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Everything posted by skydiver30960

  1. Rolling with my brand new Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Second android phone. Super fast. Very happy. Elvisio "can now play angry birds at LIGHT SPEED!" Rodriguez
  2. What I got for Christmas... New phone: Samsung Galaxy Nexus, thanks to suggestions here on! Elvisio "can you hear me now?" Rodriguez
  3. A quick Google search brought me to this page: About halfway down the page, under the title "Altitude and Specific Volume Correction" there is a list of altitudes and correction factors. For example, at 9900 feet it lists a factor of 1.39, or about a 40% increase. At first glance that might seem like a lot, and if your ostomy bag was full of gas to begin with, it could be trouble. But, again, if you're careful to empty the bag first, that 40% on top of the small amount of gas left in your bag after you empty it should be no problem. Elvisio "shoulda done my homework in the first post" Rodriguez
  4. The only way it would have been funnier is if the city employee had held the door for the visitors and invited them into the "room" first! Elvisio "after YOU, madam" Rodriguez
  5. Awful. Abysmal. Startlingly, painfully, tear-jerkingly bad. I am the white guy who gives white guys a bad name on the dance floor. When I dance, I fail. I do the white man's overbite and absolutely fail to move any part of me to the beat. I think people tolerate my presence on the dance floor only to make themselves look better. And, also to have something to point at. Elvisio "dancing with the stars: NOT" Rodriguez
  6. No specific event to recount, but I always grin when I think about how stealthy I thought I was being all the times I killed kittens in my teen years while living at home. How could they suspect a thing? Door closed and locked at various and sundry times of the day and night? No problem! Playboy magazines stolen from friend's dad hidden so poorly right under my matress? How clever! Sure I "clean up" with various items of my own clothing, but I bury them deep into the laundry basket. I'm SURE my mother doesn't notice it when she does my laundry ALL THE TIME. Another realization: when growing up my mom had the downstairs bedroom and I had an upstairs one. On a couple occasions, I "snuck" a girlfriend upstairs after a date night, thinking (again) that I was so stealthy and clever. Once I moved out, mom took over the upstairs (better) bedroom and made the downstairs bedroom into a guest room. Now, when I visit, I sleep in the guest room where she used to sleep when I was growing up and realize that there was NO WAY IN HELL that she didn't know there was more than one pair of footsteps going RIGHT BY HER HEAD on those nights. As far as moms go, I must say she was pretty cool though: she never called me out on either of the two issues... Elvisio "James Bond of love, I ain't" Rodriguez
  7. How structural was she? Elvisio "I'm so tired I'm not even sure that's funny to ME" Rodriguez
  8. This this this. Dammit, missed it by one post. Installation is EASY if you want to do it, or if you shop around you can find a shop that will do it free (or really really cheap) if you buy the hardware through them. Elvisio "it's the season for giving" Rodriguez
  9. IMO, worth taking the time to watch. The landscape shots are quite cool. Some of the stunts are, IMO, awesome. Some of the stunts are, IMO, friggin' stupid. Only a fraction of what makes mankind truly awesome, but for what it's worth... not bad. Again, only MHO, but one way to make this video much more appealing to me would be to cut out any clips with Red Bull in them. That would bump it up from three to four stars out of five. Elvisio "no dear, that's not my thumb, but it IS up" Rodriguez
  10. Let's just go back to the old formula that involved large doses of high-speed lead injection. Lead's pretty cheap, isn't it? Elvisio "click click BOOM" Rodriguez
  11. I currently only ski but would love to snowboard. I dunno if it's just bad luck but I have had a lot of friends who have broken their wrists snowboarding, which concerns me: I wouldn't be able to work in an arm cast. So, if I were to hit the slopes today, I'd probably stick with skis. You know, so I can ski out of control into a tree or some REAL injury like that. If you're going to miss work... Elvisio "NOT how I want to ride in a helicopter" Rodriguez
  12. TIS THE SEASON... to bump threads about popular Christmas gifts! So, anyone with some new input in the great Nook vs. Kindle vs. any other e-reader they want to throw down? NOTE: NOT interested in iPad, android analogues, netbooks, or other goo. Elvisio "no more a thread killer, now a thread raiser: it's alive... it's ALIVE... IT'S ALIVE!" Rodriguez
  13. Dude, if you need to you can find a way. Skydivers tend to overhype the "air expands at altitude" thing; I think we do it just to justify farting on the plane.
