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Everything posted by fundgh

  1. How did you manage to sneak the camera into the jail? ...FUN FOR ALL!
  2. If one were to attach the velcro to the jumpsuit so that the hook and loop are facing each other, the release force would be fairly low. Velcro relies on shear friction to work properly, but if you use the way it is not intended it would make for a weak hold, but an easy release. Would the loop contact with the slider damage it in any way? ...FUN FOR ALL!
  3. It would be nice if everybody at the DZ didn't have to see you hit the ground. If you really wanted to live at all costs, go for the trees that hang over water with a sandy bottom under a few feet of snow! Really, by the time you know your fate, it probably doesn't matter. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  4. Are you kidding....Sounds like you need to find a new job! Don't let work restrictions dictate your life. work to earn the tickets for the ride. If you aren't going to go on the ride, you don't need any tickets! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  5. I found that the problem lies within Login. I automatically login, and that causes the problem. It is tought to logout, when my browser automatically log me in. Once I logged out, deleted cookies, logged is all good! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  6. I did this (assuming I deleted the right cookies) but it did not help. I even deleted a bunch of temp files, but it only slowed things down. I can't view profiles, nor can I get to my own. Any ideas? ...FUN FOR ALL!
  7. I know exactly what you are saying...I have had the same kind of difficulty. Practice makes perfect...after about 80 packjobs, I can now USUALLY get the canopy in the bag in a somewhat neat fashion....The odd thing is, I have had the best openings on pack jobs that look terrible, and hard openings on nice, neat packs. There are a few hints that some people might offer...I tend to put 1 s-fold in then set the bag up, and fold the second s-fold into the bag. I have never tried putting the whole canopy in the bag at once. Just keep doing it. Practice at home! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  8. Roger that...You would be asking for it by trying to get on the plane with it slung over your shoulder...Might as well pu it on and have your goggles around your neck! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  9. Nashville, San luis Obispo - No problem. The security asked me what it was, they thought it was Climbing gear. They seemed most focused on the three ring and the reserve pilot chute spring. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  10. Unfortunately, people believe that they would do this kind of shit. That is because they certainly have become "ASSHATS" I can claim that I have been one of the hardest fucking Metallica fans. I have the videos, CDs, DVDs, and MP3s... Well I don't have any MP3s because that is when they turned into bitches. I loved em, but they started to malfunction with the Sandman and they have gone in as far as I am concerned. Not that they aren't doing what they love most...making money being rock stars (which my punk rock, DIY background doesn't agree with anyway) but they have become GAY! The music sucks, they are not what they used to be, or who they used to be...and they should have changed their name to keep the Metallica legacy clean! They may be playing their cards right, but they are dead as far as I am concerned! BSBD! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  11. Judging by the tats on the legs and the carpet in the trailer.... ...FUN FOR ALL!
  12. I would roll, then take immediate evasive actions. OR you could stay on your back, tracking a different direction, then roll and wave and dump. As it was said before...situational awareness is key. That means that you know what altitude you have, your distance from other people, how much time you have to make decisions and react. If you don't think that you have time, don't do it. I personally like to breaka little high, track a safe distance, look around at others and make sure everyone is safe and dump. Be safe, aware, and prepared! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  13. And look who shows up on the DZ! (.com that is) I was about to fill people in on your status, when out of the blue, here you are! It is funny, I am in North Carolina (jumping w/ some cool folks at Raeford) and I met a woman named Kim that used to jump with you and Craig and all of you old timers at AAW. Small world! You better be back in the air, I realized being out here that I need to work on my Belly skills. I hope that O3 is making your pool fabulous! David ...FUN FOR ALL!
  14. He really was incredibly sloshed! I watched him stumble through the trees talking to himself...something about post-whoring before bed! It was an awesome night, with a great day of jumping on sunday. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  15. I would bet that the deluxe bag is the same with some other pockets or features. I don't think that size will be an issue with either bag. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  16. It is the medium hot pockets. I have a mirage with a 150 in it and it fits easily. I bet I could put my helmet in with the rig! The bag is cool. It does not have any extra special features, just the basics. I don't feel a bit guilty about spending a hundred bucks on it! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  17. I received my gear bag from Square 1 last night.... I really dig it. I have carried my rig in a duffle; but the fit is akward, they don't have super bitchin', easy to connect back pack straps (the best way to carry that amount of weight), and the extra big outside pocket for all of the packing accessories and jumpsuit rocks. Not to mention the material is heavy duty with good zippers. Money well spent, perfect for a carry on! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  18. Nobody asked you! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  19. Probably...I have jumped there before on a couple random fridays. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  20. Yeah, I am working on my B license requirements for the boogie. It should be fun. I was going to try to Jump friday afternoon if there will be anybody there...or maybe saturday morning or sunday afternoon. I have a wedding to attend in Palo Alto. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  21. What up Gork ass G! You a H-Town Loc? I visit the H-ster DZ every now and then. My name is David, and I am from a SLOw town south of you by a couple hours! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  22. You guys gonna be jumpin' on Friday? I am heading that direction, and hope to get some jumps in! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  23. That means that my cabin in the Sierras will be a beach house! Yes! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  24. My first and only hop& pop to date was from 4K and I rolled over on my bridle. OOPs. All wen t well from there, I rolled back over and shook it off of my arm. It was a true hop and pop, so I was very sub terminal. The next guy out the door was a base jumper, and I bet he took a 20 second delay! I thought I could see the back yard he was going to bounce in! When we got down, he expressed concern for me?! I thought he was dead! I can't wait to do another hop and pop. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  25. Physics guy eh? I like that...Physics is cool, and I want to go back to school to learn more of it. So it is true then, that in a vacuum, a guy with a wingloading of 1.1 would have the same problem as a guy with a wingloading of 2.1? and a guy in freefall? ...FUN FOR ALL!