity)... Can you find any of those to ask more...