  14. skydiver30960


    Definitely geeking out hardcore. And at $1150 a set, actually more reasonable than I'd anticipated. Elvisio "do they make a style with grippers?" Rodriguez
  15. Not quite on topic, but have you considered a rental management firm? I can only imagine what a PITA being a landlord must be. I know my current landlord (a small businessman) is throwing in the towel and letting a management firm take over the reins. It cuts into the profits from the rent collected, but in turn they take over all the annoying crap like background checks and whatnot. I'm a DIYer in many regards, but I'm also not afraid to let the pros step in when needed! Elvisio "Lawd, she was lovey-dovey" Rodriguez
  16. My wife worked out at a MMA dojo for about five years. I bought her a canister of pepper spray, colored BRIGHT RED for her to wear when she goes running alone. My hope is that the sight of it on her person would deter a would-be assailant from forcing her to prove her abilities. BUT, there are a couple uncomfortable truths that come to mind whenever I see that pepper spray: 1.) She could kick about a thousand more asses than I could at any given moment. It makes me grin to think that in all reality I should be the one carrying the pepper spray: I'm 6'2", 210 pounds, and a complete teddy bear who wouldn't know how to throw a punch to save my life; and 2.) I always thought that her carrying the canister to prevent a fight was probably doing more to protect the crook than her! Elvisio "Hate to say I'm pussy whipped, but when she genuinely could whip my ass with one hand tied behind her back, well..." Rodriguez
  17. ...apparently so. Elvisio "another one bites the dust" Rodriguez
  18. Just don't bring those germs out to the DZ! We don't want 'em. I HATE it when (and REALLY HATED IT back in my Cessna-jumping days) I have to ride all the way to altitude in the enclosed airspace of a jumpship as someone on the load is coughing up a lung. I just start popping DayQuil as soon as I land. Elvisio "RNs have strong immune systems, but why tempt fate?" Rodriguez
  19. This. I know the OPs example had much more cash in it but the fact of the matter is I can't remember the last time I carried around that much cash. fact, I run so much of my life online and by plastic now, that I'd probably have to have them follow me to an ATM to get them a decent reward! Elvisio "I'll think about it more" Rodriguez
  20. The "Institute for Science and International Security?" ISIS? Not James Bond at work: methinks I feel the influence of another superspy... (see pic) Elvisio "I like my margaritas shaken, not blended" Rodriguez
  21. My wife. Elvisio "many more things too, but one far and away more than the others" Rodriguez
  22. I found it interesting that the article mentioned something about it being an oversight on the part of the airline and that he should have been required to purchase two seats, but by that time no more seats were available. What's the regulation? How many pounds requires a second seat? I'm also intrigued (and maybe just a bit saddened) by the fact that the overweight dude called himself out on it with the "worst nightmare" comment. BUT, it doesn't change the fact that the guy forced to stand wasn't the one that created the problem. How I would have handled it, especially if I was in my seat first: simply refuse to raise the armrest. Sorry dude, this is the 1.5' x 1.5' piece of crappy wannabe-flotation-device foam I paid an arm and a leg for, and I'm gonna keep it. As it is, I'm already doing much more rubbing up on the person next to me than would be acceptable in any open social situation other than airline flight, had to pay an extra $25 for the privelage of actually bringing spare clothes with me on my weeklong journey, and will have to pay more for a CAN of beer than I would for a decent drink in a posh New York nightclub. If you can't fit in your own seat, that's your problem, not mine. No more seats available? Sorry, there WILL be more flights in the near future, some of which are bound to have open seats. Elvisio "in the unlikely event of a water landing, the person in the seat next to you may be used as a flotation device" Rodriguez
  23. If so, service must have been SUPERB: Along with the general gist of the story: i.e. that anyone would walk away from that much cheddar, other things that make me laugh and/or groan are: 1.) He was wearing a swimsuit and a wrestling singlet? Huh? and 2.) The business owners were afraid the suitcase was a bomb so they, wait for it... MOVED IT "to protect their customers." Elvisio "slow news day, slower people" Rodriguez
  24. OR, show hot babes hanging all over the dudes in the jerseys. Elvisio "ask Mirage" rodriguez