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Everything posted by shunkka

  1. ok i`m depressed 16 hours at work. i`m here in the front of my 19` monitor for 16 hours. what a hell i`m not a slave 2 work 16 hours in a day. yeah i have 2 jobs but the big question is FOR WHAT A HELL i WORK? i have money (not a lot but...) but i cant spend my money coz i dont have time i dont know why i write this but i really hate this day ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  2. ohh noo ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  3. Yahoo for sure is the best free email ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  4. working hard snowboarding, football ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  5. thanks DAVE ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  6. GOOD STUFF ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  7. season is off here till april!!!! so snowboard season start ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  8. thanks ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  9. shunkka

    Kazaa Lite

    WINMX and KAZAA are shi@#$ ok since Audiogalaxy is down i prefer SOULSEEK (if i remember well) better quality (192 +) and a lot of mp3`s enjoy ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  10. yes i work allday online so... my boss know about ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  11. shunkka


    relax? ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  12. 46:1 (jump #36 - double out - pincheck error i think) ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  13. CPU - AThlon XP - 2000+ HDD 60/7200 256 (512) DDR MB-assus CDRW-assus AGP MSI FX5200TD 128M a good flat monitor (17` or bigger) print this and go 2 ur dealer VAllerina it`s not the best but it`s a good one price - black market - 350 $ in shop 400+ $ ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  14. amazing work any of u is a professional? (camera, actors, edit)? ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  15. thanks darkwing 4 advice ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  16. shunkka

    Cool Pictures

    very thanks 2 share it ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  17. wowowow cool pics ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  18. ok i have 24 and in my country they consider that i`m 2 OLD for skydiving competions on my DZ we have 2 - 16 years girl, one 17 girl (with more tha 120 dives) the most experienced on my DZ (except instructors) have 23 years (more than 900 dives) ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  19. nice one vonS ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  20. is that in thailand? ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  21. a friend of mine have excatly this desktop u got the idee ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  22. in my country noone fly a WS noone have one and if i know well noone really saw one sad but true ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  23. grhhhhhhhhhhhhh i hate it ...i hate it ...i hate it ...i hate it ...i hate it ...i hate it ...i hate it ... ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  24. this is a T4? and a Z-5 reserve???? awsome picture ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  25. shunkka

    just got my #

    congrats zennie ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"