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Everything posted by skydiver30960

  1. Good news: I'm doing well on the low carb diet and staying fit. Bad news: I'm absolutely SCREWED on the stress-causes-gray-matter-loss issue. Elvisio "Can I claim frequent vacations to sandy beaches as a necessary medical expense?" Rodriguez
  2. Dude, that's not a horrible pattern, that's awesome. All you need to do now is convince your current lady that "M" is your new nickname for her. Then, you don't have to worry about hollering out the wrong name at the wrong time! Elvisio "Winner!" rodriguez
  3. Until this post, I thought "Mumble Peg" was nothing more than another Family Guy invention: But, your post spurred a trip to Wikipedia (screw SOPA!) where I learned that it is, in fact, a real game. Now Chuck: it does mention being most popular in the late 19th/early 20th centuries. Are we to take it you were proficient at this old schoolyard pastime? Elvisio "not so young either, and seemingly catching up by the moment" Rodriguez
  4. Names...? THEY HAVE NAMES!?! Of course! Names like: Hey You! Woman! Sweetheart purty girl what was your name again This is awesome because it made me recall a time in college when I was, well, "dating" for lack of a better term, three different women at once. One was local, two were long-distance. They would always call me up with a "Hi! It's me..." and on the phone all three of them sounded the same. SO, I had to call them "baby" and "hot stuff" and "darling" until I could get far enough into the conversation to ask "how was work" or "how are classes going" or "what did you do today" to get them to give me a hint about which of the three of them I was actually talking to! WHen I look back, definitely not the time of my life I was most proud of my behavior. But without a doubt it's a funny facet of that time in my life... Elvisio "actually WAY more stressful than it was worth" Rodriguez
  5. Every day I walk into work and laugh about the fact that holy hell, I grew up and actually became a doctor, and actually have to stop being a teenager in my head when I go to work. Those who know me best still laugh when they think of me being serious at work. I bet they love the Ronald McDonald-Red hair... Elvisio "only jealous I couldn't pull it off' Rodriguez
  6. This makes me laugh because this is just how I feel: in NINE DAYS we're closing on our first new home. I'm 37 years old, but this is the biggest responsibility I've ever taken on. So yeah, I definitely feel very much that way. Elvisio "HOW MUCH paid in interest over the life of the loan?!?!" Rodriguez
  7. Whatever happens to fit me at the moment at Old Navy, Target, or Wallyworld. Because they're cheap. Why do I have to buy cheap? Because I'm losing a lot of weight and don't want to sink a hung amount of cheddar into pants that won't fit me in a few months. Aaaaaannnnnnddd...... don't even get me STARTED about how much each pair of jeans (or workout pants, or sports bra, or blouse) that my wife buys costs! With what's left over for me, it's either go cheap or go naked! Elvisio "going naked not an option, haven't lost THAT much weight yet" Rodriguez
  8. Can I look on a work connection? Or is it NSFW? Dunno what got my Spideysense up, I think it was PJ asking what the link was instead of just looking himself... Elvisio "better safe than sorry" Rodriguez
  9. I live in central Tucson, a not-too-good-but-not-too-bad part of town. I've been watching the amount of gang-related tagging going on in my area, and it seems like every day I drive home from work (a cross-town drive for me) I see new tags. I haven't seen shootings, haven't seen roving gangs of marauders, and haven't been the target of theft or vandalism. But I'm definitely seeing a massive increase in the gangs' spraypaint calling cards. I'm glad I'm moving way out into suburbia at the end of this month. It's going to suck being 20 minutes away from the nearest gallon of milk, but it'll be good to know I'm moving to a better neighborhood. ALTHOUGH, there's a gang to deal with there as well, they just call it an HOA! Elvisio "I need approval for WHAT?" Rodriguez
  10. We're planning on closing on Jan 30 on our place, just locked in our rate at 3.75% @ 0 points. 30 year fixed, 20% down: we did it right. A quick glace at past rates shows people in the late 80s were paying over 11% at 2 points. I would cry. Elvisio "let the money pit be born!" Rodriguez
