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Everything posted by fundgh

  1. Who did you contact...the list is long and I don't even know where to begin. I am looking to obtain any travel documentation available. I am flying to North Carolina on Delta next week. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  2. My practice (which I think is common sense) is to land, my canopy falls behind me if I do it right or the winds are up a little, then I turn to face the canopy and other pilots, I look at the sky (that is where the other pilots are), I stay where I am so that I am not a moving target (and I set my breaks), then when the coast is clear I walk directly toward the van/packing area with my head watching the other pilots land. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  3. I, too, flew in high winds yesterday. My wingloading does help, I remember a backwards landing under a sky barge. The winds were not heavy enough to ground the young uns, yet with a near .5 wingloading, it does not take much to blow you back. The flare is definately a FEEL thing. Know your canopy and you will be fine. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  4. fundgh

    Living object jump?

    Has anybody done a living object jump. I more specifically mean a free standing living object (tree, giraffe, plant,) and not jumping out of a tree from a cliff. It seems like the palm tree that I can see from my living room would be tall enough! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  5. I am wondering what the different rigging qualifications that are listed on the full profile page encompass. Lap, chest, back, seat? ...FUN FOR ALL!
  6. Take a really big knife and cut it! Then use a butane lighter and melt the ends! NO DON'T DO THAT! I AM JUST BEING A SMART ASS! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  7. YEah! And is anybody giving one in central California any time soon? Does anybody need water training and want to be a part of one if it gets organized? ...FUN FOR ALL!
  8. The pancake has resistance. If you lift or drop or fold part of the pancake, then that part will want to fall faster because there is less resistance. But part of the pancake can not fall faster than the other part, so it is forced to turn around the part that does not want to fall faster (the unfolded part of the pancake). ...FUN FOR ALL!
  9. you have to start jumping first, young jedi. Then you may progress to this canopy. Maybe the Kanji means... Light Sabre! Then you may progress! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  10. What type of rig do you have? Was it specially made for your setup? ...FUN FOR ALL!
  11. I received my S-links from PD and they came with the covers, cool...! But when I tried pulling my slider down over them, it was as hard as it was to pull the slider down over my old rapide links with covers. If I want to pull the slider down am I not supposeed to put the covers on, or do the wear in and get easier to get the grommets over? ...FUN FOR ALL!
  12. I have heard the terms thrown around and I know that it is something that is VERY important to know. I have seen some accuracy style landings that scared the crap out of me (from the ground). I would like to know the difference, and what is the best way of turning in to the wind/on a medium performance canopy at a somewhat low altitude. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  13. Why does the ssk website post recommendations to check the rig, when everybody here has carried it on with no problems? Why do they suggest that I contact the airline before flying, yet it is said that I should NOT do that? Is there any document that helps at security? Should I or should I not carry my altimeter? ...FUN FOR ALL!
  14. I do look to support the industry as much as possible, because I one day hope to be a part of it. Although I am a DIY guy: made my own freefly suit and was planning to build myself a killer gearbag, but the trip is too soon. Besides, I want something I can throw on my back. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  15. I am looking to get a gear bag that will allow me to carry my rig on an airplane easily. Any body have any ideas on what is a good bag, and where I can order/buy it? ...FUN FOR ALL!
  16. Yeah, how about a thread like the one going in the History forum...There has to be some great scary BASE stories! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  17. Are there any shots of em closer up? I need a little help! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  18. [in my best Joe Dirt voice] Daaaaaaaaaang! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  19. Where do I get one of your fists? ...FUN FOR ALL!
  20. Buy, buy, buy! You can't go wrong with any color. As long as the numbers and needle work! ...FUN FOR ALL!
  21. Agree and Disagree...I would not want to attempt to slide a landing in, and I play ball and understand the mechanics of a slide. I don't think most people I see jumping and the location of most of the places I jump are condusive to sliding it in. However, my AFF instructor who has well over 3000 jumps would slide in 90% of her landings because she had a bad ankle. I think she is better at landing on her ass than on her feet. But again, she has a ton of jumps and would jump 20 per weekend. I wouldn't consider it an emergency procedure unless instinct called for it, but it seems to be a valid technique for highly experienced jumpers. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  22. Find a DZ that does harness training with a hanging rig. This will help simulate pull forces. I have not done this, but they didn't have one at my DZ. I have pulled my reserve prior to repack and it felt good to try it, but it will be a lot different during a malfunction. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  23. Don't pick a spot based on pain. If pain is an issue, you probably shouldn't be gettin tats. By the way, on the shin has to be one of the best spots for pain! I have a bunch of tattoos, they have some significance for the time period in which I had them done, but they are all for looks, no real meaning behind any of them. Besides, nobody knows what they mean when they look at em', and after time, I kinda forget too, but they will always look good. ...FUN FOR ALL!
  24. What does it take to ground launch a canopy? ...FUN FOR ALL!
  25. fundgh

    Sodomy is legal...

    who cares! ...FUN FOR ALL!