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Everything posted by skydiver30960

  1. It took the entire U.S. military complex TEN YEARS to grease that asshole. That in itself was a defeat. I shake my head every time I hear about someone talking about it with pride. On topic: I agree with you that the U.S. would be the decisive winner in a sea war against Iran. Problem is, how would it JUST be a sea war? How could this conceivably not play out just like Iraq and Afghanistan, with U.S. soldiers fighting a locally unpopular war with an unseen enemy, unless it was a true slash-and-burn offensive against every man, woman, and child of Iran? This would take care of the "unseen enemy" part but leave us even more hated by the world community. I also don't see how it could possibly benefit the U.S. even if we did win such a war. Even if we turned Iran and every terrorist within its borders into dust, it would only give terrorist organizations all over the world even more reason to hate us. Elvisio "fish out of water" Rodriguez
  2. Based on a story from the "Home" Page of the "OrangePatch" it would seem the gun store is not the only place in town that the fine citizens of the area may not be safe! Elvisio "now that's funny right there" Rodriguez
  3. This is the key part. Use every bit of social media at your disposal to meet and interact, but when you are with somebody in person you absolutely have to UNPLUG to make sure you're getting the most of your time with them. I haven't done it yet, but am probably going to try it this Friday when the wife and I go out on a double date with another couple: the idea posted here that everyone puts their phones in the middle of the table at the start of the date and the first to have to pick up their phone pays the tab. Love it! Elvisio "any of you fokkers calls me on Friday night and you're in the doghouse" Rodriguez
  4. No tats yet. I genuinely WANT to get one, but I can't find anything that I am willing to commit to for the rest of my life. Let's be honest here, and I've said as much to her: I could get rid of my wife easier than I could get rid of a tattoo, nowadays! Through the 37 years of my life, I've had three or four ideas for tattoos that I ALMOST got, and in every case am now SO GLAD I didn't put that shit on my body. These past experiences are not helping my fear of committment. I go to the gym, and it seems like everyone has something inked on them. The problem is, with rare exception, they all look BAD. I guess the important thing is that it's good for them, not for me, but still... Elvisio "stuck at the drawing board" Rodriguez
  5. I am not too much of a beer snob, although I'm not a fan of typical American beers (Bud, Miller, Coors, etc.) I tend to prefer lagers. I can also handle a easy-going ale, but also get turned off as the brew becomes heavier and more bitter. I will never be a threat to the supply of stouts, porters, and any of the other really heavy beers. Those of you who prefer them, are welcome to them. Elvisio "just keep me WAY the hell away from liquor, in the interest of personal and national security" Rodriguez
  6. Good call: done. thing we never do enough, and can never do enough. Elvisio "now only 363 more holidays required before they are adequately honored for what they do" Rodriguez
  7. Thank you for 4.6 seconds of sheer panic. Elvisio "saw myself overnighting a card AGAIN" Rodriguez
  8. ...AND, what other shape would fit that need? Elvisio "now they just ask me how much I weigh" Rodriguez
  9. We don't do daylight savings time here in Arizona. I've never been able to find the OFFICIAL reason why, but my guess (and I'd bet a wooden nickel I'm right) is that the last thing you want in Arizona, in the summer, in the 100+ degrees every day, is another hour of blazing sunshine. Elvisio "this year, I'll have a POOL!" Rodriguez
  10. Try typing up your resume or CV on a phone. Or managing a large spreadsheet. BUT, you're right: the lines between computer/laptop, pad, and phone will get blurrier and blurrier until it'll just be a matter of how big a screen you want. Elvisio "holding my laptop to my ear to make a call gets me weird looks" Rodriguez
  11. Like so many other things, it's the motivation that makes the difference. If the couple has a shared profile because (as Normiss suggests) it's just what they want, then fine. If, OTH, it's motivated by jealousy, then it points to a problem that needs addressed. Elvisio "instead of FB can I go back to passing notes in class?" Rodriguez
  12. I think we all would admit this to be true: compared with other sites, an obtrusive ad on Dizzy gets the attention of all of us, while on other sites they're so frequent that they've become old news. There are a couple other sites that allow ads so awful and difficult to work around that the very usability of the site is limited (cough...cough... Yahoo, I'm looking at you...) Elvisio "anymore, I just skip the Yahoo homepage..." Rodriguez
  13. I immediately pictured that thing in freefall over Eloy... Elvisio "I'm givin' 'er all she's got, Cap'n!" Rodriguez EDIT: superfluous vowels...