  11. The Elvisio Rodriguez School of Tequila Tolerance Elvisio "my liver is a hollow shell of its former self" Rodriguez
  12. Chastising through a pun: well played, sir. Elvisio "no valuable contribution to the thread to be found in this post whatsoever" Rodriguez
  13. Ester Cordet... Elvisio "I'm sure this goes without saying, but THOUSANDS of times better than that crappy 'No 1 song when you were born' crap" Rodriguez
  14. Every time I try to do my civic duty and learn more about the race and prepare myself to vote, I end up hopelessly distressed, and arrive at this same conclusion. Elvisio "same face: " Rodriguez
  15. Ken Boothe - "Everything I Own." Yeesh. Elvisio "no wonder I was a c-section, this song probably put my mother to sleep during labor" rodriguez
  16. Tracking mount, huh? Interesting. (Just thinking about how my wife would SHOOT me to find such a contraption in the backyard)... that alone should be reason enough for the extra initial investment! We close on the new home Jan 30, and I already have enough projects and honey-dos lined up to last me the first year or two of occupancy. But some day... Elvisio "can we do an electric 8-way off of solar panels?" Rodriguez
  17. I would tend to agree with this. Paramedics have a protocol (written by their Medical Director aka Da Boss) for deciding when to withhold resuscitation, and while it does include simple stuff like decapitation or exposed gray matter it also includes a pretty full assessment including a neuro assessment and checking the EKG for electrical activity, things a layperson cannot do. SO, while I don't want to wade into the argument of "is it appropriate or not to start CPR on someone who hits at terminal" I do feel comfortable saying that for lay providers (or those trained in CCR or First Aid only) that CCR is like your reserve canopy: when in doubt, whip it out. If nothing else, you'll feel better knowing you did everything you could, even if the medics call it quits as soon as they get there. Elvisio "there's always the precordial thump" Rodriguez
  18. Some VERY basic calculations looking at grid-tie systems on that website suggest about a 12-15 year return on investment. Does that sound about right for a ballpark estimate? Just curious as I live in Arizona and thought solar would be a no-brainer around here but don't see nearly as much of is as I thought I'd see before moving here. Elvisio "Thanks!" Rodriguez
  19. They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
  20. Friggin' swooper! Caught in the corner again! Elvisio "" Rodriguez
  21. Dude, THIS is the kind of dog I want. A smart one: a dog that is more person than animal. I grew up with a dog in the house: a brainless, yappy, untrainable, fuzzball poop-factory. The single greatest fear I have of getting our first dog (someday, when my wife's cats have shuffled loose the mortal coil) is that I'll end up with another brainless mutt. ...actually, this may be the root of my objections to having kids as well! Elvisio "great vids" rodriguez ETA: I love the part of the video where, while hauling ass to meet his owner, it suddenly stops to smell the grass! Squirrel!
  22. ...these are a few of my fav-o-rite things... Elvisio "missed my calling" Rodriguez
  23. Happy New Year to all my jumping buddies and fellow Dotcommers! ...and my final words to 2011: PLEASE don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. I have never before in my 37 years had such a year of total, life-rending change: some good and some bad, I cannot find a single facet of my life that is the same today as it was on January 1, 2011. What I need from 2012 is a year to rebuild find some stability again. Elvisio "364 more days to do it in" Rodriguez
  24. Thanks for the replies everybody. I'll do a little more homework including a longer look at external drives. Elvisio "thanks again" Rodriguez
  25. The title says it all: I'm sick and tired of using CDs to back up iTunes and documents and crap. With SD cards running around $1/gig, this seems like a much more manageable solution. ...that is, as long as I can trust the SD card to hold the memory as stably (did I make up a word?) as a CD. Waddayathink? Elvisio "my latest hip-hop hit: back that drive up... uh, yeah... back that drive up" Rodriguez