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Everything posted by skydiver30960

  1. This. There was one of those FB-meme cards floating around a while ago that said: "How do you know a crossfitter? 'Cause it's all they fucking talk about." Elvisio "on my timeline" Rodriguez
  2. I've heard of bad CF boxes just like I've heard of bad DZs. The trick is not to let the one or two bad apples ruin it for the whole bunch. The overwhelming majority of the experience that I've had in the CF boxes around here is the opposite of what you describe: form is taught before every class, even if it's mostly experienced members. This is to make sure nobody new slips through the cracks, and to keep reminding the old salts about the importance of good form. Our coaches will (first) "no rep" you if your form is bad, calling your attention to it, then stop your workout and find a way for you to safely modify the workout so that you continue, then (finally) if necessary have you sit out the rest of the workout. And, just like DZs, CF boxes all have their own vibe. If you go to one that seems too competitive for you, try another! Fortunately enough, CF is getting common enough that even moderately sized cities have multiple gyms so you can shop around. Isn't muscle failure the goal for most workout programs? IMO, the reason CF gets a rap for injuries is how easy it is to overdo it. Holy crap, besides ice hockey it's the first workout regimen I've EVER done that is FUN. You always want to try a new movement, new workout, set a higher goal, make a personal best. It's much like skydiving in that regard: in the sport we all need to know our own limitations. Swooping too soon, flying camera too soon, getting into bigways too soon, it's all the same: if your body and mind aren't ready for what you put them through, you'll end up getting hurt. The same holds for CF, thus my advice a couple posts back. GO SLOW, learn what your body can handle and what it can't. At 38, I spent some time trying to keep up with the 20-somethings that go to my gym, and I ended up with a couple (fortunately) minor tweaks that I'm cleaning up with a little PT and a strong focus on improving my mobility. Now I've learned that I can't judge myself against the 20 year olds. I need to compare myself to "my old self" and be pleased with the awesome improvments I've made. When I do feel the need to compete, it's against men and women that are of a similar age and level of skill as me. Although it may sound like a heroin addict saying "I can quit anytime I want" I really don't consier myself to be a "CF cultist." I've managed to figure out how much I'm interested in integrating it into my life, and can make improvements in myself without it hurting any other aspects of my life or becoming all-controlling. Just like skydiving, there are "all day, every day jumpers" and weekend warriors. I'm really happy with the results, and so is the wifey
  3. I will give a pass to anyone who farts as long as they own up to it. This was standard procedure at one DZ where I used to jump (ah, BSA, I miss you for so many reasons) and it always stuck with me. There, the only true crime was a fart you didn't admit to birthing. Dunno what number we're at but: people who take INSANELY too long in the door. I dig that you want to get the most out of your jump, I dig that you're worried about exit separation, I dig all that and so much more. But when the plan for jump run is 5-7 seconds between groups, then you take 15 seconds before STARTING your climb-out, then spend God knows how long fumbling around for the perfect grip because your two-way really wants to NAIL that exit, then have to nod back and forth about six times to make sure you're both REALLY ready, before you then decide which of you is going to give the count... I know the FAA says we have to take off with a 30 minute fuel reserve but I don't necessarily want to put it to the test on this particular load, OK? Elvisio "fucking GO!" Rodriguez edit: signature superfluity
  4. burpees are even better! We used to get "the stick." As with most others here, the threat was usually enough to bring us back into line. A fellow jumper was once marveling at the good behavior of a couple kids (maybe six years old or so) who were at the DZ. He said "now there are a couple kids who have been loved and beaten in the proper proportions." I liked that. I don't plan to have kids but if I ever did then corporal punishment would surely be a part of the lesson plan. But I must say: burpees and pushups for punishment? That may be the best idea I've heard in a long time.
  5. Can someone post a scan of the picture? and... I guess not: it is his own job. And God's. He doesn't seem to be too bothered by his inaction. As for the Big Guy Upstairs... Seems to me he's having no trouble soaking up the media attention. I bet he's going to have no qualms when he's cashing the check the paper gave him for the picture, and what other boons come from the media exposure. I don't buy the "nothing we could do" act. I DEFINITELY don't buy the "using my flash to alert the conductor" line. In my life, the greatest regrets I carry are for the moments when I did not act. Maybe, in some moments, I didn't realize I could act. Maybe, in other moments, I chose not to act for reasons that I deemed appropriate... only to realize later that I was wrong. I have lost SO much more sleep over the things I did not do than the things I did, or tried to do and failed. I would hope that, given the situation, I would do anything I could, no matter how fruitless it may be. I don't give handouts to every bum I pass. I don't tithe. I don't spend every free minute volunteering at soup kitchens. But when presented with someone in threat of life and limb? I hope I would be able to act, for to fail to do so would torture me for the rest of my life. Elvisio "we shouldn't worry about judging, we should worry about being judged ourselves" Rodriguez
  6. Good to know we're in such good company when it comes to our discussion here: Elvisio "maybe they just went out for some Sonic" Rodriguez
  7. Good stuff so far. I tend to agree that there has to be life out there. My gut feeling is that if they can talk to us, they're refraining from doing so because we're so damn uncivilized that they realize no good can come from it. I also share Quade's opinion of the vast distances involved being a genuine barrier to even wildly more advanced societies. I marvel at our ability to observe our Universe (both macroscopic and microscopic) at scales that are completely outside our comprehension. But, one can always hope... Elvisio "nanu nanu" Rodriguez EDIT TO ADD: Anyone else ever wonder if DNA is just the perfect embodiment of the idea of a Von Neumann Probe?
