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Everything posted by shunkka

  1. yes i jump 4 free Our govern pay our jumps but i jump when they want, how they want, where they want so it`s a shittie situation i cant jump (ON MY MONEY!!!!) when i want so i`ll prefer 2 pay 4 my jumps ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  2. shunkka

    funny site ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  3. 3 years ago 2 good friends died in a stupid car accident after 3 years in the same f#@ing 17 sept a thief broke the windshield of my lil car (why idiots always broke something??...) and stole everything that he found there: my radio, disks, audio boxes, a car magazine, etc 17 sept it`s a black day 4 me ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  4. good one great edit good music anyone know who is the band on this soundtrack? ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  5. or it`s the cable problem or it`s a conflict between ur soundcard and ur win setup try 2 reinstall the soundcard ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  6. buhuuhuuhuh cool one ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  7. this is the best he`ll WIN the trophee ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  8. come on the porky pig meat is the best we can eat ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  9. shunkka

    Baby pics

    great picture faber ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  10. i cook well but just once/month does it counts? ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  11.;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread here is a thread about 7 cells vs 9 cells if u search u can find more threads about it here on ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  12. shunkka

    710 blonde

    very good one ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  13. take a look at this one but this is an intentional low pull;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread i ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  14. holly shit they r totally nuts ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  15. a friend of mine send me this pics. my boss saw it and ask me "for this u go 2 the DZ"? ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  16. nice pics thanx 2 share where u take this pics? ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  17. very nice one do u have the other view too? (i mean the one from ur camera? ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  18. ahh this is the movie that starts with a reserve deployment? cool one ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  19. try if i know well he is the father of optical illusions ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  20. safe sex? when sex is safe? u can use a condom and die by heart atack it was a safe sex? so what is the definiton of "safe sex"? ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  21. cool pics u look very happy on the exit pics it`s because u jump? or it`s because u jump with this hot guy? ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  22. if u are good at ur job (and if companies looking for u.. it means u r good) u`ll always find new contracts so go and live ur dream (make animations 4 movies) ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  23. u really think so> the "my board.jpg is at -24 celssius degree so who`s lucky? ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  24. shunkka

    womens parkin

    ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"
  25. and 2 more ------------------------- "jump, have fun, pull"