  14. +1. They put heroin in those things... Elvisio "needed to go cold turkey" Rodriguez
  15. 48 aint that young Ain't that old, either! Elvisio "closer and closer every day" rodriguez
  16. Where was it I read that the sign of a truly fair compromise (in any regard) is when both parties are pissed off? Elvisio "Bartlett's fails me" Rodriguez
  17. SO, how do you do it? I don't want to hide my online status because I like it when people pop up to say hi. BUT, there are also times I need to wrap up a conversation with someone but still want to stay on FB to keep an eye on updates. Sometimes it's honestly because I'm working on something else with half-an-eye on updates, and sometimes I'm just done talking to this particular person. But if I make an excuse to end the conversation but they can see I'm still online, I'm convinced they'll be thinking prickish things about me, which in some cases I fully deserve... So how does one end a FB converstaion while neither a) logging off facebook, nor b) looking like an ass? Elvisio "it vexes me" Rodriguez
  18. BUT... She won't make you a sammich. You better be ready to do all the work in bed. No matter how many baths you give her... she's just going go get more and more ripe. No blowjobs. While she CAN be barefoot and in the kitchen, it just wouldn't be the same. No blowjobs. No blowjobs. KEEPING IT ON TOPIC: BMI is an outdated measurement and not effective for much of anything at all. I agree that models are too thin and really are setting ladies up for negative self-images, but BMI isn't the way to get it done. Elvisio "did I mention no BJs?" Rodriguez
  19. I dunno, my mind settles on a FEW different skyhotties I've met over the years who fit that descriptions just FINE... Elvisio "hope the wife doesn't see this post"Rodriguez
  20. I can live with the place being under. I can live within my means. What is getting me is the lifestyle crunch put on by living in a place that you consider "not your style" and too far away from the city AND that the condo is a daily reminder of "what used to be?" God darn it i don't want to be a drug with a shit eating drug induced grin on my face.... If that's true then get out, take the financial hit. Although your bank account will be sadder you'll be much happier. The wife and I just closed on a new house and are hoping to very soon get the hell out of an apartment that has nothing but bad memories for us, so I know exactly what you feel. And to echo others here, your blanket statements about antidepressants are rather prickish. I agree with you that there are people who look for a pill to fix their problems and end up on multiple medications with their personalities and lives shot because of it. But the truth of the matter is they're the exception to the rule. If you are getting professional help with your emotional issues and they're suggesting you try medications, then do so. Remember to give it SEVERAL weeks: these medications aren't "on again, off again" meds like Advil. The meds need time to build to therapeutic levels in your body, and then changes are usually (relatively) slow to manifest, but can be worth it when they do. Elvisio "empathy, even if you are a troll" Rodriguez
  21. Quote It's just that in OZ all the land is desert... dry, lifeless, dry, no plants, dry, impossible to grow anything without underground irrigation, dry... wait a minute... ... CRAP! Elvisio "only thing missing is a didgeridoo" Rodriguez
  22. What is the primary cause of your emotional stress: the financial pressure of being upside down on a property; the lifestyle crunch put on by living in a place that you consider "not your style" and too far away from the city; or that the condo is a daily reminder of "what used to be?" Just trying to nail down details. Elvisio "I know how you feel, really" Rodriguez
  23. Not even the mid-winter-thaw-that-I-know-better, but-still hope-is-the-pre-cursor-to-Spring-WARMING? Too bad, We just discussed it. This. I grew up in NW Pennsylvania, where it was just stupid cold and snowy from November right through to April (damn lake effect!). When I moved to VA I ALWAYS got suckered by the relatively mild winter up until the new year. New Year's Day would come and go, and I would think to myself "hey, winter's half over, it might not be too bad this year." Then, WHAM, bitter cold nonstop until sometime in February. I never learned. Elvisio "So, I moved to Arizona" Rodriguez
  24. Are real people on the other end, or is it just a well-written computer program that mines your input for keywords and spits back programmed responses? Sometimes I wonder... Elvisio "conspiracy theorist" Rodriguez