  8. ...I don't mean what would happen if little green men came to Earth a-la The Day the Earth Stood Still or Independence Day because I think we'd all agree that we'd go completely xenophobic and make real asses of ourselves. BUT, what if we knew life existed on another world, but we were informed in a way that was totally unthreatening to us? Like, what if we got a radio message sent back to us... something like "hey, we're getting your messages, all is well, keep sending us more episodes of I Love Lucy." Would it galvanize us as a species? Would we still freak out? Or would we pretty much scan over it in in the news, complain about all the alien posts in our FB feeds, and pretty much ignore the whole momentous occasion? Elvisio "Like Contact, only without the crappy acting" Rodriguez
  9. Will the nuclear reactor be available at my local military surplus store? Elvisio "supplies are limited!" Rodriguez
  10. Webpages like this make me miss college. Then, I very suddenly come to my senses, and am once again so much happier to be out in the real world. Elvisio "most of my projects related to the physiological effects of beer" Rodriguez
  11. I like it. Now, when my wife catches me looking at another woman's boobies or backside I can say "oh, I was just checking my email just then..." Elvisio "or surfing porn in church?" Rodriguez
  12. Not at all trying to defend the actions of this one doc, but WRT doctors in general I used to feel the same way about them. At least until I got my nursing degree and started working with them every day. When I was in the ICU I saw residents and attending docs suffer through workloads and conditions that would rival those of Malaysian sweat shops. The amount of information they are expected to master is INCREDIBLE. They are also one of the few professions in the world (along with pilots and air traffic controllers, right John Mitchell?) that are expected to be absolutely flawless in their execution. Again, not trying to say this one jerk behaved appropriately or professionally. Just sayin' that, as a whole, doctors really do deserve the respect we give them. Elvisio "plus they give me orders to do cool shit to patients" Rodriguez
  13. I just wanted an excuse to write, "suicide toasters." Spec-TAC-ular band name. "NEW YORK! PUT YOUR HANDS TOGETHER FOR... THE SUICIDE TOASTERS!" >Wild applause and cheers< Elvisio "Thank you and good night!" Rodriguez
  14. I thought you were going to say you ran into Bolas... Elvisio "myself, not a legend, more of an oddity" Rodriguez
  15. This was mentioned in the comments following the article (video was busted for me) so I HAD to check it out on youtube... Elvisio "just a little off the top" Rodriguez EDIT: Fixed that shit...
  16. The masses have spoken! Boobies are the overwhelming favorite to win the Super Bowl! OK, excuse me, I'm off to collect the title to my home and head to Vegas to meet with a bookie on this one... Elvisio "you say snake eyes, I say YO ELEVEN" Rodriguez
  17. Regardless of the nationality of the companies, one thing that will not change is the law of supply and demand. Rest assured they will still charge every single penny for their product that they can. I think a lot of average Joes hear that sound bite and immediately get misty-eyed memories of sub-dollar per gallon gasoline. Not gonna happen. Elvisio "35mpg should be a considered a gas guzzler" Rodriguez
  18. Very impressive. Would almost make putting up with that kind of cold worthwhile. Elvisio "ALMOST" Rodriguez
  19. Dude, I've been married five years and I STILL don't think my mom knows I have S-E-X. Elvisio "she's a great lady; a prude, but a great lady" Rodriguez
  20. I'm lucky since I didn't have to work today. Strolled up at 2:30PM, and had my ballot in my hand about 10 minutes later. Volunteers were nice, polling station was reasonably organized. Elvisio "no complaints, other than the options from which to choose" Rodriguez
  21. This has been bugging me for a while, so I thought I'd throw this out and see what you all think. PLEASE NOTE: I'm trying to keep this as non-partisan as I can, which many would agree seems to be nigh impossible in SC, but let's try, shall we? When voting YES above, I don't really care WHO you are voting for, just whether or not you TRULY believe either candidate could really make a difference. My guess: the partisan flavor of the SC will result in a robust turnout for people voting YES; but I'm also interested in seeing how the NOs balance out. Elvisio "waddaya think?" Rodriguez
  22. Two things I wanted to do today: vote and pick up my copy of Halo 4. NOTHING else planned for the rest of the day. And now I'm SICK AS A DOG. Elvisio "searching for the motivation" rodriguez
  23. ...and now has me researching similar products for my "living in a freaking desert" survival kit. Elvisio "Arizona is awesome, but water could be just a bit problematic in an emergency" Rodriguez
  24. ABSOLUTELY. I consider it "paying it back" or "paying it forward" or whatever. When I was getting my S/L JM rating, plenty of my buddies offered to play student for me. When I was getting my Tandem rating, I needed five friends to step up for me and ride on the front. I've never had trouble finding people to help me out. Now, even though I'm no longer a TI, I consider it my responsibility to return the favor to up and coming TIs. Elvisio "you can keep rubbing my ass if you want to, but I'm going to go ahead and throw the drogue" Rodriguez